The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Have a great day Chris
Thanks Dave! Home now, so exponentially better!
No, why do you think I moved here?!
Nice shave, man I love my L injector!
Thanks Matt! I think I love the M a bit more, but neither is a slouch with these Schick blades loaded!
Haven't used my injector for a long time. Looking forward to the next time, whenever it comes. Hope those fires get contained quickly, Chris.
Thanks Bruce!
Shave #234 (428 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Schick L injector, Schick blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, CBL Barbershop soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Lucky Tiger AS, and Ralph Lauren Chaps to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 159:

A pretty good shave this morning. The Feather in the SS was a little rough but I made the best of it. CBL Barbershop is another soap that’s on the finishing list. The ring is also pretty sizable as in the LNHC. Topped off with Chaps. Not too shabby!

Got a good bit done yesterday at work, upgrading some of the outdoor shade rigging - stronger D-rings and eye hooks and whatnot. Hopefully that last us for a while! Though with the fires that are all around CA, seriously messing with the air quality, there may be a week or two of online-only Sundays.

Last night we also had a Zoom call with one of my nieces who turned 6 and a number of her immediate and extended family for a quick virtual round of happy birthday. Tomorrow we go down for a drive-by present drop off.

Have a great Friday all!
Shave #235 (429 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Schick M adjustable injector, Schick Twin blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 160:

Nice relaxing morning. Some homemade breakfast with the missus - eggs, English muffin, and Greek yogurt topped with homemade granola. Yum!

Showered and shaved this morning. Classic scent/software/gear combo. Rolled the dice and took the Feather ATG here and’s been over a year since the last time I’ve tried it. Definitely as close of a shave as you can get without flaying yourself...but paid for it with some moderate irritation. The rest of the ATG and cleanup went to the M injector. Good thing I chose the SV today. Between my homemade aloe/witch hazel blend and the 70th AS, the irritation was almost immediately cooled and nullified. Fantastic!

Headed out soon for the drive-by present giving and to visit a couple family members.

The call was made yesterday afternoon to cancel tomorrow’s in-person outdoor service for the church. The air quality is still too bad with all the fires that haven’t yet been contained. So it’ll be a free day at home for me!

Have a great Saturday all!
Shave #235 (429 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Schick M adjustable injector, Schick Twin blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 160:

Nice relaxing morning. Some homemade breakfast with the missus - eggs, English muffin, and Greek yogurt topped with homemade granola. Yum!

Showered and shaved this morning. Classic scent/software/gear combo. Rolled the dice and took the Feather ATG here and’s been over a year since the last time I’ve tried it. Definitely as close of a shave as you can get without flaying yourself...but paid for it with some moderate irritation. The rest of the ATG and cleanup went to the M injector. Good thing I chose the SV today. Between my homemade aloe/witch hazel blend and the 70th AS, the irritation was almost immediately cooled and nullified. Fantastic!

Headed out soon for the drive-by present giving and to visit a couple family members.

The call was made yesterday afternoon to cancel tomorrow’s in-person outdoor service for the church. The air quality is still too bad with all the fires that haven’t yet been contained. So it’ll be a free day at home for me!

Have a great Saturday all!
Sounds like we can expect a great evening service outdoors at church tomorrow here!

Question: how do you like those AC shaving razors?

I ask because I know I'm too lazy to learn to properly maintain a straight.

And I have a medium beard. How many shaves can I expect from a blade?

If this was a stupid/improper place to ask, say so my friend.
Sounds like we can expect a great evening service outdoors at church tomorrow here!

Question: how do you like those AC shaving razors?

I ask because I know I'm too lazy to learn to properly maintain a straight.

And I have a medium beard. How many shaves can I expect from a blade?

If this was a stupid/improper place to ask, say so my friend.
Glad you folks have the ability to do so! Take full advantage of it while able!

As for the Feather AC SS and open blade shaving - I started my open blade learning experience with a traditional SR. After 50ish uses, I came to not look forward to the stropping and edge maintenance required, I just didn’t want to put in the time either. Around that time I had already been debating what shavette type razor to invest in next. After much research I narrowed it down to a Feather AC SS, a Weck Sextoblade, or a Universal DE shavette (comes out of Italy). The latter two sounded solid (and are) but I knew eventually I’d want to go for gold and pick up a Feather. So I cut to the chase and instead of dabbling, just went straight for the Feather AC SS folding. The majority of my additional 350+ open blade shaves been with it. Fantastic open blade experience, easy to use, great shave. I almost exclusively use Feather Pros in it (and my other AC razors). I can generally expect 10-15 full shaves per blade. Once or twice I’ve been able to stretch the Feather Pro for a full month of usage. I’d say I have a stubborn beard with average to slightly sensitive skin.

Some folks say shavettes are far less forgiving than a real SR, I have not found this to be my experience, particularly with the Feather SS.
Glad you folks have the ability to do so! Take full advantage of it while able!

As for the Feather AC SS and open blade shaving - I started my open blade learning experience with a traditional SR. After 50ish uses, I came to not look forward to the stropping and edge maintenance required, I just didn’t want to put in the time either. Around that time I had already been debating what shavette type razor to invest in next. After much research I narrowed it down to a Feather AC SS, a Weck Sextoblade, or a Universal DE shavette (comes out of Italy). The latter two sounded solid (and are) but I knew eventually I’d want to go for gold and pick up a Feather. So I cut to the chase and instead of dabbling, just went straight for the Feather AC SS folding. The majority of my additional 350+ open blade shaves been with it. Fantastic open blade experience, easy to use, great shave. I almost exclusively use Feather Pros in it (and my other AC razors). I can generally expect 10-15 full shaves per blade. Once or twice I’ve been able to stretch the Feather Pro for a full month of usage. I’d say I have a stubborn beard with average to slightly sensitive skin.

Some folks say shavettes are far less forgiving than a real SR, I have not found this to be my experience, particularly with the Feather SS.
Thank you so much!