“The TSC’s Napping Beefcake”
Quadruple shot espresso!You swing by @NurseDave ’s house. He has a magic coffee maker. Cures all that ails you
View attachment 95554
That too!You mean the scotch cabinet?

Quadruple shot espresso!You swing by @NurseDave ’s house. He has a magic coffee maker. Cures all that ails you
View attachment 95554
That too!You mean the scotch cabinet?
You're missing your calling in advertising sir. Or as a shyster."Welcome to @NurseDave 's House of Curable you have sore muscles? Weak knees? Hairy arms? Unexplainable cuts to your fingers and chin? Well, just belly up to the bar, friend.....NurseDave has the magical elixir to make all of those troubles go away (and new troubles to form)." (NurseDave is not responsible for anyone getting kicked out of their home for over-induldging....including NurseDave)
I would have gone into advertising but there wasn't a class I could take in high school.You're missing your calling in advertising sir.
Have a great Friday, Chris!Shave #287 (600 Open Blade Shaves) of 2022:
Gear: Colonial “Armored” General Brass, Schick Proline blade, Trotter Handcrafts Taurus A brush, Clown Puke tub soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe, LNHC BS PSE, Fine Platinum AS, and Ralph’s Club EDP to finish!
Almost there gents! Just gotta make it through the day!
Great shave this morning. The Schick Proline has definitely reached its performance plateau. I don’t feel like it’s improved since it was first used, it did degrade a bit, still not as much as a Feather might…but it’s reached a comfortable spot as some DE blades might where you could go on with it for a bit. Overall a way better blade for the AC razors for me. Haven’t tried one in the Tedalus yet.
Topped off with Ralph’s Club EDP FTW! In your face lavender!
Have a great day dudes!
Shave #287 (600 Open Blade Shaves) of 2022:
Gear: Colonial “Armored” General Brass, Schick Proline blade, Trotter Handcrafts Taurus A brush, Clown Puke tub soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe, LNHC BS PSE, Fine Platinum AS, and Ralph’s Club EDP to finish!
Almost there gents! Just gotta make it through the day!
Great shave this morning. The Schick Proline has definitely reached its performance plateau. I don’t feel like it’s improved since it was first used, it did degrade a bit, still not as much as a Feather might…but it’s reached a comfortable spot as some DE blades might where you could go on with it for a bit. Overall a way better blade for the AC razors for me. Haven’t tried one in the Tedalus yet.
Topped off with Ralph’s Club EDP FTW! In your face lavender!
Have a great day dudes!
Dear Essence. Soon. My 50 shave break is almost at an end. How time flies.I miss you Gear.
- Tedalus Essence
Thanks Steven! Hope today treats you well too!Once are the best smelling dude on this here web site. Have a very fragrant friday.
Have you tried the EdP?Decent juice, but Profumo remains the king of the ADG line IMO.
Wonderful Saturday so far. It's a beautiful day here.Hope you’re all having a great Saturday too!
Seriously! It takes a good chunk of the day for the 5-6 loads I have to do a week.
That’s what I used today. Good strength and citrus to it. I prefer Profumo’s aquatic twist and heavier incense vibe though.Have you tried the EdP?
Thanks, there will certainly be 110% effort toward that end!Have a great Sunday! Dig the new Penhaligon’s abbreviation lol