The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Dude, that heat is a real killer. It really makes eating a chip not sound too bad. No I'm not trying to convince you to do it, why do you ask? :ROFLMAO:

Seriously though, I hope it cools down.
Shave #232 (427 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Schick M Adjustable injector, Schick Twin blade, RR Big Bruce brush, LNHC Coconut Oud soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, and RR The Stallion to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 157:

Tried to sleep in a bit...didn’t work out so well.

Had my shave and it went pretty good! Nothing to complain about at the least. Was sorely tempted to pull out Stirling Christmas Eve but then my eye caught the couple soaps I’m trying to finish (not because they’re bad but) so I can free up a tub or two for the 2nd Anniversary CBL Master Barber pucks...and sense won out. So I pulled out Coconut Oud instead with its usual Stallion matchup. The ring on this soap is pretty extreme. I may just fold it into the clown puke tub soon. Still, with some work, I got a great lather.

Ever have a critter show up in your house over night and for the life of you, you can’t figure out how the hell it got there, unseen? Part of the way through my lather-building, I caught a glimpse of a stringy green thing hanging out on the ceiling in the hall in front of the bathroom. What the heck? Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a decently sized praying mantis! What the hell? Usually some ants or a decently sized spider might find their way in an pop up seemingly out of nowhere...but a praying mantis? And for it to have not been seen getting in and to have gotten past our dachshund that likes to inspect every living creature to see if it’s mantis! Anyway I hate bugs, but most everyone else in the house hates them “more” (except the middle son...but he’s more likely to capture it and try to keep it as a pet rather than release) so the task fell to me to usher it out the door to the garden. Thankfully this one did not have wings...I’ve experienced that kind before...

Another hot day today, though not quite as much as yesterday. The week also has kind of been downgraded to upper 90s weather...but that could well change (literally the weather app has been changing predictions every couple hours). Sadly though some 20-something moderate to major fires are happening in CA right now. Some of them are close enough that the slight winds are bringing some of the ash our way. Not nearly as bad a last summer’s fires thankfully (yet).

Aaaaand I’ve rambled enough.

Have a great Wednesday all!
Some of them are close enough that the slight winds are bringing some of the ash our way. Not nearly as bad a last summer’s fires thankfully (yet).
It is here. Last night we couldn't see the far side of the runway because of the smoke and it smelled like you were standing right next to a grill when the wind shifts and blows the smoke in your face.
I hear you on the bug thing. Hate them too, yuck.

Fire season in CA is getting really frightening. Glad to hear it's not as bad as last year, or the year before that or.....

Stay safe, stay hydrated!
I hear you on the bug thing. Hate them too, yuck.

Fire season in CA is getting really frightening. Glad to hear it's not as bad as last year, or the year before that or.....

Stay safe, stay hydrated!
Thanks Cole! Are there any mutant monster bugs in Helsinki?
Shave #233 (427 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Schick L injector, Schick blade, Yaqi Segrada Familia synth brush, CBL Money tonsorial soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Lavender/Roman Chamomile/Tangerine EOs, and Jean Phillipe 1 Million clone to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 158:

Boss wanted a couple of us in to help man some improvements on the shade awning for Sunday. So I’m headed in this morning, not sure for how long.

Nice, easy shave this morning with the Schick L. No fuss. Schick blades really are the best I feel! Wrapped it up with some light, fresh scents.

Upper 90s today and finally a cool temp morning. It would be a pretty nice one if the air quality weren’t so bad from the fires. Praying the worst of the heat at least is behind us now and for plenty of rains this winter!

Still a good number of fires raging in CA.

What else is happening today? I’m on my way to find out I guess!

Have a great Thursday all!