"TSC's Master of Bourbon"
Journal Entry #285
TSC Straight Shave #19
Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Williams modern soap
Straight: Shumate Toledo
Strop: Tony Miller Plain Chocolate
Razor: Karve Razor with C Plate
Blade: Polsilver SI (2)
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Brush
Soap/Cream: Haslinger Sage (5)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB
AS 3: Lucky Tiger AS & Facial Tonic
Fragrance: none
Haslinger Sage Day 5

Shave Quality
The shave was BBS. And I was wrong about the Haslinger in a couple of ways. It gave me a really good shave today. I used a lot more water and product. The lather was everything it should be. However, the post-shave has been lots of pain and suffering. My face reacted horribly to the soap. So, the lackluster performance of the soap over the past couple of days was not razor burn. So, I will be discontinuing use of the Haslinger Sage.
The edge on the Shumate was good. For a second attempt at honing I am happy with the results. I am sure it could have been better, but that will come with time.
I am really disappointed that the Haslinger reacted with my face, and I mean that my face is still hurting ten hours later.
Other Thoughts
I am really enjoying Brooklyn 99.
Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
TSC Straight Shave #19
Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Williams modern soap
Straight: Shumate Toledo
Strop: Tony Miller Plain Chocolate
Razor: Karve Razor with C Plate
Blade: Polsilver SI (2)
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Brush
Soap/Cream: Haslinger Sage (5)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB
AS 3: Lucky Tiger AS & Facial Tonic
Fragrance: none
Haslinger Sage Day 5

Shave Quality
The shave was BBS. And I was wrong about the Haslinger in a couple of ways. It gave me a really good shave today. I used a lot more water and product. The lather was everything it should be. However, the post-shave has been lots of pain and suffering. My face reacted horribly to the soap. So, the lackluster performance of the soap over the past couple of days was not razor burn. So, I will be discontinuing use of the Haslinger Sage.
The edge on the Shumate was good. For a second attempt at honing I am happy with the results. I am sure it could have been better, but that will come with time.
I am really disappointed that the Haslinger reacted with my face, and I mean that my face is still hurting ten hours later.
Other Thoughts
I am really enjoying Brooklyn 99.
Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.