Shave #270 (443 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Schick M adjustable injector, Schick Twin blade, SV/TSC Il Re Del Tasso d’Oro brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, SV Desert Vetiver AS, and ADP Colonia Intensia to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 195:
Ahhh Saturday...and also, “awww man, Saturday already?!”
After a little extra sleep and getting things (aka chores) rollin for everyone for the day, I took some time to sneak away for my shower n shave. Last use of the Feather SS for this week. With the wedding coming up next Saturday, I need to reduce chances for irritation and battle damage. I’ll probably spend most of the coming week with a Tech or the GC .68. Anyway...wanted to revisit Desert Vetiver again, so I brought out the 70th soap and Il Re Del Tasso d’Oro to help facilitate. Oodles of lather from the Il Re after a 10 second load with a semi wet brush over a bloomed puck. Shave was solid, only nicked a couple angry follicles with the Feather on the curve of the chin. Applied about twice as much Desert Vetiver as last time (probably 6 drops or so) and while it had a gloriously pungent application, sadly, the extra juice made little difference on the longevity. It was down to barely a skin scent in about 10-15 minutes. Still, I do enjoy the scent and face feel it brought, though I think I still prefer 70th more. DV does pair quite nicely with ADP Colonia Intensia!
As mentioned a few posts above, the wedding script is pretty much finished I think. I have yet to time it, but even with a number of readings and other four stripped out, I’m guessing about a 20 minute event depending on various other factors. I hope they’ll be pleased and that it will be memorable for them.
Last night there was a bit of excitement as the missus was about to head home from a meeting in town and she noticed she had a flat tire. It was late and not wanting her to have to wait so long for roadside assistance, I make the drive over to put on the spare. Mistake? Maybe. I believe that whoever last worked on the tires got waaaaay to excited at being able to use a torque wrench and over torqued the nuts. I’m a reasonably strong guy but it took me about 15-20 minutes (maybe more) of yankin, straining, pulling, and anything else you can think of, just to loosen those suckers. Thankfully the effort wasn’t wasted though and I got it done. I’ve had to change flats a few times, this was probably the worst.
Back to work tomorrow and 3 days in a row of 5:30 am wake up...ew!
Have a great Saturday all!