Shave #161 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Schick M Adjustable, Schick Twin blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, CBL 50 Shades of Vetiver, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Pinaud Citrus Musk, and Paco Rabanne 1 Million to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 86:
Nice shower n shave today. No adverse effects from last night’s chip eating!
Went for my normal Tuesday fresh theme, but lately I’ve dug out at least a couple soaps from from bottom drawer (less used) and today pulled out Chris’ faux-MDC soap from his soap making demo. Still a great, stronk vetiver scent with good nuff performance!
It’s official, my custodial team is heading back in this coming Monday for a week of deep cleaning and disinfecting the church campus! Still no official start date for services and meetings but we know it’s looming in the not too distant future, so we’re at least going to maintain the campus’ readiness from here on. Kind of bittersweet; I’ve been dreading loss of this strange void of 2020, that’s meant so much time spent with family...but it has to end at some point.
Have a great Tuesday all!