The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

I’m guessing it’s the following of the health guidelines that have kept people from wanting to come...or “all the folks” was just a very vocal minority.
I’m thinking it’s this. Or people scream about having a choice and then choose to do what they were being told to do.
I had a sleep study some time ago. Piece of cake: they tape electrodes to your head, then you sleep. No muss, no fuss. (y)
It’s not so much the test itself as the suggested apparatuses that come along with results of having apnea or some such. I’ve had to room with gents before who had such gear (not sure how current the tech was) and I did not sleep a wink for the droning and whooshing and whatnot.
I’m thinking it’s this. Or people scream about having a choice and then choose to do what they were being told to do.
Yea...humans are such fickle creatures!
mmm Iced Coffee I think I will make some cold brew today!
It’s becoming a morning ritual (though we buy ours from the grocer) and I love it!
Shave #180 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, Clow puke soap tub, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Proraso Red AS, and Tom Ford Oud Wood to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 105:

Banged out the work that needed doing yesterday. We were a man down, but still managed to make pretty good time. I sure slept decently last night!

The missus was up and about early as she had to be present for the return services today to manage the many volunteers necessary to assist congregants. The kids and I stayed home for the live-streamed services. It is very different, but it is very good to see things back on campus.

Wood was the scent profile of the day for the shave...and it was glorious! My clown puke tub has a ton of various high end soaps smashed into it, of many different scent profiles from light to deep, fresh to heavy...but the combined scent seems to be this leathery/woody/rich many combo, that still manages to be light enough to be followed up by most men’s colognes. The performance is off the charts and the fresh Feather Pro in the Vector skated along to a BBS shave. Topped off with Proraso Red and TF Oud Wood, and I’m swimming in rich woods this morning!

Unless things change, my work schedule will mirror this last week - work a few, off a few. We’ll see!

Have a blessed Sunday all!
After all that work you had to watch from the sidelines??
Well...I could have signed the family and myself up, but really, I don’t think we (as a family) are ready to be back in that environment given health conditions and (sadly) trust that everyone is following directives; also as I mentioned previously, there were folks far more gung-ho about getting back on campus for who we felt those limited spots would better serve. At least 1/4 of those taking spots were already necessary volunteers and staff ensuring that things stayed reasonable.

The family is OK to continue with home services for a while.
Well...I could have signed the family and myself up, but really, I don’t think we (as a family) are ready to be back in that environment given health conditions and (sadly) trust that everyone is following directives; also as I mentioned previously, there were folks far more gung-ho about getting back on campus for who we felt those limited spots would better serve. At least 1/4 of those taking spots were already necessary volunteers and staff ensuring that things stayed reasonable.

The family is OK to continue with home services for a while.
Smart move Chris. The gungho ones usually are the ones that weren't careful when not there...........
Shave #181 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Sorrentino TSC 1st Anniversary badger brush, CBL Money tonsorial, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, and Guess Men Original to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 106:

Up for the day shift!

Went for a cleansing soap but full on fragrance to finish. Another great shave with the Vector; just a tiny bit of irritation on the corners of the upper lip where I chased.

Welp, by most accounts, yesterday’s services went pretty good. Neither were fully attended, only about 50-75ish each. People did as asked for the most part and nobody made a big scene over anything. Hope that continues.

During some family meals, we’ve begun to enjoy watching BBC’s Springwatch series. Basically a nature show highlighting the various aspects of British nature. It’s normally a live broadcast show, but is also recorded. Some fun stuff in there.

Have a great Monday all!
That show sounds pretty cool. I've been checking out a show on the Smithsonian Channel called Mystic Britain that is very interesting. Not the same I know...but you's Britain.
Is that Guess growing on you?
I’m still iffy on the initial spray, once it’s in dry down though it’s enjoyable.
That show sounds pretty cool. I've been checking out a show on the Smithsonian Channel called Mystic Britain that is very interesting. Not the same I know...but you's Britain.
Looks cool! All that ancient history and mythological stuff on the older continents and countries is soooo fascinating!
Me too. Interesting episodes.

Glad your church's services went well, Chris. This is our new normal.
Thanks Bruce!
Shave #182 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Sorrentino TSC 1st Anniversary badger brush, CBL SIR Fougere tonsorial, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Skin Bracer AS, and Intoxicated Killian clone oil to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 107:

Tuesday...much like Monday...but with a Tue.

Nice shower n shave this morning. Reached for CBL SIR Fougere tonsorial and went with a slightly cedar/pine theme. Skin Bracer fits just about anything and I was feeling it, so that went in too. Intoxicated Killian is sweet and slightly floral, but has hints of underlying wood. No idea what the real thing smells like...presumably similar. It’s nice!

Bit of a schedule rearrange for work. Totally had a brain fart that it was the 4th Saturday. It’s 2020 and days just don’t feel like they are what day they are. It essentially means that it’s preferable to not schedule anyone to work Friday or Saturday. So I have to see if folks can do a Wednesday or Thursday instead. Hopefully shorter shifts if everyone is on board.

Off to another full day of cleaning...woohoo. :ROFLMAO:

Have a great Tuesday all!
You have services on Sunday. Otherwise it seems like weekends don't really mean what they used to.
The boss never stops working. Hopefully there's a team effort and everybody pitches in to get the job done so nobody has to work the weekend.