Journal Entry #538
2020 Shaves (DE: 99, SE: 17, Straight: 5, Cart: 0, Skipped: 6)
Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Stirling Piacenza pre-shave oil
Razor: Merkur 15c Open Comb
Blade: Gillette Platinum (2)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: PAA Solar Flare 24mm
Soap/Cream: Bluebell Select Shaving Soap Peppermint (18)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Royal Copenhagen AS
Fragrance: none
A killer shave for my Friday
Shave Quality
Today I focused on short strokes with light pressure. I also tried to make sure that I wasn't hitting the same spot over and over. With the thickest of slickest of Bluebell lathers the razor removed the stubble with little exfoliation. The alum had almost nothing to say to me after the shave. It was two passes that led to a lovely BBS-.
I decided to do a bit of a comparison between the 15c and the OLD Type.

Pictured, left to right, is my Single Ring (from
@Spider's mystery box passaround), my Ivory Soap OLD Type, and the 15c. While the 15c is not a direct copy of either version of the OLD Type, it does appear to be similar in design. It holds the blade at a similar, if not identical, angle due to the shape of the base plate. Also, it appears that the blade exposure is similar. The handles also have similar dimensions.
I really like this razor. If you are a fan of the OLD Type, I would suggest giving the Merkur 15c a good look for a similar shaving experience.
Today's AS splash is one that I don't use very often. Royal Copenhagen is very 1970's. I think it smells great, but it is more cologne than AS due to strength of scent. A little goes a long way. It is heavy and definitely masculine. I think it is totally worth a try, although it appears to only be available in an 8oz. bottle.
Other Thoughts
Sometimes knitting can be frustrating. Last night I somehow managed to drop a stitch and didn't see an easy way to backup and pick it up. I ended up frogging three rows of knitting: the row that I was working, the row with the dropped stitch, and the row below. I lost the row below because I needed to make sure I was getting it back on the needles correctly and pulling out the row above too quickly had left things in a not so good state. There is probably a better way to fix a dropped stitch, but I didn't think to research it first. Maybe I will hit YouTube today to find some helpful techniques. At least I was able to fix the problem and save most of my progress.
Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.