The Shaving Cadre

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McVeyMac's Straight Razor (and other traditional wet shaving) Adventures

Wonderful sentiments Walt, I wholeheartedly agree. This crew has made my shaves innumerably better.

Sounds like the Lyme scare of 2018 is going to be a non-issue...good news, even with the anti-climactic Dr.s appointment.
Stay safe from the ticks! Being in the northeast, my wife and I dread finding them on our pups. It's almost inevitable and a question of when.
Here here Walt! Adds a nice little something to life having the cadre around.
Wonderful sentiments Walt, and very well stated. I couldn't agree more, and have noticed a decline in many of my shave results the last few weeks when I haven't been able to post as much.
This morning I do have another fantastic shave; however, I managed to draw a tiny bit of blood. On my left neck I have areas of whisker that grow from a mid-line to ear direction, and it is impossible for me to get a true ATG approach with a straight razor (one of the benefits of a DE I guess). In order to get this are BBS, I have adopted what people here refer to as a scything motion. In my case it is really more of moving the razor horizontally, as I move the the razor vertically, combining both directions in a single pass. The horizontal left to right motion approximates an ATG. Well this morning, I either got the horizontal/vertical ratio too high, or the vertical/horizontal too low, and the razor bit in a little. I felt it cut, but initially did not see any blood. A minute or so later there was about 3/4" to 1.0" thin line of crimson. Stopped with the cold water splash, and I rubbed a little alum on it to make sure. But this was the first blood in quite a while, sans a weeper here and there. Very exciting indeed.
All caught up, Walt, and some excellent reads. First, I hope that the tick issue turns into a non-issue! Secondly, nice sentiments regarding hangin' with the cadre. I was curious, instead of those utilitarian morning shaves of late, have you considered a nice relaxing shave at night before hitting the rack? If I have to get up early, I do the night shave often, and it works well for me.

When I went to school here in the early 1980s, there were no ticks. We would get fleas on the dogs then, but no ticks. Since moving back in 2002, I have never seen one flea, but the ticks are horrendous, and a public health threat as well as they are vectors for multiple diseases in addition to Lyme. I'm certain all will be well, but if I do get symptoms, we know where to look to start narrowing it down.

Regarding evening shaves, I think I have only done this once in recent history when I had to leave the house at about 03:00 to drive to IAD to catch a flight. When I went to school back in the early 1980s, I was married with a baby. We had two babies before I finished my undergraduate work. With this and the graduate work that followed, I just got in the habit of getting up early as that was the time I could think, study, etc. When I would get home, SWMBO would be tired of changing diapers, so it was my turn. And this gave me time at the end of the day to be with the kids. Later this just morphed into me time with no distractions. Now I am up any way, so I might as well shave,

All the brushes look great. Great packaging too!

I can't wait to use it!

I hear you about no one else really caring, it’s still just shaving to them, right where I was at when it used to be a daily chore.

We are nuts huh.

I 100% agree with this sentiment. It is exactly the same with me. Being here makes my shaves better.

Not sure the reason why exactly, but it is true.

These procedures change all the time. And from doc to doc. I'm with you...if I would have known that was all they were going to do, I probably wouldn't have gone either .

Praying for a positive outcome.

Pretty convinced all will be well. If not, one more thing to deal with.

Wonderful sentiments Walt, I wholeheartedly agree. This crew has made my shaves innumerably better.

Sounds like the Lyme scare of 2018 is going to be a non-issue...good news, even with the anti-climactic Dr.s appointment.

Thanks Josh, no big deal I think.

Stay safe from the ticks! Being in the northeast, my wife and I dread finding them on our pups. It's almost inevitable and a question of when.

I do go into the woods on the weekend some to work firewood, but I am certain every one of my recent bites cam off of the dogs. We check them thoroughly every time we take them out before letting them back into the house, but those buggers are tiny sometimes. Wife is completely adverse to treating them with chemicals, so Russian Roulette it is.

Here here Walt! Adds a nice little something to life having the cadre around.

Yes it does Dave.

Wonderful sentiments Walt, and very well stated. I couldn't agree more, and have noticed a decline in many of my shave results the last few weeks when I haven't been able to post as much.

It is weird how that works Eric. When you know you are going to post the result, it prompts you to pay a little more attention while doing it.
Ouch Walt! Inch long cut is a big one for a razor. Bet you won't make that mistake for awhile.
Well, bummer about the racing stripe, Walt. It just comes with the territory, every now and then.
Sometimes the razor reminds you that it is not to be taken for granted. It is a bummer when fluid loss occurs. I am glad that it wasn't a bad nick. Next shave will be better.
Well...good shave even with the stripe. I guess it goes back to the saying "Chick's dig scars." Probably for different reasons now, however.
Nice Read Walt, and sorry about the Murphy Kiss, looks like he is beginning his summer Tour 2018. Hope it heals quick
It’s always a hesitation waiting to see if those suckers are going to bleed and they take just long enough to make you think you got away with one. Like a kid that falls and is stunned before crying.
SAMBO needed to get away, so we decided to go to MD to see the kids. Had to pack the TSC Barzini and the GTB for the Sunday shave. First travel shave without Arko.
I'm disappointing Arko? What is this world coming to! Safe Travels and get some R&R!
....First travel shave without Arko.

"And there was much rejoicing!"
Walt stepping up his travel game with some GTB! (not that Arko is a bad soap at all...)
Walt getting caught up finally. Nice stuff over the last bit. And I agree with your sentiments!