Shave #179 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: RR GC .68, Sputnik blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, CBL Grassroots Lavender, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Myrsol K AS, and Royall Vetiver to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 104:
A bit groggy on wake up, but I’m up!
Great cool water shave this morning. Did reopen one nick on the chin from yesterday, but it’s closing quickly. Time to change the Sputnik out methinks. OK, so the scent profiles don’t all entirely match much (lavender, peppermint, and vetiver) but they do kinda work.
Going to enjoy an iced coffee before heading out the door to work. Time to fix up all those last minute details for service. It’s funny that for “all the folks” clamoring to get back to physical, on-campus services, our signups did not fill up. I’m guessing it’s the following of the health guidelines that have kept people from wanting to come...or “all the folks” was just a very vocal minority.
Have a great Saturday all!