Shave #159 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: RR GC.68, Feather Pro blade, Sorrentino TSC 1st Anniversary badger, Zingari The Healers soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Myrsol K AS, and Rosemary/Cinnamon/Lime EOs to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 84:
The city ended up lifting curfew yesterday as we were leaving town for the day, so we got to stay visiting a bit longer. It was a nice time. Some of the family members (who we’d usually see at least once a month) we hadn’t seen since Hawai’i in February.
This morning was nice, a light breakfast of scones and coffee, during online service. I believe it’s this week that CA either extends/furthers/or rescinds the temporary allowance of religious gatherings for worship. I’m meeting tomorrow briefly with the other lead custodial staff to make schedules and cleaning/disinfecting lists for the further opening up of the guidelines that is looming inevitably on the horizon.
Shave this morning was very nice. After a few days using the Paladin, I brought back out the Sorrentino badger. The differences are subtle, felt mostly during the lather build. The Paladin (Paladin’s exclusive product) knot does indeed have better feel, density, and softness. The other knot (not Eric’s product) is not bad, its good, it’s just not quite as good.
Today was a bit of an anomaly with the Zingari. I got a great lather, but the first pass burned a little bit! I also placed the scent a little bit more, not just fruity pebbles, but it also smells a good bit like Wickham’s Club Cola profile (but better)! Still a great shave, once I pushed past the burn.
Some chores to take care of today since we were out the whole day yesterday, but nothing too bad.
Have a blessed Sunday all!