The Shaving Cadre

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If you have to do something...

Compared to the tonsorial and artisan lines, I’d say the MB line has lather that is a tad thicker and slicker than the tonsorial but has a tad less residual, washing cleanly very quickly (the artisan line having the best residual). The MB has slightly better post shave feel however, than the tonsorial, but not the level of the artisan. I feel like (after only 1 shave mind you) the differences between the tonsorial and MB are slight (nod to the MB perhaps) but the artisan still sets itself apart. The MB comes in at the same price point as the tonsorial, so you really couldn’t go wrong with either. Previously I felt that the tonsorial was perfect in terms of performance and value for everyday shaves, where the artisan I might use as a treat for special days or days I want a really good lather. I think the MB falls in line with the regular tonsorial.

That was pretty much my thoughts on the soap as well. To be completely honest...I much prefer the Premium/Artisan line. But the MB and Tonsorial lines are no slouches. I can see where someone would use the MB or Tonsorial as an everyday shaver and use the Premium/Artisan as a Treat. Either the prices...I don't think you can beat Chris' soaps for the quality.
That was pretty much my thoughts on the soap as well. To be completely honest...I much prefer the Premium/Artisan line. But the MB and Tonsorial lines are no slouches. I can see where someone would use the MB or Tonsorial as an everyday shaver and use the Premium/Artisan as a Treat. Either the prices...I don't think you can beat Chris' soaps for the quality.
Agreed! The tonsorial/MB price point makes the quality that much more accessible...and Chris often has a sale of some kind or other to boot. Some days he practically gives the stuff away!
After Chris sent me the Back-Alley Barbershop sample, I found that I really prefer MB. Premium obviously feels premium, but MB is really the best of both worlds for me. The problem that I felt I had with the 2nd anniversary pucks was a perceived lack of scent, but they were really just such a different scents that I couldn't really process it. I totally get the scent off the puck now. Wow. That's a lot of word vomit. Gross. Sorry. :ROFLMAO:
After Chris sent me the Back-Alley Barbershop sample, I found that I really prefer MB. Premium obviously feels premium, but MB is really the best of both worlds for me. The problem that I felt I had with the 2nd anniversary pucks was a perceived lack of scent, but they were really just such a different scents that I couldn't really process it. I totally get the scent off the puck now. Wow. That's a lot of word vomit. Gross. Sorry. :ROFLMAO:
Yea I’m going to need a few more shaves with the MB to make the call officially but as it stands now, it’s too close to call. I like the extra thickness and slight uppage in PSF from the MB line but I feel the tonsorial provides a tad extra slickness and residual slickness, which I may prefer more in the end.
Shave #263 (440 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Schick M adjustable injector, Schick Twin blade, SV/TSC Il Re Del Tasso d'Oro brush, SV 70th soap, and SV Desert Vetiver AS sample to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 188:

Lot of goings on this morning. Started with a sleep in...I was in and out of consciousness for a bit earlier (reasons) but finally felt good enough to hop out of bed at 10. Got everyone semi decent then went out for a little breakfast treat to a recently opened, totally vegan and gluten free donut and ice cream shop, offspring of a very popular local bakery. Then went for a light walk around a nearby park. Then it was back home to get a bit of outside work done.

Finally got the chance to fully clean up and shave for the day. Today was the last open blade shave for the next 3 days (work) but I popped in a new Feather AC blade into the SS and went to town on a beautiful SV lather. The blade will be popped back out later and put into the Vector for the stretch of work days. Final pass and a tad bit of cleanup went to the Schick M. Wonderful midday shave in all. Oh yes! I used some of my SV Desert Vetiver sample that came with the SV/TSC Il Re Del Tasso d'Oro brush. Man, super lovely scent! Much more of a warm, sharp vetiver note to the scent than 70th and less accompanying “green” notes, yet, still you can tell it’s SV lineage through what scent similarities there are. Same great face feel too! I felt I used a normal amount but the scent died down much more quickly than 70th. It started out as that nice, sharp, warm vetiver, then as it began to fade, a fun, minty almost Proraso Green medicinal scent came to the forefront. Sadly, within 30 minutes, I can barely smell it on my skin now, where I feel like 70th would still be going strong. I liked it a lot though!

Hope you’re all having a great Saturday!
Sadly, within 30 minutes, I can barely smell it on my skin now, where I feel like 70th would still be going strong.
I kind of feel the same way. Only I got a tad more longevity than you out of the Desert Vetiver. It lasted a good long while...but the strength of smell really liked in my opinion. Comparing it to the Opunta AS...and that stuff lasted all day and then some and was easily detected by others.
I kind of feel the same way. Only I got a tad more longevity than you out of the Desert Vetiver. It lasted a good long while...but the strength of smell really liked in my opinion. Comparing it to the Opunta AS...and that stuff lasted all day and then some and was easily detected by others.
Glad to know I’m not imagining things, but sad to hear it at the same time!
Shave #264 (440 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, RR Big Bruce brush, CBL Barbershop soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, Mandom AS, and Pierre Cardin clone oil to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 189:

Ugh. Definitely needed that cup of cold brew this morning. I’m up and headed in to setup for services today though.

Pretty nice shave except for the upper lip area. Got zinged once just under the nose, small but a pretty decent weeper. Some general irritation too in that area after the shave which has been happening more...guess it’s back to the drawing board on passes for that spot. CBL Barbershop whipped up a fantastic lather though. With my scent choices...I guess I was feeling old school 70s today lol.

First time having two services in a while. Basically the same thing back to back except for sanitization time. We’ll see how it goes!

Have a blessed Sunday all!
Shave #265 (440 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Sorrentino TSC 1st Anniversary badger brush, CBL Steel Grey Fougere MB soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, Barbasol Pacific Rush AS, and Elysium Pour Homme Roja Dove clone oil to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 190:

A little more awake this morning, even though I got less sleep I think.

Nice shower n shave to kick things off. Decided to pull out the SGF MB and Sorrentino today, to test the MB with a natural hair brush. Normal 10 second load and things were not too bad, though the lather was a bit light by the last pass. Saved my face some face and modified my final pass around the upper lip area to be a modified XTG/ATG. Does not lead to BBS unfortunately but does give a close DFS.

In to work today, then I switched my normal shift tomorrow for a co-worker’s at their request, so I’ll be working Wednesday instead. Kinda stinks to have on of your days off all on its lonesome between two work days...but whatever, it’s just for this week. Also trying to solve some interpersonal issues and poor work habits for and between some other co-workers...sigh...people.

Have a great Monday all!