Hope you had a good holiday yesterday (Other than with your wallet

I did. I hope yours was good too.Hope you had a good holiday yesterday (Other than with your wallet)
It was!I did. I hope yours was good too.
I know the feeling, Doug.I have a ton of things to do. I need to get some of them off my plate soon.
Good for you, Doug. That's a big step and commitment. Great your company is supportive.Moving forward with the hip replacement. The people in my company are being very supportive. I think I am in a good place. I think this is a place where I can stay for a while. I am looking forward to the new hip, but I am really apprehensive about the 6-8 weeks of recovery time. I will be mostly working from home during those weeks.
Thanks!Good for you, Doug. That's a big step and commitment. Great your company is supportive.
I was thinking I needed a blue cologne tonight. I'm gonna pick up a small bottle of Cool Water for those nights like tonight that I can slip out the door solo.
You are fortunate to work for them. I am sorry you lost an aunt, Doug. My last surviving aunt passed away this summer. It hurts to lose family.On an up note. My new employer is being amazingly supportive. They are treating me like family. Going into this new job I was planning to stay here at least 6 years. If they continue to treat me the way that they are, I can see myself being happy here for much longer.