Shave #173 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Schick M Adjustable, Schick Twin blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, CBL Aquatic Oud, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Lucky Tiger AS, and ADP Colonia Intensia to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 98:
Man, this last week really kicked my butt. Still woke up groggy and sore. 3 months outta work will do that to ya!
Still I did get to sleep in some. Slowly got ready for the day while folks were chillin. The missus went out and grabbed some breakfast for us from a local joint. I had my shower n shave. Decided ADP Colonia Intensia was a good end goal for the setup, so I built accordingly. Not sure how long or how many uses this Twin has, but it’s still chugging along pretty decently. Could be sharper, sure, but the shave is still good.
Last week I made the mistake of washing some of the kids’ favorite, ratty blankets (cheap fuzzy thing, but they like them and use them for everything) with our normal clothes. Didn’t realize till I was out of the shower, but a fine fuzz from the blankets had infiltrated just about everything from the wash load, including the towel I was I spent part of the shave now and again picking off balled up fuzz bits from off myself and remarking “How the heck did that get there?”
Watched service online. A little more laundry and lawn watering to do. Otherwise a chill Father’s Day.
This week is going to be a scorcher, with the majority of days reaching the 100s with a smattering of upper 90s. Ugh. On the positive note, as work gradually increases, somehow I got put in charge of scheduling this week, so I’ve got us finishing up our major tasks by midweek, then gave us a few days off each before the big social science experiment this next Sunday!
Have a blessed Sunday all and a happy Father’s Day to all the fellas out there whove ever lead, taught, inspired, modeled a good ethic, or showed kindness. It may be hard to hear, but people, especially youngins, are always watching, weighing, judging, and
absorbing. You have more influence than you know. Thanks for being a positive role model!