The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Shave #308 (452 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Bic Chrome Platinum blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, Clown Puke soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, and BB Brut Fresh mix to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 233:

Tired this morning...let’s get this shift over with!

Nice shave this morning with the Clown Puke. Pulled out an old homemade AS/cologne I hadn’t touched in a long while. It’s Brut splash on frag but cut with witch hazel and some wintergreen alcohol. Still a fairly strong Brut scent but smells and wears a bit more fresh. I couldn’t stomach the regular strength splash on after working a couple shifts around a vagrant who used to douse himself in it instead of cleaning himself. 🤢

Regular day shift today. Bible study Zoom later.

Spoke with my boss a bit yesterday about schedules and whatnot. May be getting back to 40 hour work weeks very soon, despite the general worldwide health issues. More and more events on campus are going to be approved as allowable, unless something major happens again. Kinda a bummer but it has to happen sooner or later.

Have a great Tuesday all!
. It’s Brut splash on frag but cut with witch hazel and some wintergreen alcohol. Still a fairly strong Brut scent but smells and wears a bit more fresh. I couldn’t stomach the regular strength splash on

I couldn’t agree more about brut myself! I love classic Fougeres like Azzaro, Paco Rabonne, Clubman, etc. but something In Brut triggers the vomit receptors in my brain 🤢Glad you found a work around!!!
I couldn’t agree more about brut myself! I love classic Fougeres like Azzaro, Paco Rabonne, Clubman, etc. but something In Brut triggers the vomit receptors in my brain 🤢Glad you found a work around!!!
Yea, the modern reformulations haven’t helped that. I guess I’m more in love with the nostalgia when I use it than the actual scent. It smells quite cheap and muddled out of the store bought bottle.
Git ‘er done!
Thanks Tim!
Shave #309 (452 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, SV/TSC Il Re Tasso d’Oro brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 234:

It’s Wednesday! Snoozed until it was time to get the kids up, fed, and in Zoom. The MIL came up this morning to drop her car off at the house for the week. She flew out of Sac, headed to WA to visit her family, particularly her father who will be undergoing some operations.

The shave was excellent. This SV/Guerlain setup is something I look forward to every week now and Wednesday seems to be the day to use it lately! Great combo.

My new glasses/sunglasses were ordered together but shipped separately for some reason...anyway they’re both en route and should be here within the next couple days, I hope.

Have a great Wednesday all!
Great shave!

That reminds me, I need to get my eyes checked.
Thanks Tim!

Yea, it’s something I should do more regularly too, I know! I still remember when I first got glasses and realizing the insane amount of coping strategies I had been using just to try and see before. It’s weird that a frog that is getting the heat turned up slowly...😂
Those first few minutes with a new glasses prescription are one of my favorite things. Enjoy!

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Shave #310 (452 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Sorrentino TSC 1st Anniversary badger brush, CBL Aquatic Oud soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, and Avon Tai Winds to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 235:

Decent morning. Kids got some flu and vaccine of those things where they loved that they got out of some classes but they all do fear the needle a bit too lol.

Nice shave. Easy, uncomplicated, and good scents!

Yesterday and in a little bit today, I’ll have spent some time beginning the confirmation project for church. A good challenge to try and distill big theological concepts into an easy to understand format for teens. I usually hit a stride for a little while after just getting going but it’s still something that I can’t sit down and do in one go. It’s quite taxing mentally. I enjoy it though!

Have a great Thursday all!
Glad the vaccines went well........ kids can get “funny” with needles... and by funny, I mean, completely crazy!
Yea, I know too well lol. It could be quite an ordeal when they were smaller...tantrums, long bouts of screaming and wailing and flailing, etc. There were a few times for some more important shots where we literally had to help restrain. Not fun. Thankfully they aren’t that freaked out anymore l!
When you're done with them, you could explain it to me. Wasn't raised Catholic.
I wasn’t either! Fairly close though, coming out of the Episcopal church.

Happy to try and help you with any questions though...I have my thoughts, not hard and fast answers though 😂
I wasn’t either! Fairly close though, coming out of the Episcopal church.

Happy to try and help you with any questions though...I have my thoughts, not hard and fast answers though [emoji23]
My old girlfriend was Episcopalian, and she compared it to Catholicism as having all the ritual and none of the guilt. The thing I liked about it was that there was a book so I, raised a Baptist, could follow along. I taught at a Jesuit Prep School for a few years, and loved when they would do Mass in Latin. The first few times, I was lost, but with some study, I got to where I could keep track of what was going on.

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