The Shaving Cadre

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McVeyMac's Straight Razor (and other traditional wet shaving) Adventures

Nice shaves, Walt! At least your fall back soap is doesn't get much better than that!

Well it does get better, but not for the price, at least that I have found. I have my MVM lots so dialed in that I am always disappointing when I try something else. If my MVMs had better residual slickness, I would call them tier 1, box 1. If I am ever able to achieve this with my homemade soap, I will likely get rid of everything else in the den.
Well it does get better, but not for the price, at least that I have found. I have my MVM lots so dialed in that I am always disappointing when I try something else. If my MVMs had better residual slickness, I would call them tier 1, box 1. If I am ever able to achieve this with my homemade soap, I will likely get rid of everything else in the den.

I should have qualified the statement with "better than that from a purchased soap!" LOL...That's awesome that you are able to make, in house, a soap that you are more than happy with!
Catching up Walt!

Glad the wedding went as planned. Great picture!
Great shaves!
Good luck with the proposals, Walt.....and I happened to use your MVM Beta 1.0 just this morning!
Walt, I respect the hell out you for using your own soaps for shaving shower. Not many people do that anymore...I'm thinking that maybe I should start being a little more self sufficient also!
Sorry I fell so far behind, Walt! I am glad the wedding was a success, I remember the stress of dealing with the weather for my own wedding a few years ago. We had a beach wedding planned on the sand, and had to perform everything inside the house when the rain hit 30 minutes before go-time.

Nice looking family you got there, too!
Good luck with the second proposal. Congratulations on the completing the first one.
Life and work have been crazy with the wedding, followed by a baby shower all in conjunction with proposal due dates. Luckily, on of the proposal due dates was postponed by two weeks, so no I have a couple of days of breathing room. I'm not going to try to get caught up on over two weeks worth of shaves except to say that I did have to throw in 2, ATT SE2 shaves into the mix due to being rushed a couple of mornings. Both shaves were very good indeed, on a blade that I have no idea as to how many shaves I have on it. I am currently running a Feather Pro in this razor. Mild and efficient are the best adjectives that come to mind to describe the shave.

I am still cycling through the three BRW razors in my den, and after each shave, I am always amazed at what a good job each one is doing. For example, this morning I went with the 7/8" barber's notch with 2 days of growth, and was rewarded with a comfortable full BBS with no irritation or weepers. Just a fun shave to perform, and an excellent result that I am still faceterbating.

A quick moment and a comment on grail shaves. Rarely do I experience a grail worthy shave of late. I think that the reasons are two-fold. First, and I hate to say it here, my life has taken me to a point where I am looking at shaving as more of a utilitarian requirement rather than exercising a hobby. Since I came back to traditional wet shaving in the fall of 2014, I mainly looked at my morning shaves fulfilling my hobby interests, that and trying to learn the straight razor to become completely proficient with it. Lately (7+ months), my life has gotten very busy, and my morning shave is just that, a morning shave. My preferred tool is still the traditional straight razor, and even though I am shaving for the pure utilitarian goal of removing my whiskers, I still do enjoy very much the straight razor shave including all of the maintenance that goes along with the ritual. Never do I view the morning shave as a chore as I did back in those cart. decades. However, I rarely chase that grail worthy shave, and as such, I rarely receive on.

The other reason I think that I rarely get a grail shave with a straight razor any more is that I have gotten a lot of very good straight razor shaves since 2015 when I first started getting good at them. Today it takes a very good shave indeed to impress me, and to rank it in the top 5% of all straight razor shaves. In other words, I have raised the bar very high indeed to rank a shave as grail worthy. My normal shave routine is a two pass shave with a third pass on two difficult spots that require a different direction, followed by a water only cleanup. I am fairly efficient with this shave, and sometimes my mind wanders and I don't pay as much attention as I could on the finer angles and feel of the shave. Hence, sometimes I leave the house at DFS+, sometimes I leave the house at full BBS, and the difference seems to be how focused I am through the entire process. But I have to say, grail worthy to me does not come along very often.
Oh, I meant to post regarding soap. I was able to get to the lab (basement) and make a 2 lb. batch of shampoo/bath soap. I was running out, so it was time to make some more. I still have a couple of weeks of my Beta 1.1 left in my soap dish, so making another batch of shaving soap is not as much of a priority. However, I do have the batch already formulated as to what I am going to make, and all I have to do is set aside the time and make it. I also make a hand soap that is now running quite low. The hand soap has a fair amount of coconut oil in it for cleansing, and I have a bar at the kitchen sink and one in my bathroom, then it will be gone. So I must plan on at least two more batches over the next few weeks.
Thanks Walt for sharing! We certainly have our busy times in life. But I have to say that I enjoy reading your journal entries. I really like your overall theme of self reliance.
Great reads, Walt. Life gets busy and shaving can sometimes become less exciting. Much of 2017 for me was like what you are describing. I am sure you will get back to it being a fun hobby at some point. That is what happened with me when I joined TSC.

Good luck with your soapmaking. I really enjoyed the beta soap that you sent me back when we were on the other site.
Certainly understand what you mean about your shaves, though you've been at this longer than I have. Even when we're just doing what is now a routine shave for us, it's miles beyond what the general public does. Plus, even if you don't do it very often, it's pretty cool to know that the skill and equipment is there for an awesome shave if we just want to take the time to enjoy and think about it.
Great reads, Walt. Life gets busy and shaving can sometimes become less exciting. Much of 2017 for me was like what you are describing. I am sure you will get back to it being a fun hobby at some point. That is what happened with me when I joined TSC.

Good luck with your soapmaking. I really enjoyed the beta soap that you sent me back when we were on the other site.

Thanks Doug. All of the shave videos that are now up on the site inspired me to take my time and go slow this AM, thinking about what I would say in the video. Did my entire routine, and start to finish was just under 1.5 hours. Was rewarded with a phenomenal shave (not quite grail worthy), and I'm glad I slowed it down this morning.

Certainly understand what you mean about your shaves, though you've been at this longer than I have. Even when we're just doing what is now a routine shave for us, it's miles beyond what the general public does. Plus, even if you don't do it very often, it's pretty cool to know that the skill and equipment is there for an awesome shave if we just want to take the time to enjoy and think about it.

There is no comparison to the shaves I used to get, even when I am rushed and whip out a quickie. An absolutely awesome shave is only as far away as our time to accomplish it. The skill and the tools are at the ready all of the time. And that is what I wanted to achieve when I first started down this path.