The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Shave #147 (522 Open Blade Shaves) of 2022:

Gear: Tedalus Essence, Feather Pro blade, Yaqi Rainbow w/ pony synth brush, Clown Puke tub soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix w/ dash of British Sterling, and Rochas Moustache EDP to finish!

It’s Fridaaaaaay!

So ready for this 3-day weekend!

Pretty dang good shave this morning. Only one little boop on an irregularity of the cheek that closed up almost instantly. Finished off with a strong, warm ambery vanilla profile.

Let’s get after it!
WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀😀😃😃

WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀😀😃😃

Yesssss! 😎👍
Our 3-day weekend was last weekend. It must be the time zone for you folks on the west coast. ;)
In any event .... ENJOY!🏖️
This coming from someone who has at least 2 3-day weekends every week…pfft 😜
I'm on call so no long weekend for me.. 😭

Right there with you brother
We must right this wrong! Everyone else gets an additional day off in solidarity! 😂
Shave #148 (523 Open Blade Shaves) of 2022:

Gear: Tedalus Essence, Feather Pro blade, Yaqi Sagrada Familia synth brush, CBL 3 Pines soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Speick AS, and Kilian Vodka on the Rocks to finish!

Off to a typical Saturday so far…and that’s not a bad thing! Bit of a sleep in, up for an OT workout and coffee/baked good after, then back home to get the chores going so the rest of the long weekend can be enjoyed.

Decent shave today. Definitely time for a new blade in the Essence. That’ll happen tomorrow, when I’m back to a cold water shave day. Except for some nice, fresh, woodsy soap, it was a fairly neutral shave leading up to the frag application…

Here you go @Scuttlesoap :
First time use of a Kilian frag! Nothing special for the sample packaging. The print out cardboard cover is actually kind of poor quality IMO, as far as styling and legibility. Atomizer is nice! Gave it a full wearing. Initial thoughts and I’m about 30 minutes into the wear - I do get a semblance of a plain jane vodka on the rocks, brief burst of juicy booze upfront but not alcoholic strong, just enough to give the picture. May boarder on wet-nap for some folks. Just a hint of an olive and pimento around the edges. Quickly settles into a very dry, slightly peppery vibe…is it still vodka? Maybe. But a nice woody base starts to emerge…kinda generic (almost smells like ADG Absolu Instinct’s woody base, but not as well done) but still nice. Slightly creamy, but not enough to be called smooth. It continues to be tinged with a slight green and pepper. An airy freshness still lingers around off the skin, it is no longer a cooling freshness though, just a blue, slightly powdery note.

Overall feeling - nothing special. I don’t feel like it’s projecting very well at the moment, hard to tell. If you wear this, you wear it because you like it and want your personal space bubble to be nice and inoffensive, not because you want others to like it. Very office safe. Likely any-weather/time safe too. Not a buy for me. The rest of the sample will probably be passed off at some point.

In other news…may have found a deal on a nice, big bottle of 2017 formulation DHS…hammering out the details.

Some sermon work going on for next Sunday, while laundry loads are rotated and put away. That’s about it for now.

Hope you’re all having a great Saturday!
Thanks for that review my friend…….I always wondered about it - their Angel Share gets high praise so I was curious about something that was more challenging to mimic - given the nature of vodka. I smiled about being office safe - I can picture this scenario:

Co-Worker: Mmmm, you smell nice - what are you wearing?
You: Oh - Vodka on the Rocks.
Co-Worker: Um, Ok.
Boss: Please come with me - we need to have a discussion with HR.

The 2017 bottle of DHS sounds promising - I hope it works out!

Have a great rest of your weekend!