The Shaving Cadre

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Dragonsbeard Soap and Skin Food Splash Pass Around

Ok, so I did end up going with a night shave after work on Wednesday, and just haven't really had time to write it up until now. I used my favorite DE for the first use of this soap/AS, the Feather SS for the second, and will use a traditional straight for the third, which will gradually ramp up the slickness requirements.

Razor: Rockwell 6c
Blade: Wizamet
Brush: Semogue 830

First off, the scent is outstanding. I loved it from the first lid removal and sniff. Masculine with a bit of animalic(from the oud I expect), no one will be mistaking this for unisex. There is something really familiar about the scent, but I can't seem to place it. I didn't notice the vanilla directly from the tub, but it started to come out as the shave progressed.

I scooped an almond sized dollop from the tub, put it in my preferred sample bowl, and got to it. I added a bit more water while face lathering than intended and ended up over hydrating, and by the time I got to the third pass the lather was pretty watery. The extra hydration of the soap didn't detract from the shave, though I did skip a clean up pass because of it. There was more than enough slickness for the 6c to skate across, and enough residual slickness to do some moderate blade buffing where needed in the trouble areas. Three passes netted me a DFS+ that was a barely-there scritch in the trouble spots from being BBS. I held off on using the aftershave for a few minutes to see how my skin felt from just the soap, and I was impressed. It's really hard to describe, but my skin felt really clean. I did notice some slight discomfort during and for a little while after the shave, but there was no accompanying redness. Based on responses to previous posts I expect this was the skin goodies in the soap and aftershave doing their work.

As mentioned before, the vanilla didn't really start to come out until during the shave and it seemed to increase a bit as the shave went on. The aftershave seemed almost opposite of the soap, as there was very little oud and a lot of vanilla. It smelled even better than the soap. I used a hefty splash(or glug as @dangerousdon would say), and even considering how many posts have mentioned it I was still surprised by how fast it soaked in. It was like my skin could breathe and was inhaling it almost as fast as it was applied. My face felt great for some time after, though there was a bit of dryness after 40 minutes or so and I had to use my usual moisturizer. I remember now reading about using a second application of the aftershave, but didn't think about it at the time.

I'll hold off on an final conclusions until after the last shave with these products, but I'm impressed so far and glad I got a chance to be in this pass around. I like to play around with photo filters, so I added a trippy effect on the second one.


Good stuff Eric. Looking forward to your thoughts with the Straight shave.

and nice pics too!
Ok, so I did end up going with a night shave after work on Wednesday, and just haven't really had time to write it up until now. I used my favorite DE for the first use of this soap/AS, the Feather SS for the second, and will use a traditional straight for the third, which will gradually ramp up the slickness requirements.

Razor: Rockwell 6c
Blade: Wizamet
Brush: Semogue 830

First off, the scent is outstanding. I loved it from the first lid removal and sniff. Masculine with a bit of animalic(from the oud I expect), no one will be mistaking this for unisex. There is something really familiar about the scent, but I can't seem to place it. I didn't notice the vanilla directly from the tub, but it started to come out as the shave progressed.

I scooped an almond sized dollop from the tub, put it in my preferred sample bowl, and got to it. I added a bit more water while face lathering than intended and ended up over hydrating, and by the time I got to the third pass the lather was pretty watery. The extra hydration of the soap didn't detract from the shave, though I did skip a clean up pass because of it. There was more than enough slickness for the 6c to skate across, and enough residual slickness to do some moderate blade buffing where needed in the trouble areas. Three passes netted me a DFS+ that was a barely-there scritch in the trouble spots from being BBS. I held off on using the aftershave for a few minutes to see how my skin felt from just the soap, and I was impressed. It's really hard to describe, but my skin felt really clean. I did notice some slight discomfort during and for a little while after the shave, but there was no accompanying redness. Based on responses to previous posts I expect this was the skin goodies in the soap and aftershave doing their work.

As mentioned before, the vanilla didn't really start to come out until during the shave and it seemed to increase a bit as the shave went on. The aftershave seemed almost opposite of the soap, as there was very little oud and a lot of vanilla. It smelled even better than the soap. I used a hefty splash(or glug as @dangerousdon would say), and even considering how many posts have mentioned it I was still surprised by how fast it soaked in. It was like my skin could breathe and was inhaling it almost as fast as it was applied. My face felt great for some time after, though there was a bit of dryness after 40 minutes or so and I had to use my usual moisturizer. I remember now reading about using a second application of the aftershave, but didn't think about it at the time.

I'll hold off on an final conclusions until after the last shave with these products, but I'm impressed so far and glad I got a chance to be in this pass around. I like to play around with photo filters, so I added a trippy effect on the second one.



Thank Eric for the excellent review and great photos!
Can't wait to read your next shave review. Yeah I've tested the water tablet and I've come to the conclusion to get a nice dense lather I start out with a squeezed out wet brush and then add a drop or two at at time until I get the optimal lather for my liking. If I see bubbles then I know I've added to much water. Scent is going up on soap and skin food splash when I make the next batch and it will have the newer base which adds grass fed beef tallow and an added butter to the existing duck fat base along with a little higher percent of the EOS Complex when compared to the version your using so hopefully everything good about the first release will be enhanced with the beta version.

So thanks again!

Thank Eric for the excellent review and great photos!
Can't wait to read your next shave review. Yeah I've tested the water tablet and I've come to the conclusion to get a nice dense lather I start out with a squeezed out wet brush and then add a drop or two at at time until I get the optimal lather for my liking. If I see bubbles then I know I've added to much water. Scent is going up on soap and skin food splash when I make the next batch and it will have the newer base which adds grass fed beef tallow and an added butter to the existing duck fat base along with a little higher percent of the EOS Complex when compared to the version your using so hopefully everything good about the first release will be enhanced with the beta version.

So thanks again!

That is what I usually do with my brush, but the boar was holding more water than I'm used to and I went a bit too far lol. As good as this one is, I'm really looking forward to the next version.
Ok, shave #2, with the Feather SS

Razor: Feather SS
Blade: ProGuard
Brush: Black Walnut tuxedo

I'm also using a different brush with each one to see if there is any noticeable difference in how it lathers with different knots. I used a synthetic tuxedo this time around and managed to not over hydrate.

This shave was similar to the previous one in many respects, the main exception being that the lather wasn't watered down and I was able to do a clean up pass. It is not the slickest soap around, but it was still plenty slick enough for the Feather to do it's job, and three passes with a bit of clean up netted me a BBS. There was still a bit of discomfort from about the second pass on, but again there was no redness and it didn't last for long after the shave ended, so I continue to chalk it up to the goodies doing their job. Once the first splash of AS soaked in(which took about 3 seconds) I went with another application. There was still just a bit of dryness about 40 minutes later, but it was better than the first time around. All in all, I'm enjoying the performance of both soap and aftershave, and I'm really liking the way it makes my skin feel.


Next shave will be with a traditional straight razor, which will be the real test.

Thank you for the very detailed review. I’m glad you were able to get more of what it feels like to load off the puck rather than a small sample as I’m with you on your thoughts on that. I’ve actually taken a whole sample and mash it on the bottom of a bowl to give it more of a realistic load

On the scent As I’ve said the scent in the soap because of the base will be different to a degree from the AS just based on the base differences between soap and an AS base but I can assure you they are one and the same. I may be way off base hear and if I am accept my apologies but the main scent and what’s in both soap and Aftershave is the Agarwood oil and Oud resin and all the other notes are at a lower level. Also because of the price of both Oud resin and Agarwood oil a lot of people have never smelled real Oud. Because of its popularity in the the very high end niche fragrance market there are now so may synthetic versions of Oud oil so that may be why you were not honing in on what you were smelling. There are no citrus notes that are a part of the blend and you named them all correctly in your explanation which I really appreciate The Rose Absolute was added as the last note because I wanted to slightly sweeten up the scent just a bit and Rose as many may know is called the Sugar of the fragrance world the Amber adds the warmth and Sandalwood adds the woody note and the Vanilla to me adds is a soft subtle creaminess to the scent. Also there are no synthetics in the scent which again may through off some folks as they are used much more than EO’s or natural aromatics.
The most common scent statement I’ve gotten from reviews is it smells somewhat chocolate to them but I swear I put no Hershey’s in it. Lol

Also some your review was so detailed which again I appreciate I have been working on both the slickness and residual slickness but I will say I take a lot more time layering my face and that’s with any soap I use and I personally have not had an issue with either but I do feel like they can be improved in the next batch.

What I’m wondering about more than anything is how your face feels after a couple few hours after using the products?

Most people that actually own both tell me they find their skin improves with continuous use. The benefits of the EOS Complex are as instant as let’s say a balm or lotion but the ingredients are very active instead of laying on the skins surface. I’m probably going to be making at least 3 maybe 4 post shave products to address all skin types. So it sounds like you would be a excellent tester for new products I’m developing.

Let me know if your interested and if so send me your address in a pm and I’ll be in touch.

Enjoy the big dance today! Should be a good one!
Thank Eric for the excellent review and great photos!
Can't wait to read your next shave review. Yeah I've tested the water tablet and I've come to the conclusion to get a nice dense lather I start out with a squeezed out wet brush and then add a drop or two at at time until I get the optimal lather for my liking. If I see bubbles then I know I've added to much water. Scent is going up on soap and skin food splash when I make the next batch and it will have the newer base which adds grass fed beef tallow and an added butter to the existing duck fat base along with a little higher percent of the EOS Complex when compared to the version your using so hopefully everything good about the first release will be enhanced with the beta version.

So thanks again!

What about the Camel hump fat? I was digging that!
Thanks! I try to be as detailed as I can do my reviews are meaningful, at least to a few people out there...

To me, the scents of the soap and AS were definitely different. The soap was warm, earthy, and spicy. I get the scents from the Agarwood and Oud and they are nice, blended and not overpowering. The AS was bright, and light, at first. After the dry down all I smell is vanilla, and my girlfriend said the same thing.

After the full dry down, my face feels great. Feels very soft and moisturized. Now today has been exceptionally warm, so I will be curious how it fares when it’s colder and drier, like it has been the past couple weeks here. I also did notice a slight burn during the dry down period, which is odd, because I rarely get a reaction from anything. I have read your comments on the burn and will continue to use both products for a few days and see if that goes away.

I am definitely interested in trying out any new products you are working on. I’ve recently been thinking about getting into some products that help with aging skin, and reducing wrinkles and such. I already look younger than I am and I’d like to keep it that way. (Not being cocky here, but people tell me that all the time.) I’ll definitely PM you. Thanks for the offer!
Thanks! I try to be as detailed as I can do my reviews are meaningful, at least to a few people out there...

To me, the scents of the soap and AS were definitely different. The soap was warm, earthy, and spicy. I get the scents from the Agarwood and Oud and they are nice, blended and not overpowering. The AS was bright, and light, at first. After the dry down all I smell is vanilla, and my girlfriend said the same thing.

After the full dry down, my face feels great. Feels very soft and moisturized. Now today has been exceptionally warm, so I will be curious how it fares when it’s colder and drier, like it has been the past couple weeks here. I also did notice a slight burn during the dry down period, which is odd, because I rarely get a reaction from anything. I have read your comments on the burn and will continue to use both products for a few days and see if that goes away.

I am definitely interested in trying out any new products you are working on. I’ve recently been thinking about getting into some products that help with aging skin, and reducing wrinkles and such. I already look younger than I am and I’d like to keep it that way. (Not being cocky here, but people tell me that all the time.) I’ll definitely PM you. Thanks for the offer!

Thanks for volunteering to test some new products I’ve been working on. I look forward to working with you.

Pm me when you have time and we’ll go from there!

Now it’s time for good food and football lol!

I know your a KC fan and they deserve to win one as it’s been 50yrs. I’ve been a 49ers fan since I followed Joe Montana from ND so a die hard Niners fan but I do like KC so I’m hoping for a good game! 🏈
Current List

3. dkeester - completed
4 ED3054 - completed
6. Milkcrate - completed
7. Techihci - completed
8. Uacowboy - completed

9. Smattayu - awaiting shipment

5. Majorrich - completed
9.Bill in Oneida - Completed
10. Jaro106 - Completed

11. Spider - in possession