Shave #169 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: RR GC .68, Sputnik blade, Sorrentino TSC 1st Anniversary badger brush, CBL Barbershop, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Fine Platinum AS, and Fine Platinum EDT to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 94:
Yep...I’m feeling the lack of major activity for the last three months now. Probably hasn’t helped that I’m still getting to bed late in efforts of trying to still spend as much time with the missus as possible. It’s worth it though.
Nice wake up call this morning though with a shave and Fine Platinum combo! That older AS really packs a menthol punch! The Sputnik is on its second shave I think. Definitely not the sharpest, but it did it’s duty and it’s still more smooth than the Personna jectah blades.
Enjoying a cup of iced coffee n heavy whip before heading out the door.
We’re a little bit behind on our “ideal” cleaning schedule. It’s OK though, we’re still on track to have way more than what’s necessary done by the end of the week. The official start date for services gives as an extra week for whatever else on top of that, so all will be well.
Normal Wednesday night Zoom calls later.
Guess it’s that time to head out the door.
Have a great Wednesday all!