The Shaving Cadre

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McVeyMac's Straight Razor (and other traditional wet shaving) Adventures

Catching up Walt!

Great reads! I echo you sentiments about this group of crazy wet shaving gentlemen! When I tell people that I get up an hour early just to shave, then look at me like I'm crazy!

Hope the tick issue is a true non issue!

Have a Great and Safe Trip!
Thanks for all of yhe positive comments guys. Sunday, June 10, was the inaugural shave using the Sorrentino Barzini TSC 24mm synthetic tuxedo fan tail brush. Man what a mouthful.

I am about to run out the door to Church with the family, but I will come back and edit further regarding my thoughts and the resulting shave.
My oldest grandson came to MD with us for the short weekend visit, and we all are sharing youngest two grandson's bathroom. The vanity is tight with my oldest grandsons shaving gear on the opposite side, but I pressed forward as planned.

The one thing that was a little surprising to me was exactly how soft the GTB soap is. I had completely forgotten this fact. I did bloom the soap some with a shake of the Barzini TSC brush while showering. When ready to build lather, I poured the bloom water into the bowl, and loaded the brush for about 30 seconds. The lather built slowly, but surely as I had recalled that the GTB does, with the GBT fragrance wafting into vanity end of the bathroom. Once the lather was substantially built, I took it to the face for a smooth and complete application from that fan tail synthetic. Like Chris L, this is the only fan tail brush in my collection, and I was impressed at the job it did at laying down the lather. My normal brush that I have been using since Christmas of 2016 is the 26mm Stirling Finest Badger, and it is a fairly dense knot and a bit of a lather hog. I have learned to adapt with it, and collect the lather as it works it's way out near the handle, but I was enjoying the synthetic tuxedo knot freely releasing the lather across my face.

The Feather Super Pro blade has had a number of shaves on it, the actual count I cannot remember. What I do remember is the last outing with this blade was quite good. Today; however, the blade managed to give me a few weepers, a sure tell tale sign that it is time to pitch it into the bin for me. I pressed on and got my normal two pass, three in the trouble spots, shave with a water cleanup for a BBS result. The Sorrentino Barzini rinsed cleanly.

The GBT has very good slickness during the shave, and the residual slickness was pretty good in the soft water here. All in all a good comfortable shave with some seepage. I will use the TSC brush again tomorrow in my den on my MVM Beta 1.1, the soap I have been using for the past few months in order to compare it to my normal gear.
Good shave. Glad to hear you’ve passed along the shaving habits to the grandson!
Sorry to hear about the weepers Walt, but a very nice set up regardless. I've yet to try the Super Pro blades, and might have to give them a shot. My Feather SS has been my daily driver for a while, mostly due to ease of use and lack of maintenance.
Great GTB shave.

Thanks Doug

Good shave. Glad to hear you’ve passed along the shaving habits to the grandson!

Thanks Chris.

Sorry to hear about the weepers Walt, but a very nice set up regardless. I've yet to try the Super Pro blades, and might have to give them a shot. My Feather SS has been my daily driver for a while, mostly due to ease of use and lack of maintenance.

The feather systems are good tools for certain. You can get BBS, or you can get Sushi LOL.

No Cadre, no BBS? ...Know the Cadre, Know BBS.

Excellent summary Chris.

Great read Walt! Glad you like the brush

Getting ready to take it for another spin this morning under more familiar circumstances Chad.
When I first used a fan knot I was skeptical. But if you have a nice dense seems to be a much bigger brush than it appears to be!
How did the family like GTB? I got no comments from mine on it.
When I first used a fan knot I was skeptical. But if you have a nice dense seems to be a much bigger brush than it appears to be!

The knot is definitely different than my daily driver, I will expand below.

nice one Walt! Sounds like a nice relaxing shave, albeit with the weepers.

It was a good shave and relaxing. Everything about it was different than what I am accustomed to in my den, but all was well.

How did the family like GTB? I got no comments from mine on it.

I opted not to wear any of the aftershave due to my oversensitive SWMBO Dave. This morning I did not use the GBT soap, but I opted for the GTB aftershave and Nostalgic pomade. She lets me get away with it if I am leaving the house.
We drove back from MD in the pouring rain pretty much for the entire route, but I was still able to make pretty good time. Left at about 3:30 cause my son and family had a birthday party to go to.

This morning I opted for the Sorrentino TSC Barzini but with my normal setup in my den. I went back to the MVM Beta 1.1, and did everything that I normally do except the brush. The hardware for the day was the 7/8" BRW Barber's Notch. I did strop the BRW pre-shave as it has been a while since I have used it, that, and I managed to purchase a Tony Miller 2 5/8" Flax Linen strop. Gave it 30 on the Miller canvas, 30 on the Flax Linen and 60 on leather.

The first thing I noticed while making the lather is that a shake of the TSC brush yields much less water than does my 26mm Stirling Finest Badger Bulb when I go to bloom the soap. After loading the brush for the normal 30 sec., I started making lather. It was obvious to me that I required more water, but my scuttle has the built in hot tub making an easy dip and lather process (I rarely have to add water, so I was tickled to actually require this feature of the Ansgar scuttle). At the first pass, it was obvious to me that the lather was still a little thicker than I normally start out with. For the second pass, I dipped the brush in the hot tub a few more times, and the lather was absolutely perfect. I enjoy how easily this brush gives up the lather on the face, and the comfort of the knot is unquestionable.

The resulting shave was fantastic full on BBS+. I completely enjoyed the weeper-less shave as well as the comfort of the BRW.
fabulous shave. That scuttle sounds wonderful. If I were a warm lather shaver one of those would definitely be on my list.
now that sounds like a shave...a great shave! I might have to break out my brush scuttle sometime in the near're inspiring me Walt!