The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

ETHOS Grooming Essentials First Official Release


Just a heads up to anyone wondering why their order hasn’t shipped out yet. As I mentioned I’m a previous post I’ve been way behind for multiple reasons that I won’t go into again. This is to inform everyone who’s ordered that all the orders will be shipped today, tomorrow and Monday.
The Monday deliveries are those that will have products in then to be tested. I’ll be finishing up making those products on Sunday so all the orders can be shipped out by Monday and I can finally say I’m caught up.

I’d like to thank all for their patience and support!

kind regards

So today I spent the entire day in the labs finishing up some formulas I’m going to be releasing very soon and just waiting for feedback from some of the members who will be testing these products. I definitely will be able to put some tweaks on these formulas based on feedback I get.
So you already know about the Ice Dragon and the samples will go out with the rest.

1. Post shave - Hyaluronic acid gel with a large dose of the EOS Complex, Aloe Vera juice and other skin food ingredients. No name picked out on this one yet. You can use it as your only aftershave product or layer an Aftershave splash over it. Just take a couple of pumps of the product while your face is still damp and spread it all over your face and neck. I mean this product works to bring incredible hydration to your skin so when I say your whole face I mean whole face. While it’s wet you can also add a couple of drops of my new serum described below.

2. This is a new post shave serum using some of the finest natural oils for the skin with Marula oil heading up the list of numerous other natural oils of different molecular weight oils to address dry to normal skin types. It is lightly scented with real East Indian Sandalwood oil, Bergamot and sweet orange EO’s .i suggest only a few drops applied while your face is wet with either water, witch hazel, aftershave splash or my new H

3. I’m really excited about this product as I’ve been testing it for over a two month period. I call it “ First Lather “ as it’s a pre shave product with multiple functions. It’s a lather booster, it increases slickness throughout the Shave and provides ghost residual slickness especially if you add a stroke or two before your final pass. I’m thinking STR8 razor users are going to really enjoy this product. I did some tests where I applied it before using shave soaps that are known to not have the greatest residual slickness and all I can say is wow! Use it with a great shave soap and well I think your going to be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. It also offers protection and adds to the post shave. It’s a roll on stick and the one in the photo is just a 1 oz tester as the final product will come in a 2.6 oz size roll up. So i it has lots of good ingredients in it like natural butters and oils but also has a slight lathering to it. After getting out of the shower I’ll give my face a quick splash of hot or warn waters then using the roll up stick I start rolling it on my cheeks, chin and neck and then as if you were washing your face from below your eyes I rub in the First Lather with your hands and you’ll notice a tiny bit of lather builds and that’s when it’s ready lather your shave soap of choice right over it. You also have the option to slightly rinse some off. That’s up to you. Like I mentioned if you use it before your last pass final lather up the results are pretty amazing.

4. I’ve been working on this post shave hydrating Skin Food shear lotion for awhile and it’s ready for testing. It also features a few percent more of the EOS Complex and a lot of other added other Skin benefiting ingredients. It is not oily and once dried it leave your skin feeling well hydrated. A note to the testers who will receive some of this. I got a little crazy with a skin cooling ingredient which I’ve decided will not be in the final product so keep that in mind when using it and evaluating the product.
As far as putting a scent to match every shave soap in all of these products I’m torn about and I’d like to hear your input on.
So the Hyaluronic Gel serum and the oil serum are in their proper packaging as shown in the photos below and the First lather roll on stick is also in its proper packaging except it will be a larger size and white in color. Not purple. The lotion will also be in one of the pump bottles and I’m not sure if I’ll use the round or the same bottle that the Skin Food splash comes in. Going back and forth on both.
So some of these or maybe all of these products will be released within 2 to 4 weeks.

Wow Frank you have been really busy. All those products sound pretty amazing! As far as your question on if all should match a shave soap scent the answer depends for me. If these products are meant to be stand alone post-shave (with the exception of First Lather) then I can see making them match soap scents. However, I was getting the impression that these products would work better coupled together and coupled with your current SFS. Which if that is the case then I would think leaving them unscented would benefit you and the consumer.

-If they are left unscented, then customers would just need to buy replacements when they run out and not worry about the matching scent being out of stock.
-Having them unscented could keep the product cost lower so that it is less expensive on the customer and they are more willing to purchase the set versus only one product.
-It is possible that if they come in matching soap scents then customers will choose between the SFS and these products instead of coupling them together as intended.

Just my thoughts Frank, and I hope that helps!
Looking forward to experiencing the fruits of your hard work Frank. I lean to unscented as it will provide a blank canvas for any post shave product with or without fragrance. Really happy with my Ethos soap and Skin Splash - has easily supplanted 2 of my former top 5 performers.
Frank, my humble opinion,
If the hydrating Skin Food lotion will be with the smell of a line of appropriate soap, everyone can choose, use Skin Food with or without alcohol (y)
Actual for overseas users in the first place, or for those who do not use alcohol aftershaves.
The other products will be better unscented.
Hello all and thank you for all the suggestions so far and please keep them coming.
I’m sorry if I didn’t respond sooner but I was in a meeting most of the day with my graphic designer and website builder as I really want to get the website up to make the ordering and shipping situation easier for both my customers and myself to place and fulfill orders.
Also we designed some of the labels for these new products and a couple others I haven’t posted up yet.
I will be back on later to discuss some of the suggestions and my thoughts on those suggestions and guys I may need some help with the name on one of the products.
Thanks all and keep the suggestions coming!
These products sound great Frank, and I can't wait to use them. My preference would be for unscented, so that they can be used with different shaving soaps. Thanks for all the work you are putting in to this.
