Shave #176 (550 Open Blade Shaves) of 2022:
Gear: Colonial “Armored” Brass General , Feather Pro blade, Yaqi Sagrada Familia synth brush, CBL 3 Pines soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Barbasol Pacific Rush AS, and Bleu De Chanel EDP to finish!
Bit of a sleep in, after a super intense workout last night and catching up on the Obi-Wan finale and latest Ms Marvel. Did get as late of a sleep in as I might have liked…the body is just too tied to it’s weekday schedule.
Great shave with the General, now that I’ve hit my 550 open blade shave mark. I’ve used up enough of the 3 Pines for the remainder to be relegated to the Clown Puke tub. I think ROS will be the next one in line. Finished up with a nice, refreshing blue combo of Pacific Rush and BDC EDP!
Off to perform the memorial in a bit. Then it’s back home to take care of some chores. Hopefully we’ll get to watch the new Dr Strange later this evening!
Have a great Saturday all!