"TSC's Master of Bourbon"
Journal Entry #261
Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Williams modern soap
Razor: Colonial Razors The General Brass
Blade: Feather Pro (1)
Brush: TSC Membership brush
Soap/Cream: Abbate y La Mantia Don Jose
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB
AS 3: Figaro Monsieur Ambra AS
Fragrance: None
Josh's Mega PIF #16

Shave Quality
This was a stellar shave. The razor skated across my face with ease leaving me BBS. I am still BBS eight hours later. The Feather Pro with the Brass General is a great combination. I am not sure if it is better than the aluminum General, so I will have to do a bit of comparison before I pass the Brass General to the next person in the list. The Don Jose soap was a nice surprise also. In the tub it the scent is a bit cloying. However, when lathered the scent lightens into a wonderful shaving experience. I was afraid I wasn't going to like it based on the scent out of the tub. I was wrong. Also, in the performance arena this gives CBL a run for the money. (However, it is more expensive than CBL and CBL is easier to get. Also, I like Chris' scents a little better so far. So, CBL is still top dog in my den, by a nose.) I also didn't take a close look at the label before shaving, so I wasn't expecting the menthol. This would make a good summer soap. I gave me a good face freeze.
The Brass General is great. I definitely need to compare it to the aluminum version.
Other Thoughts
Work is going well. I have only been on the new job for 3.5 months, but I am feeling at home. I still have lots to learn so I have some work cut out for me. I hope that this is a place where I can stay for a few years.
Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Williams modern soap
Razor: Colonial Razors The General Brass
Blade: Feather Pro (1)
Brush: TSC Membership brush
Soap/Cream: Abbate y La Mantia Don Jose
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB
AS 3: Figaro Monsieur Ambra AS
Fragrance: None
Josh's Mega PIF #16

Shave Quality
This was a stellar shave. The razor skated across my face with ease leaving me BBS. I am still BBS eight hours later. The Feather Pro with the Brass General is a great combination. I am not sure if it is better than the aluminum General, so I will have to do a bit of comparison before I pass the Brass General to the next person in the list. The Don Jose soap was a nice surprise also. In the tub it the scent is a bit cloying. However, when lathered the scent lightens into a wonderful shaving experience. I was afraid I wasn't going to like it based on the scent out of the tub. I was wrong. Also, in the performance arena this gives CBL a run for the money. (However, it is more expensive than CBL and CBL is easier to get. Also, I like Chris' scents a little better so far. So, CBL is still top dog in my den, by a nose.) I also didn't take a close look at the label before shaving, so I wasn't expecting the menthol. This would make a good summer soap. I gave me a good face freeze.
The Brass General is great. I definitely need to compare it to the aluminum version.
Other Thoughts
Work is going well. I have only been on the new job for 3.5 months, but I am feeling at home. I still have lots to learn so I have some work cut out for me. I hope that this is a place where I can stay for a few years.
Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.