The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Love the Citrus Musk, its been ages since I've pulled it out.... I need to do the same!

I get it with work, I walk upstairs and sit in front of a computer all day and I am completely drained by the evening..... I almost miss my days as a beer salesman, moving cases of beer(and drinking some) all day. Most days, I still got home with some fuel in the tank. Though having little ones takes it out of you too. My little guy is now 3, but instead of being an eating pooping machine, now he's a run and play all the time machine. Hope you get some rest and get back to being a little bit more you, soon.

Best wishes to the little lady, education is the best investment!

Have a great day Chris!
I was today years old when I first heard about Pinaud Citrus Musk! Thanks for the tip!

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Nice shave! I have been pretty drained for the last several weeks also. My job is not very physical, but at the end of a work day, I am wore out.
Thanks Tim! Work is work, otherwise it’s be called easy 😂
Love the Citrus Musk, its been ages since I've pulled it out.... I need to do the same!

I get it with work, I walk upstairs and sit in front of a computer all day and I am completely drained by the evening..... I almost miss my days as a beer salesman, moving cases of beer(and drinking some) all day. Most days, I still got home with some fuel in the tank. Though having little ones takes it out of you too. My little guy is now 3, but instead of being an eating pooping machine, now he's a run and play all the time machine. Hope you get some rest and get back to being a little bit more you, soon.

Best wishes to the little lady, education is the best investment!

Have a great day Chris!
Thanks Matt! You totally should pull the Citrus Musk out!

Beer salesman huh? 🤔
I was today years old when I first heard about Pinaud Citrus Musk! Thanks for the tip!

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
It’s good stuff IMO! One of my favorite Pinaud scents!
I luv the brandy spice.
Haven’t tried the newer AS yet, all the boozy ones. They sound good though!
Shave #274 (443 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Gillette Pre-war Tech, Bic Chome Platinum blade, SV/TSC Il Re Tasso d’Oro brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, SV Desert Vetiver, and Perry Ellis Oud Saffron Rose Absolut to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 199:

What a morning!

Got up early to get the kids going on breakfast and ready to log in to their Zoom classes. Then had to get out the door so the missus and I could drop her car off at the tire shop right at opening (since they rarely ever answer their phone). Then has to drop her off at the office so she could get some work done. Back home for me so I could squeeze in my two hours of yard work (yep...this week is the “other” in “every other week” yard work)...I probably should have done a bit more but I at least got the basics done and the yards are semi-presentable. Then it was time to take care of helping the kids with lunch while listening in on a Zoom meeting...the day is only half done!

Finally got some me time in with a shower n shave. I felt a little blasphemous only using the Tech with my high class SV stuff and not pulling out all the stops...but it was just as well, I need to change the blade out of the Tech. It’s was pretty uncomfortable today and I got a couple nicks. Nothing the glorious SV AS couldn’t help though. I think I’ve decided that Desert Vetiver will not be a future purchase for me. I like my AS to last a little longer and I’m happy with 70th anyway in all regards.

Hope you all are having an easy hump day!
I still can't get over Perry Ellis doing an Oud Saffron Rose, I brought out my saffron oud this week too, nice stuff as we transition into fall.

When you say you need to swap out the blade in your tech, do you mean you just keep it in all the time? So you have blades in all your razors?
I still can't get over Perry Ellis doing an Oud Saffron Rose, I brought out my saffron oud this week too, nice stuff as we transition into fall.

When you say you need to swap out the blade in your tech, do you mean you just keep it in all the time? So you have blades in all your razors?
Ooo a straight Saffron Oud would be lovely! Good stuff indeed.

Generally I keep a blade in whatever I’m using at the time (aka one or two razors at most). If I want to use a different razor for whatever reason, I’ll transfer a blade out (from a razor I was using to one I will be using - injectors being the exception due to the difficulty of swapping a blade without ruining it.).

I’ve got about 13 razors total, but I only regularly use half - 2 injectors, 2 DEs, the Vector, and the Feather SS. So I don’t transfer blades often. One of the unused razors (particularly DE) might get subbed in for a few days but I usually ultimately end up taking it back out of use and putting in the “regular”.
Shave #275 (443 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Gillette Pre-war Tech, Wizamet Super Iridium blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, CBL Aquatic Oud soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, Pinaud Special Reserve AS, and Stirling Glastonbury to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 200:

Not quite as busy a morning thankfully. I slept in a tad since I’ll miss out on the opportunity tomorrow and Saturday.

Got my shave in. Decided to go with an AS/EDT combo the missus has commented on very positively before and work my way backwards as to what soap and brush to use. Decided to reach for the Paladin and CBL Aquatic Oud to supplement. Loaded nice and heavy on the AO with the slightly wet Paladin, got a decently thick lather started in the soap tub, then transferred the process to my face to finish building it up. Wizamet performed flawlessly, feeling both smooth and comfortably sharp; almost couldn’t feel the blade on some strokes!

I think I’m going to play it uber safe and take the Schick M loaded with a Schick Twin on the wedding trip. Not sure what other accoutrements...I’m leaning toward topping things off with Fine AB? I’ll make a last minute decision later I’m sure 😂

Looking forward to the celebration and time with extended family this weekend...also looking forward to getting my part of it over and done. Very nervous!

Have a great Thursday all!
Shave #275 (443 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Gillette Pre-war Tech, Wizamet Super Iridium blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, CBL Aquatic Oud soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, Pinaud Special Reserve AS, and Stirling Glastonbury to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 200:

Not quite as busy a morning thankfully. I slept in a tad since I’ll miss out on the opportunity tomorrow and Saturday.

Got my shave in. Decided to go with an AS/EDT combo the missus has commented on very positively before and work my way backwards as to what soap and brush to use. Decided to reach for the Paladin and CBL Aquatic Oud to supplement. Loaded nice and heavy on the AO with the slightly wet Paladin, got a decently thick lather started in the soap tub, then transferred the process to my face to finish building it up. Wizamet performed flawlessly, feeling both smooth and comfortably sharp; almost couldn’t feel the blade on some strokes!

I think I’m going to play it uber safe and take the Schick M loaded with a Schick Twin on the wedding trip. Not sure what other accoutrements...I’m leaning toward topping things off with Fine AB? I’ll make a last minute decision later I’m sure 😂

Looking forward to the celebration and time with extended family this weekend...also looking forward to getting my part of it over and done. Very nervous!

Have a great Thursday all!
It's hard to believe we have been home for 200 DAYS!

Never used a Wizamet blade before, only the Russian produced ones. I think for myself, the GSB has proven itself as my favorite blade, then again, maybe I need to order a tuck of them....

Nice shave!
Nice shave Chris! The weekend should be a good time.
Thanks Tim! I think so too!
It's hard to believe we have been home for 200 DAYS!

Never used a Wizamet blade before, only the Russian produced ones. I think for myself, the GSB has proven itself as my favorite blade, then again, maybe I need to order a tuck of them....

Nice shave!
It’s actually been longer for reduced work began after everyone else’s by a week or so if I remember correctly, when the full shutdown for CA came.

GSB is one heavy favorite for me as well!
Thanks Tim! I think so too!

It’s actually been longer for reduced work began after everyone else’s by a week or so if I remember correctly, when the full shutdown for CA came.

GSB is one heavy favorite for me as well!
My last day in the office was March 16th, it’s crazy that it’s almost been 7 months. We are lead to believe all our positions are work from home indefinitely.