The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Yikes!! Too bad about the soap, Chris.. I haven't tried the "Healers", but I highly recommend the Nomad is you're looking for another Zingari to try.
6am huh? So you got to sleep in. Nice!

Bummer about the soap.
Yikes!! Too bad about the soap, Chris.. I haven't tried the "Healers", but I highly recommend the Nomad is you're looking for another Zingari to try.
Bummer about the soap. Good job getting things knocked out at work.
Thanks gents!

Yea, I’m guessing it may be the citrus? Though I’ve tried other stuff with citrus in it before, maybe this one has it amped up? I just don’t know. I’m sure I’ll figure out something!

Like you mention Mark, they certainly have other highly liked scents!
I’m sorry to hear about the burning from the Zingari Man. The Sego base is one of my favorites.
Shave #176 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Sputnik blade, Sorrentino TSC 1st Anniversary badger brush, CBL Money tonsorial, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, and Humorous (TDH clone) to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 101:

Slept in this morning! Yesssss!

After attempting to play catch up with some much needed rest, I had my cup of iced coffee. 100s or just under the next couple days, so we’ll largely be staying inside.

Had my shave late morning. Decided to reach for some “clean” scents and err on the side of staying always from things too cologne-y, at least for the shave. Excited to try one of the frags Tim sent along in a bit, when the Humorous does down a little. Probably going to do the same tomorrow (light & clean), since yard work will be on the docket early morning, before the heat really sets in. Great shave with the GC .68. Definitely BBS. Might not fly quite as high and far as a Vector shave, but it’s still a home run.

Regular Wednesday night Zoom calls this evening, with the addition that the missus starts a class tonight as well. Hopefully the net bandwidth can handle it all lol. Off to go research some games for our small group call, since it’ll be a smaller group than usual tonight.

Have a great Wednesday all!
Shave #177 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Sputnik blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, CBL SIR Fougere tonsorial, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Pitralon Classic AS, and Florida Water to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 102:

Welp...I committed last night to waking up a bit early and getting the yard work done...and I’m proud to say I carried through this morning. Just did the necessary stuff, but it’s done! Was already starting to get hot by the time I finished up around 10.

Shower n shave were wonderfully refreshing afterward. Kept the scents light, green, n clean. A good 15 second load with a damp brush on the bloomed SIR Fougere was perfect for the face lather. The GC skated along smoothly. May throw on more scent later since the FW dies down pretty quickly.

It’s Thursday...not a whole lot to say! Gotta go find something else to do now that’s going to make me look productive!

Have a great Thursday all!
My yard needs to be trimmed. UGH!
I try and find ways to break up the work. I might mow once every 2 weeks. Edging I might do once a month if I can get away with it. I do need to go do some pruning soon as well...a good number of our young trees stayed thin and stubby the last year or two, but now they’ve seemed to double this year!
I try and find ways to break up the work. I might mow once every 2 weeks. Edging I might do once a month if I can get away with it. I do need to go do some pruning soon as well...a good number of our young trees stayed thin and stubby the last year or two, but now they’ve seemed to double this year!

Yea I have been starting to slack a little bit. I now have a sprinkler guy that comes out twice a year for adjustments etc, and now have a lawn guy who does the fertilizing and weeding. I handle the mowing, edging, and trimming. Our lawn is looking REALLY healthy this year. First time I actually had a neighbor ask what I was doing. That was a proud dad moment. Almost went on line and ordered some white new balance shoes and cargo shorts. But decided not to.

I have some trees that are ab out 5 years old and need some trimming for sure, but I am afraid I will trim the wrong part. So might call in a pro in the fall to do that task.
Still no update on the Chip Challenge..... You ate the warm up chips with no issues, so let's get going!
Still no update on the Chip Challenge..... You ate the warm up chips with no issues, so let's get going!
I wouldn’t say no issues...but it did turn out OK. I actually did find them more bearable by the end of the bag!