The Shaving Cadre

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Doug's Journal of Shaving Happiness v2.0

Journal Entry #544
2020 Shaves (DE: 104, SE: 18, Straight: 6, Cart: 0, Skipped: 6)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Stirling Piacenza pre-shave oil
Razor: Weishi Nostalgic Adjustable @1
Blade: Astra SP (1)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: PAA Starcraft 24mm
Soap/Cream: Bluebell Select Shaving Soap Peppermint (25)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Fragrance: none

A hat trick of aggressive shaves.


Shave Quality
The shave was a little better today, but I don't think it was because I used a different blade today. I used much more TLC as I was shaving, but that didn't save me. Yup, it was another rough and aggressive shave. The lather continues to be amazing. It almost makes me sad that I am getting towards the bottom of the tub. We'll see if the irritation that I am feeling fades any faster than the previous two shaves. But, hey, it is still BBS, so it isn't all bad.

Will a higher setting on this razor make it better? There is a possibility that it could. I will give it a couple more test runs before making a final judgement. It has occurred to me that the razors I like the best are the ones that twist the blade into a parabolic curve such that the blade edges point slightly towards the handle. The Weishi nostalgic holds the blade almost completely flat. This could be the source of my difficulties with this razor.

Other Thoughts
Good coffee. Yum.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Journal Entry #545
2020 Shaves (DE: 104, SE: 18, Straight: 8, Cart: 0, Skipped: 6)

TSC Straight Shave #35
Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Stirling Piacenza pre-shave oil
Straight: Gold Dollar 66
Shavette Blade: none
Strop: Tony Miller Plain Chocolate Strop (30 laps on linen, 50 on leather)
Razor: Parker 69CR w/SB plate
Blade: Astra SP (2)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: PAA Starcraft 24mm
Soap/Cream: Bluebell Select Shaving Soap Peppermint (26)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Fragrance: none

TSC Straight Shave #36
Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Stirling Piacenza pre-shave oil
Straight: Gold Dollar 66
Shavette Blade: none
Strop: Tony Miller Plain Chocolate Strop (30 laps on linen, 50 on leather)
Razor: Parker 69CR w/SB plate
Blade: Astra SP (3)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: PAA Starcraft 24mm
Soap/Cream: Bluebell Select Shaving Soap Peppermint (27)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Fragrance: none

My first decent edges


Shave Quality
Because @BarberDave was doing his Straight Shaving Zoom Workshop on Saturday, I decided that I needed to spend some time with my straights, so Friday I started honing a handful of razors, but I only finished the GD66 (on the cnat which I purchased from @The Monkey last year). I shaved with it on Saturday. It was a good shave. Two passes with the GD and a DE pass to cleanup. It was a good shave and the edge felt decent. After the Zoom call was over it occurred to me that the edge could maybe be better, so I rehoned it from bevel set. I shaved with it today. The edge is really good I think. My problem today was in taking it for the third pass. I also did a little bit of cleanup with the DE. My face has been irritated all day. The first pass was really, really great however. I think this rubbing steel against rocks thing might be easier than some people (mostly in the old neighborhood) led me to believe. I also finished one of my ZY 430+ razors (this one on my surgical black ark). I will be shaving with that one sometime later in the week. The next few days will be devoted to mild DEs to let my face recover. Oh, and both straight shaves were bloodless. That makes three in a row. I am starting to feel like an accomplished straight shaver. Now I just need to get better with those damned shavettes.

The Gold Dollar 66 that I shaved with is one that I got unhoned from @paintflinger. I did the heel and toe mods myself and then gave it a workout on my stones. I put it across my 1K and 2K Shapton Ha No Kuromaku stones to set and refine the bevel, then moved to my Les Lat Coti for edge refinement, and then finished on the Chinese Natural 12K. I took a couple of hours to get it right and I think it came out decent on Friday, but the edge I put on it Saturday is better. Next time I might try setting the bevel on a coti. We'll see. I think I am starting to like this honing thing.

I can't wait to try the ZY. I am wondering if the SB Ark puts a better edge on a razor than the CNat.

I also want to try using an Arkansas progression. I have both Soft and Hard Arks. Going through those and finishing on my SB Ark sounds like an interesting recipe for a good edge.

Other Thoughts
It has been an informative and productive weekend for me as far as straight shaving is concerned.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
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nice going Doug and Literally the whole mystery is just Rubbing Steel on a Rock. That simple Great job!
Honing can be fun, trying out different methods and rocks, natural or man made.
I've had some great results with the Chinese natural, and Arkansas stones. Currently I'm experimenting with lapping film.
One thing that I've seen as a huge leap forward in my honing output is holding the hone in my hand, as opposed to laying on a base or table. Now mind you, this is just a few razors I've done this with so far, 4 of them, and three I've been pretty pleased with.
Yes, some neighborhoods seem to intentionally make honing more mysterious and complicated that it needs to be. I don't get it why they do it, either, unless they are stroking their own egos.
Honing can be fun, trying out different methods and rocks, natural or man made.
I've had some great results with the Chinese natural, and Arkansas stones. Currently I'm experimenting with lapping film.
One thing that I've seen as a huge leap forward in my honing output is holding the hone in my hand, as opposed to laying on a base or table. Now mind you, this is just a few razors I've done this with so far, 4 of them, and three I've been pretty pleased with.
Yes, some neighborhoods seem to intentionally make honing more mysterious and complicated that it needs to be. I don't get it why they do it, either, unless they are stroking their own egos.
I tried lapping film but didn't like it. @BarberDave sent me some a long time ago. I have a marble tile that I used as the backer. I used lots of water, but the film wouldn't stay down and I would end up cutting it. Stones are working better for me. I still have a bunch and I may try it again some day, but I doubt it.

I think ego stroking is probably correct. It isn't hard or all that mysterious. It just takes time and patience.
I use a spray bottle to wet the plexiglass slab I use, then squeegee it down with a plastic gift card.
Journal Entry #546
2020 Shaves (DE: 105, SE: 18, Straight: 8, Cart: 0, Skipped: 6)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Stirling Piacenza pre-shave oil
Razor: Parker 69CR w/SB plate
Blade: Astra SP (4)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: PAA Peregrino 24mm
Soap/Cream: Bluebell Select Shaving Soap Peppermint (28)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Fragrance: none

A nice shave on a tender face.


Shave Quality
I was overzealous yesterday with the Gold Dollar and I am still feeling it a bit this morning. Another day or so and I should be fine; and I probably should have skipped the shave today. But, I shaved anyway. The Parker 69CR with the solid bar plate was mild enough for the two passes that it took to get me BBS-. I really can't complain about today's shave. It got the job done without making the residual tenderness any worse.

The Parker 69CR wants to be a bit aggressive in that it has more than a little blade feel due to exposure. There is enough exposure that I could feel the blade corners wanting to bite down as it was moving across my face. They didn't bite, but with a little less care they might have. It is not monsterously aggressive, but it is not the mildest razor that I have ever used. Overall it is a great shaver, but I am not sure I would recommend it to an inexperienced wetshaver.

The Peregrino brush is very nice. The handle is chunky with a nice heft. It has the same knot as the Starcraft, which whips up a very thick and enjoyable lather. It is a great brush with a decent price point. PAA has a winner here. Heck, their whole brush line is good stuff. The knots are fairly standard modern synthetics, so great shaving knots but nothing to write home about. The handles are where it's at for these brushes. It seems like there is something for everyone in this lineup and I have enjoyed shaving with each one.

Other Thoughts
I need to pick up some more SiC wet/dry sandpaper and some Flitz for some of these vintage straights that I have laying around. There are a couple that I want to make look pretty. Next I will need to research replacing the scales on straights. I have a couple that have decent quality steel, but horrible scales. I also need to figure out how to hone a smiling razor.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Oh, I forgot to mention earlier. The doughnut hole of death has appeared in the bottom of the Bluebell tub. Its days are numbered.
YES! Ding Dong the Peppermint is almost Dead YAY! BTW lapping paper makes great paper airplanes, LOL
Journal Entry #547
2020 Shaves (DE: 106, SE: 18, Straight: 8, Cart: 0, Skipped: 6)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Stirling Piacenza pre-shave oil
Razor: Parker 69CR w/OC plate
Blade: Astra SP (5)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: PAA Peregrino 24mm
Soap/Cream: Bluebell Select Shaving Soap Peppermint (29)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Fragrance: none

A very nice shave.


Shave Quality
My face is feeling a bit better today. The OC plate on the 69CR gave me a very comfortable shave. BBS in two with only a touch of irritation here and there. I changed up how I lather my neck a bit for today's shave. It really helped. I haven't been working the lather into my skin there as much as I have my face. My neck feels much better today than it often does after a shave.

The Parker 69CR definitely gets a thumb's up for both plates. It is a good razor. The OC plate felt a little milder than the SB plate does on my face. I wouldn't hesitate to use either one.

The Bluebell is disappearing fast. Yesterday I broke through to the bottom of the tub. After today's shave there is only a crescent of soap left in the bottom. This is a truly excellent soap and when the other three tubs of Bluebell that I have are gone, I will really miss it.

Other Thoughts
I haven't used my Dovo Shavette in a long time. I think it may have to give it a go someday soon.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Journal Entry #548
2020 Shaves (DE: 107, SE: 18, Straight: 8, Cart: 0, Skipped: 6)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water/PAA Cube 1.0 mentholated pre-shave
Razor: Merkur 34c
Blade: Astra SP (1)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: PAA Peregrino 24mm
Soap/Cream: Bluebell Select Shaving Soap Peppermint (30)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Fragrance: none

A sense of accomplishment


Shave Quality
Today's shave was one of the best that I have had in a long time. The lather was off the charts. The last of the soap broke apart as I was loading. I dumped it into the lather bowl and built from there. The 34c skated across my face. I got more irritation from rubbing the alum block on my face than I did from the razor. That doesn't happen to me often. I am just a hair shy of glass smooth after two passes. Every shave should be like this one was.

Merkur 34c + Astra SP = a classic combination

The tub is empty after 30 shaves. 141.7 grams of soap over 30 shaves is about 4.7 grams of soap per shave. That is some heavy usage, but the quality of lather was worth it. This is an outstanding veggie soap. I wish it had stayed on the market longer, but the market is really crowded so I can't blame them for getting out when they did. I am looking forward to using the other 3 tubs that I have of this soap (1 more in Peppermint, 2 in Spice Rack).

Moving on to the next 3017 project. This one is a continuation of the veggie soap theme. I was going to keep going with the soft artisan soaps, but @BarberDave inspired me to pull out something really high-end which also happens to be triple milled. That's right, the soap on deck for tomorrow (and smelling heavenly) is Saponificio Varesino Felce Aromatica. This is going to be 150 grams of amazing shaving.
Check out the website for a list of ingredients with functional explanation: Felce Aromatica – Shaving Soap 150g – Saponificio Varesino Online Store.

Other Thoughts
A coworker is having problems with the whole stay at home thing. I am trying to help. It is making for a rough day.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
I do have the AS also. (y)😁(y)

I am really looking forward to this one. It is going to take me about as long as the LEA Classic did, but it is going to be good times.
I don't have the splash but will join you for tomorrow with the soap Doug (y) The 3017.......................sorry, you're on your own for that :cool: