The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Mentor meeting later today and needing to spend some more time planning out my SIL’s wedding service, which I’m finding out it to be non-religious. I’m OK with doing that, just unfamiliar territory...going to be a challenge coming up with good, meaningful, memorable content.
My parents taught us the 10 Commandments without using that label. My point is religious instruction has value for all, but can be conveyed in different terms.
My parents taught us the 10 Commandments without using that label. My point is religious instruction has value for all, but can be conveyed in different terms.
Yes! Just have to find the right words for the context.
"Stealth Morality!"
Sure, but in a non subversive, well meaning way 😂
Like vitamins that look like gummy bears. Kids won't eat vitamins. So her ya go Billy have a gummy bear.
I’ll take a gummy bear...🤤
Shave #269 (442 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Schick M adjustable injector, Schick Twin blade, SV/TSC Il Re Del Tasso d’Oro brush, CBL Barbershop soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, Fine Platinum AS, and Fine Platinum EDT to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 194:

Up a bit early to get a jump on watering the lawn, getting the kids in their classes on time, and getting some writing done.

Shave went well. Went for CBL’s darker scented barbershop. Loaded a solid 20 second with the Il Re Del Tasso d’Oro and came away with about four good passes worth of lather. I’ve noticed that the knot in this brush has a little patch of scrubby hairs right in the center of the knot that I get poked by at certain angles while building NV the lather. May have to put the brush through another softening regimen to see if I can take care of it. It’s less noticeable when using paintbrush strokes, but has a slight presence when scrubbing/mashing. I think I’m going to make an attempt later today to mix up the Clown Puke tub (which is insanely high and heavy - a repurposed TOBS screw top tub nearly packed full of soap scraps!) some and add in what’s left of this Barbershop soap. I bet that CP tub would take a year to get through at this point!

That’s today’s news!

Hope you all have a great Friday! Ya made it to the weekend!
(which is insanely high and heavy - a repurposed TOBS screw top tub nearly packed full of soap scraps!)
So is mine, which is one reason I kept at the Hipster soap for a couple extra days. One more soap to add, which is what I told myself before starting the Hipster. ;)
Whatcha writing?
Writing up my sister-in-law’s wedding ceremony.

Never had to do it before and she requested non-religious. I figured I had two choices...chances of me doing another non-religious ceremony are fairly small so I could have just copied something from online...or...write something up that I can shelve for reuse at a later time, should I need it.

I opted for the 2nd, because who knows right? Looked through a number of different scripts, both religious and not, and used that to come up with something mostly unique to my own style and still non-religious. I feel pretty good about it!
I opted for the 2nd, because who knows right? Looked through a number of different scripts, both religious and not, and used that to come up with something mostly unique to my own style and still non-religious. I feel pretty good about it!
Good work! And now you have something in your toolkit you can pull out if need be in the future.
Shave #270 (443 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Schick M adjustable injector, Schick Twin blade, SV/TSC Il Re Del Tasso d’Oro brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, SV Desert Vetiver AS, and ADP Colonia Intensia to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 195:

Ahhh Saturday...and also, “awww man, Saturday already?!”

After a little extra sleep and getting things (aka chores) rollin for everyone for the day, I took some time to sneak away for my shower n shave. Last use of the Feather SS for this week. With the wedding coming up next Saturday, I need to reduce chances for irritation and battle damage. I’ll probably spend most of the coming week with a Tech or the GC .68. Anyway...wanted to revisit Desert Vetiver again, so I brought out the 70th soap and Il Re Del Tasso d’Oro to help facilitate. Oodles of lather from the Il Re after a 10 second load with a semi wet brush over a bloomed puck. Shave was solid, only nicked a couple angry follicles with the Feather on the curve of the chin. Applied about twice as much Desert Vetiver as last time (probably 6 drops or so) and while it had a gloriously pungent application, sadly, the extra juice made little difference on the longevity. It was down to barely a skin scent in about 10-15 minutes. Still, I do enjoy the scent and face feel it brought, though I think I still prefer 70th more. DV does pair quite nicely with ADP Colonia Intensia!

As mentioned a few posts above, the wedding script is pretty much finished I think. I have yet to time it, but even with a number of readings and other four stripped out, I’m guessing about a 20 minute event depending on various other factors. I hope they’ll be pleased and that it will be memorable for them.

Last night there was a bit of excitement as the missus was about to head home from a meeting in town and she noticed she had a flat tire. It was late and not wanting her to have to wait so long for roadside assistance, I make the drive over to put on the spare. Mistake? Maybe. I believe that whoever last worked on the tires got waaaaay to excited at being able to use a torque wrench and over torqued the nuts. I’m a reasonably strong guy but it took me about 15-20 minutes (maybe more) of yankin, straining, pulling, and anything else you can think of, just to loosen those suckers. Thankfully the effort wasn’t wasted though and I got it done. I’ve had to change flats a few times, this was probably the worst.

Back to work tomorrow and 3 days in a row of 5:30 am wake up...ew!

Have a great Saturday all!
Damn kids and Impact Guns. That is total crap. Glad you didn't have any studs bust on you. Ran into that quite a bit when I worked at Advance Auto Parts. Fluffy pro tip.
Whenever having work done on a vehicle. Know the Torque spec. And explain to the persons responsible for removing your wheels. You expect them to NOT over tighten them.
For instance my Tundra spec. Is 97 ft/lbs. for lugs. On my Dumptruck the spec is 450 ft/lbs. 1/2 Ton truck vs. 10 Ton truck.
If they cannot assure you that the tech responsible for working on the vehicle is going to use the proper tools and torques on all the fasteners he has to remove. Then he shouldn't be turning wrenches. Jiffy lubes and some tire places don't usually pay well enough to get "good" skilled mechanics. If you cite the proper spec to them it can bolster your credibility that you know if they are doing it right or not.