Shave #259 (436 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Gillette Tech, Gillette Platinum blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, CBL SIR Fougere tonsorial soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Pitralon Classic AS, and Royall Rugby to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 184:
Another day in the life!
Proven setup this morning with the SIR Fougere tonsorial. Whipped up a perfect lather in seconds...this stuff is hard to beat! 3 great passes with a bit of clean up from the Tech. At least I’m perked up a bit more now.
Sitting here with a few extra minutes just enjoying a cooked cup of coffee. Ran out of the cold brew. Keurig does OK brewing out of its pour-your-own filter pod, I just wish I filtered out some of the finer ground particles a bit better.’s coffee! May need a follow up cup at work’s one of those days
Should be getting sworn in for the wedding tomorrow morning at the recorder/clerk’s office. A new experience for me. Tomorrow we’re also starting our church small group back up after about a month and a half break. Still over Zoom, but it’ll be good to reconnect with friends.
Have a great Tuesday all!