Shave #165 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm, SV 70th homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 90:
Kids woke us up this morning with the crash of something in the kitchen...thankfully it was nothing serious (container of something had fallen out of the fridge in an attempt to slide a different thing past and out), no one hurt, and it was a decent hour! Still got the blood pumping a bit.
With the exciting announcements of SV’s unprecedented partnership with TSC as an official vendor
and a once in a lifetime group buy of a custom SV brush, today’s shave just
had to be a small token of thanks.
Pulled out all the stops and went for the full luxury shave - SV 70th, Vector, Paladin, Guerlain...hooooo man! What a great shave that was! Kept with the cold water face wetting/rinsing like yesterday, worked like a charm. I may be keeping the cold water element for a while, it just seems to be jiving really well right now.
The missus indicated that it may be time to pare down the den a bit, hopefully finding some extra pennies to throw toward the group buy. It’s going to be tough. I’ve had a strict philosophy so far of not selling PIFed/gifted items I’ve received...but thanks to the generosity of others, that’s a big chunk of my stuff! Not sure how to proceed...
Watering the lawn and doing some laundry today, otherwise it’s a chill Saturday. The missus is taking a chunk of the day to do more wedding dress shopping for/with her sisters. Just us boys testosterone-ing things up in the meantime.
Have a great Saturday all!