Shave #262 (439 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Gillette Tech, Gillette Platinum blade, Yaqi Rainbow w/ brown synth brush, CBL Steel Grey Fougere MB soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, and RL Chaps to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 187:
Tired today...but the weekend is not yet arrived, so walked that fine line and woke up just in time again to get the kids sat in front of their computers. Got the weekend watering started and some breakfast in the belly, then it was shave time!
Had to make today’s shave all about trying the CBL Master Barber line. The Steel Grey Fougere puck from the 2nd Anniversary package mooshed in the empty tub pretty well yesterday, without too much breakage (seems like the tonsorial line and this one to a lesser extent tend to flake and crumble a bit of you try to reform them; probably a function of its hardness, density, and the way it’s made). As mentioned yesterday, the puck scent is very light but it’s there - like a light slate, hints of masculinity, and a cologne-y aura. It’s pleasant and I don’t know if it’d seem as pleasant if it were scented stronger. I think it doesn’t pigeon hole itself this way. I thought to bloom the puck slightly, like I would the tonsorial line, but given that this puck was a tad more malleable and the fact that when I reshaped it, the middle of the puck now was higher than the outer edge, I decided to just try a wet brush. I used the Yaqi Rainbow, slightly wet, to do a ten second load (I find most soaps I use give me plenty of lather from 10 seconds). I was not wrong! Blooming the puck might have helped with a tad quicker load, but this 10 second load with a wet brush was a perfect amount. The soap handled a moderate amount of water and worked up into a nice feeling lather. Shave was pretty good, though I think some fresh blades are in order.
Compared to the tonsorial and artisan lines, I’d say the MB line has lather that is a tad thicker and slicker than the tonsorial but has a tad less residual, washing cleanly very quickly (the artisan line having the best residual). The MB has slightly better post shave feel however, than the tonsorial, but not the level of the artisan. I feel like (after only 1 shave mind you) the differences between the tonsorial and MB are slight (nod to the MB perhaps) but the artisan still sets itself apart. The MB comes in at the same price point as the tonsorial, so you really couldn’t go wrong with either. Previously I felt that the tonsorial was perfect in terms of performance and value for everyday shaves, where the artisan I might use as a treat for special days or days I want a really good lather. I think the MB falls in line with the regular tonsorial.
That’s that! It’s actually a beautifully cool and blue (slightly overcast) sky day!
We made it to the weekend! Have a great Friday all’