Shave #242 (433 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, RR GC .68, Astra SP blade, Yaqi w/ brown synth brush, CBL Barbershop soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Lucky Tiger AS, and Annie Oakley Stampede EDT to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 167:
Missus was out of town last night through this evening. So I took advantage and stayed up late, slept in, and getting in some games between chores.
Pretty decent shave this morning. I was a little heavy handed with the Feather AC SS, but I’m attributing some of it to the occasional acne that has been popping up from close shaves + long shifts of mask wearing. Still, little harm done though.
Kids have done their chores, I’ve got lawn watering and some laundry to do. Already washed the dogs. Check check and check.
Have a great Saturday all!