Shave #236 (429 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, Proraso Red soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Proraso Red AS, and Guerlain Royal Santal clone oil to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 161:
Nice wake up this morning, just in time for online service. So glad I didn’t have to get in to work this morning at 7.
Great shave. Not a whole lot of growth on the cheeks as they were just barely coming out of BBS stage (yes that’s right, nearly 24 hours of BBS on the cheeks from the Feather SS). Gave the shave to the Vector anyway though. Decided to use my Proraso/Sandalwood setup. I do need to find a nice sandalwood EDT to go with it. Guerlain’s take isn’t bad, but my be a touch too floral for regular use for me.
Great time with family and extended family yesterday. Ended up taking both dogs with us. Overall they did great. We did have one incident between my sister-in-law’s male pup and our female dachshund where ours had to back him down from being too amorous. The dachshund knows the male dog, he is a part of the family we got her from, but I guess she just wasn’t having it yesterday. He’s about 3 times the size though. There was some blood but thankfully it wasn’t serious.
Working a fairly normal shift Monday and Tuesday, so a chunk of today will be spent just finishing up house chores and lawn watering. Kids start school in a week and a half.
Have a blessed Sunday all!