The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

MarkB's Basses, Shaves & Other Obsessions

2 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Some relaxing Sci-Fi ambient music for your Sunday. Hope you enjoy.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 2

Another great shave with the Williams + Wizamet combo this morning. Fantastic lather built with the Yaqi synth for two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by MEM "English Leather" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and Dana "English Leather" EdC.

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: No problem this morning in creating a super slick and cushioning lather with the diminutive brush. Gotta be honest, I had my doubts. Crystal woke up sick this morning. Went down to the doc-in-a-box to get checked out. Luckily, not COVID or Strep. Thinking just an upper respiratory infection. She sounds like Harvey Fierststein when she talks. Gonna go out and get her meds once the pharmacy opens. Gonna be close to 70° here today! Plan on going out and grilling a couple of steaks for dinner! 🥩

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Yaqi / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Clubman / English Leather

3 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Getting the week kicked off with a couple of classics from Foreigner. Hope you enjoy.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 3

The Williams + Wizamet combo continues to provide great shaves. Had a NOS Ever-Ready 200T sitting in the shave den for a while and thought it'd be nice to use it this morning to get a real old school shave. Gotta say, not the best brush I've ever used. Fantastic lather but it took a lot of work. Two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by Mennen "Skin Bracer Cool Spice" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and vintage Avon "Brisk Spice" EdC.

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: Wife's feeling better this morning. Glad of that. Steaks turned out great yesterday and it felt so nice getting out in the sun and warmth.

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Ever-Ready / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Clubman / Skin Bracer

4 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Going with a couple from The Cars for your Tuesday. Hope you enjoy.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 4

Day 4 and things just keep getting better with the Williams + Wizamet setup. @BarberDave was spot-on in his video yesterday about the slickness of Williams shave soap. The razor glides over the skin as if there weren't a blade loaded. Fantastic lather built with the Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements "Solar Flare" synth for two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by Layrite "No.9" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and Murray and Lanman "Florida Water" EdC.

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: As mentioned above, took off work for some preventive maintenance on the truck. Oil change, radiator flush and new wiper blades. Crystal is feeling much better but she had a doctor appointment of her own this morning and found out she's going to need surgery on her hand.

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / PAA / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Layrite / Clubman / Murray and Lanman

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5 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

It's "Women of Rock Wednesday" and today I'm returning to one of my favorite artists, Cali native Lana Lane. Hope you enjoy.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 5

Another great shave with the Williams / Wizamet combo. Five days in and the embossed logo is no longer visible atop the puck. Super thick and slick lather built with the RazoRock "Hive 24" synth for two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by Paco Rabanne "Paco Rabanne Pour Homme" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and Paco Rabanne "Paco Rabanne Pour Homme" EdT.

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: The way the Williams puck is yielding to synth brushes is antithetical to everything I thought / assumed. Maybe it's because it's the older (good) soap.

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / RazoRock / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Layrite / Clubman / Paco Rabanne

6 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Going with a couple from Queen today. Hope you enjoy.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 6

The "W & W" combo is still delivering the goods. Great lather built with the Semogue SOC Super Badger brush for two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by Williams "Aqua Velva" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and Czech & Speake "Oxford & Cambridge" EdC. Great complementary frag for the Williams AV. Plays off the mint, lavender and oakmoss of the splash

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: Rain moved through last night with more on the way today. Temps are still warm. Love it!

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Semogue / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Czech & Speake

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7 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

It's "Funky Friday" and today I'm going with a couple from Here Come The Mummies. Hope you enjoy.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 7

Great end-of-the-workweek-shave this morning. Great lather built with the Moon Soaps "Green Zebra" synth brush for two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by Mennen "Skin Bracer Wild Moss"" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and Rogue Perfumery "Mousse Illuminee" EdT.

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: It's Friday y'all!!! But I'm on call... 🙁

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Moon Soaps / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Mennen / Clubman / Rogue Perfumery

8 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

It's "Synthwave Saturday" and today I'm going with a couple from Italian rockers Lazer Club. Hope you enjoy.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 8

Fantastic shave this morning! So much so I decided to forgo my typical two-pass shave in favor of a full three passes. This lather just keeps getting better. Super thick and slick, built with the Stirling Soap Co. "Li'l Brudder" synth. Three passes with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by Pitralon Classic aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and Geo F. Trumper "Wild Fern" EdC.

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: A cloudy but warm day on tap. Rain moving in overnight and continuing off and on throughout next week.

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Stirling Soap Co. / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Pitralon / Clubman / Geo. F. Trumper

9 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Going with a Sci-Fi ambient stream for your Sunday. Hope you enjoy.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 9

Great shave this morning. Great lather built with the Semogue SOC Premium Boar brush for two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by vintage Avon "Bay Rum" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and Murray and Lanman "Florida Water".

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: The word for the day is "Laundry"!

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Semogue / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Avon / Clubman / Murray and Lanman

10 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Kicking your Monday off with a couple from Depeche Mode. This album always brings to mind my time in the Navy. Blasting this ( along with their two subsequent albums) throughout the UHF / Portable Comms work center I ran on the Ike. Hope you enjoy.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 10

Great shave this morning. Great lather built with the Fine Accoutrements "Stout" synth for three passes with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by Williams "Aqua Velva" aftershave lotion, a dusting of vintage Williams aftershave talc and Creed "Bois du Portugal" EdP.

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: Winter's back. Temps in the upper 30's this morning. Lots of rain moving in tomorrow and Wednesday

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Fine Accoutrements / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Creed

11 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Rocking out with a couple from Genesis this morning. Hope you enjoy.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 10

Great shave this morning. Great lather built with the Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements "Solar Flare" synth for two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by BushKlawz "Pacific Prince" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Yardley "Gentleman" talc and Coty "Aspen" EdC.

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: Rough morning. Didn't sleep well. A great shave and coffee are helping. Two things regarding the shave challenge, I'm thinking of sticking with this brush for the rest of the month. I like its performance with this soap. Also, there's no chance in Hell I'll be able to finish this soap in 20 shaves as @Spider did.

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / BushKlawz / Yardley / Coty

This album always brings to mind my time in the Navy. Blasting this ( along with their two subsequent albums) throughout the UHF / Portable Comms work center I ran on the Ike.
A friend of mine here is a Plank Owner of the Ike. He did a little over 20 years and retired as a chief.