The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and apricot scrub
  • Razor: Karve, C plate
  • Blade: GSB (3)
  • Brush: The brush with my favorite knot
  • Soap: Moon Soaps Havana
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Captain's Choice Bay Rum balm
  • Music: Microwave - Much Love
I'm free from work kinda. I made it to my destination safely and I'm still nervous, even though I know this stuff. Fear is a powerful motivator. The shift went pretty well. We ran into a couple of important lessons for my partner in terms of parking on scene and some other minute details that aren't really that minute. He's progressing along very nicely and I'm proud of him. I swear he's just like me when I first started. He's going to be one of the better medics we have once he settles down.

Another improvised shave thrown together by necessity and time restrictions. The 74 blade in whichever jectah it was in started rusting a bit because I was careless with the placement after I was done. So I grabbed the Karve and went to work. I keep forgetting that I have Havana because it's buried in my drawer. I love the scent, but I got ze tingles. That's probably why is hidden away. The performance was great. I ended up with DFS+. Another reason I don't grab for it as often is because it doesn't have a matching splash and I don't have anything that pairs with it very well. I'm not sure who, but somebody threw in a couple of samples during the Weck passaround and I found myself in possession of this balm. I've always heard incredible things about the scent. Yeah, I'm gonna have to buy a tub, splash, and balm. It smells amazing and the balm is just so soothing.

No picture because I AM good at math today, but I still don't know how to read. Really I just sacrificed picture time for nap time because I didn't get very good sleep at work.

Microwave is a weird band. I'm not entirely sure how to describe their sound. It's probably best described as grunge, but there's more to it I feel. Give the above song a listen.

I stopped at a Walmart in Tyler...I think and bought Skin Bracer just because. Is it supposed to smell exactly like Pinaud Clubman? I love the scent, but I already have Clubman in my den. Might have to do a comparison in the near future.

It's time for bed. Thanks for reading my nonsense, Cadre.
Nice report! Glad the newb is progressing!

I stopped at a Walmart in Tyler...I think and bought Skin Bracer just because. Is it supposed to smell exactly like Pinaud Clubman? I love the scent, but I already have Clubman in my den. Might have to do a comparison in the near future.
No. Skin Bracer might have the same level of powderiness, but to me smells very little like Clubman.
Nice report! Glad the newb is progressing!

No. Skin Bracer might have the same level of powderiness, but to me smells very little like Clubman.
Me too. I love that's he's a good hand, but sometimes I need a second brain more than a good hand. I'll get him up to speed in due time.

I think I smell what you're talking about. The power is really prominent, but once I get past that, with lots of concentration, it's a little citrusy. I really like it.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower
  • Razor: Merkur 37C
  • Blade: Unspecified Personna, new
  • Brush: Shavemac Tortoise, 24mm finest badger
  • Soap: DG/CL Unconditional Surrender
  • Aftershave: DG/CL Unconditional Surrender
  • Music: Good Charlotte
The day is finally here. About an hour or two of lecture left, a final exam, and state skills. After a practice exam I'm feeling alright about tackling the final. My classmate are making me feel better too. Tim and I are meeting somewhere for burgers and stuff later today. I might be allowed to provide photographic evidence of the elusive @MilkCrate. Fingers crossed.

I had forgotten that I only put the Personnas in my dopp. Not to worry, I meant to, but I also wanted a backup choice if the experiment failed. Didn't need a backup at all. I got a stupid smooth and effortless shave from the hardware. The Shavemac whipped up a great lather and the soap performed as expected. DFS++, no drama. I'm thrilled with the result because I usually have crappy shaves in alien environments.


Don't you dare judge my choice in music today. It's nostalgic for me! Pfffft. Whatever.

Off I go into a purple cloud in a blue suit. Thanks for following along. Have a good one and stay hydrated, Cadre.
Wait, what's wrong with Good Charlotte? Haha.

Nice shave and Hope the burgers and stuff with Tim was good.
Congratulations on the exam! Another step completed in the process! That shave was excellent also! And I won't judge you on your musical choices...too much...🤪
Congrats on your exams. Best of luck on the state exam! I enjoy reading your journal, Ben. Even the music stuff, though I've never heard of the bands you play. ;)
Wait, what's wrong with Good Charlotte? Haha.

Nice shave and Hope the burgers and stuff with Tim was good.
First of all, they don't even write their own music. Lol

Congratulations on the exam! Another step completed in the process! That shave was excellent also! And I won't judge you on your musical choices...too much...🤪
Thanks, Don! I'll try not to do the same! 🤪

Congrats on your exams. Best of luck on the state exam! I enjoy reading your journal, Ben. Even the music stuff, though I've never heard of the bands you play. ;)
Gracias, Bruce. I'm glad you enjoy it. Hopefully my ridiculousness doesn't rub off on you too much. And that's the whole point in sharing my music. There's so much music out there that needs to be listened to and enjoyed, though I'm sure there are a few of my musical posts you didn't care for. 🤣

Great job on the exam! You got that state one too ... no worries.
Thanks, Master if Disguise! I'm not at all worried about it. Just gotta brush up on a couple of things and I'll be a certified firefighter.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower
  • Razor: Merkur 37C
  • Blade: Unspecified Personna (1)
  • Brush: Shavemac Tortoise, 24mm finest badger
  • Soap: DG/CL Unconditional Surrender
  • Aftershave: DG/CL Unconditional Surrender
  • Music: Hellions - 24/Jesus Of Suburbia
I was successful in the reason for being in Eastish Texas and now I must leave. I also got an email this morning confirming the last 5 days of my paramedic ride outs. There's going to be a period of 6 days where I will be pretending to be a paramedic for 24 hours, then bouncing back to work immediately after...with no visits home. My chief did mention that he is willing to give me a breather somewhere in there, but it's a rite of passage for paramedics, so I probably won't take the offer.

Exact same shave as yesterday. The blade isn't as sharp and in terms of sharpness, it's one and done for me. It's not dull by any means, but they're so inexpensive and available nearby that I'm not worried about stretching out the use. DFS++ and I'm out the door and on the road.

*Imagine yesterday's picture but pretend it's today's picture*

Last night was good fun meeting @MilkCrate and his wife. He tried to hide from me, but he's not very good. Milk crates stand out pretty well in a crowd of not milk crates. Good burgers and conversations were had. For those of you wondering what he really looks like, I'm sworn to secrecy. But I'll give you a hint, he has a humanoid figure. I'll let your imagination take care of the rest.

Anyway, I'm off back to my corner of Texas. Tim, thank you for dinner and having me over, showing me your den, and the goodies. Have a great Friday, Cadre.