Master TSC Shave Member
I did get "the finger" from Lee Sklar though!

Yeah, Lee Sklar is always running somewhere at Anaheim NAMM whenever I've been there. Not sure if I ever mentioned it to you but one year when I was there I met and talked with Mike Lull. He was at a table in the basement where the low dollar tables were. Told him I loved my Lull Jazz 4, etc, etc. So I dug around and found this receipt from 1998 when I bought my Lull; so that makes when I met Mike at NAMM maybe a year or two after '98. Funny thing about Bass Alone, a small San Diego bass shop (now defunct) is that it was owned by a guy named John DiMaggio, a kinda beach bum jazz bassist from San Diego; lived on a sailboat in the harbor; his wife was a VP for Bank of America, thereby facilitating a reasonable lifestyle for a jazz bassist beach bum bass shop owner. So, about his name. Of course, I asked him if he's related to Joe DiMaggio, cuz how many DiMaggios have you ever heard of, right?? Turns out John DiMaggio is Joe DiMaggio's nephew.
Careful about my stories. I only have about 3, so I frequently repeat them.