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Corona Virus

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The biggest obstacle for teaching a lab based science class is obviously the lab portion. You are probably familiar with all of the prep work and hands on instruction that it takes to teach a worthwhile chemistry lab to students. As a current science teacher, I have struggled with having to substitute virtual labs and lab simulations for my normal hands on labs that I would normally do with my students. Online instruction may work for some subjects, but I have found in the past few weeks that it is very difficult to do without lab based science classes.
Exactly. I switched careers and did it through online education, but had to go for a couple of weeks every summer to the university to do the "wet" lab, hands on stuff. Science on line is okay, but hands on is very necessary.
I've never said that the entire country needs to be treated the same. But we are also seeing spikes in the number of cases in areas of the country that you would least expect it. We are hearing that rural areas are seeing an increase in the number of cases. Certainly not the same kind of numbers being seen in more populated areas but the problem for rural areas is the lack of resources needed to fight and treat the people who succumb to the virus. So hospitals are being overwhelmed.
I can't /won't speak about other rural state but here in Maine the hospital system is no where near overwhelmed. Actually with elective procedures and other treatments canceled our hospitals are underwhelmed. When asked about when rural areas could open, our Governor pointed to the death rate is Boston. Apples to Oranges.

And while I'll agree that each state should probably handle this in a way that is appropriate for what that state is seeing, it isn't helpful when the president makes partisan comments saying that it isn't fair for Republicans to have to bail out Democratic states. He says that all the states that are suffering the most from covid-19 are run by democrats. It's pretty clear that Federal assistance, whether it be in the form of materials or money, is not being looked at based upon need but instead based upon someone's partisan perspective of who is more deserving. And we won't even get into the reality of which states contribute more in federal tax dollars and receive far less than that contribution back in Federal aid. The wealthier states are often subsidizing the poorer states. And that has worked just fine up to now. But when aid is denied to certain areas of the country because of their political affiliation, that is just unconscionable. You are correct in that the answer is somewhere in the middle. But the Federal government is not allowing that middle ground answer to come to fruition.
I'm going to try hard to avoid party attacks but... Our state had a surplus in it's rainy day fund and we elected a new Governor who spent it all in her first year in office. Her budgets have spent every bit of revenue based on unrealistic best case scenarios. Now that the rainy day is here there are no funds plus there are no jobs. I believe one of the reasons for the slow roll out to open is that she is hoping to get as much Federal funds as she can.
I can't /won't speak about other rural state but here in Maine the hospital system is no where near overwhelmed. Actually with elective procedures and other treatments canceled our hospitals are underwhelmed. When asked about when rural areas could open, our Governor pointed to the death rate is Boston. Apples to Oranges.

I'm going to try hard to avoid party attacks but... Our state had a surplus in it's rainy day fund and we elected a new Governor who spent it all in her first year in office. Her budgets have spent every bit of revenue based on unrealistic best case scenarios. Now that the rainy day is here there are no funds plus there are no jobs. I believe one of the reasons for the slow roll out to open is that she is hoping to get as much Federal funds as she can.

Agreed. Apples to Oranges. Each area should be assessed somewhat based upon it's own circumstances.

As to your state's Governor and spending, which can be just applicable anywhere else, it has less to do with poltical affilation and much more to do with lack of fiscal prudence. I'd say your financial situation in your state seems to mirror the federal situation yet they are run by different people with different political affiliations. I've always been a proponent of a third political party. The "dig your heals in the sand" approach of both existing parties is what causes everything to come to a complete standstill. I was actually in favor of bringing someone in who wasn't part of the existing political establishment. But the person brought in has to be competent enough to be able to operate such a massive organization as this country's federal government. I work in the same industry as the current white house occupant and have done business with his firm over the past 30+ years. And it was very clear to me that he didn't have the skillset or the experience or the proper financial perspective to handle the job. And that seems to have been borne out on a daily basis. Anyway. We need to get a handle on this virus in all parts of the country because if we don't it will never be able to open in any meaningful way and we all suffer because of it.
We are living in a cartoon. Here's proof.
You know, the older I get the more convinced I become that the writers of the Simpsons have been fed content from time travelers. They have slipped more accurate ‘predictions’ into their old shows than current events most of our news programs report accurately in a week.

Anyone look for an EPA dome lately?
You know, the older I get the more convinced I become that the writers of the Simpsons have been fed content from time travelers. They have slipped more accurate ‘predictions’ into their old shows than current events most of our news programs report accurately in a week.

Anyone look for an EPA dome lately?
They even got our stupidity right. Imagine that!
I've never said that the entire country needs to be treated the same.

I know you didn't which is why my comment wasn't honestly directed only to you. It was more of a comment out of frustration and discontempt as an American citizen.

it isn't helpful when the president makes partisan comments saying that it isn't fair for Republicans to have to bail out Democratic states.

Look man I think we can all agree the president isn't a saint, and he speaks his mind MUCH more than he probably should.

He says that all the states that are suffering the most from covid-19 are run by democrats.

He's not necessarily wrong in this.

But the Federal government is not allowing that middle ground answer to come to fruition.

Exactly both sides democrats and republicans. Republicans saying they don't want to bail out states ran by democrat governors. And Democrats are wrong for politicizing the whole thing to further their agenda of that the president is the worst person on the planet, and he just might be! But there is no excuse to add pork to bills that are for Corona aide! And some of what they where trying to add into those bills I actually agree wtih... but a golbal pandemic is NOT the proper channel to push an agenda!

Now i'll be honest I let politics get into this and to the members I apologize. But I think we can all agree the current situation sucks! Maybe stop looking for blame and instead reach across the aisle (don't shake hands that's not social distancing) and let's get through this! We are supposed to be the greatest nation on the planet and in history. Let's act like it! And may God have mercy on the souls who have died due to Corona, are currently sick, economically impacted, all the medical professionals, first responders, scientists studying this disease, and anyone else impacted by this HORRIBLE disease.

Chad.... OUT!
I know you didn't which is why my comment wasn't honestly directed only to you. It was more of a comment out of frustration and discontempt as an American citizen.

Look man I think we can all agree the president isn't a saint, and he speaks his mind MUCH more than he probably should.

He's not necessarily wrong in this.

Exactly both sides democrats and republicans. Republicans saying they don't want to bail out states ran by democrat governors. And Democrats are wrong for politicizing the whole thing to further their agenda of that the president is the worst person on the planet, and he just might be! But there is no excuse to add pork to bills that are for Corona aide! And some of what they where trying to add into those bills I actually agree wtih... but a golbal pandemic is NOT the proper channel to push an agenda!

Now i'll be honest I let politics get into this and to the members I apologize. But I think we can all agree the current situation sucks! Maybe stop looking for blame and instead reach across the aisle (don't shake hands that's not social distancing) and let's get through this! We are supposed to be the greatest nation on the planet and in history. Let's act like it! And may God have mercy on the souls who have died due to Corona, are currently sick, economically impacted, all the medical professionals, first responders, scientists studying this disease, and anyone else impacted by this HORRIBLE disease.

Chad.... OUT!

You're right. He's not a saint. And what he says wouldn't mean so much if his actions didn't so closely align with what he says. That is the real issue.

And while he's not wrong that those states suffering most are run by democrats, it must be said that the suffering has nothing to do with who runs those states. It has everyting to do with the demographic make up of those states. Namely, those states have the largest cities in the country. That they happen to be democrat misses the entire point. Cities with people living in close proximity to one another with millions living in apartments in high rise buildings are much easier environments to transmit disease. No one is politicizing the suffering other than the one person we've been referring to here. The entire point that most of the elected officials of these larger states are trying to make is that this is NOT political. They need help. That help isn't forthcoming. Yes. This sucks. It's a horrible disease. And without the generous actions of all the medical professionals, first responders, etc, we wouldn't be able to get through this. But we need more from everyone else. I'm done with my rant as well, unless someone draws me back in (Sopranos/Godfather reference).
Are you saying the Simpsons are stupid? Hmm, I didn't notice.
Well actually, I was referring to morons running around like, um, morons, trying to take placebos (at the urging of a moron) to cure a disease, only to make things worse.
Gentlemen, Gentlemen. Again I reiterate STRONGLY, that this thread has been and will continue to be open. with some caveats. The sole purpose of this thread was to discuss what your families are doing, how you states are doing, and to have a " Fellowship of the Corona" so to speak. WE are treading a thin line, as I know that opinions regarding the handling, re-opening, continued mitigation, number reporting and so forth are very passionate subjects. That being said let's not cross that line that I have previously mentioned.

That goes for all members of the TSC and it's owners alike. It is OK to debate the topic, not the methodology or agenda of any particular side. Let's make it about US not them, about our families, our jobs, and what good ( if any ) this had, brought to us, like those that have recovered charitable things we have seen ETC.

We need not be like the other 90% of social platforms that are creating a warzone on their boards, or worse yet banning this subject all-together. The TSC prides itself on self-moderation, self policing, and we intend to stay that way. We are all very educated adults here and we NEVER want to get to the point, like some others who dictate what is considered a "Good Thread" and what is considered "Verbotten".

So I ask you to ponder that while posting in this thread, and I get it , the stress of this thing has emotions high, stress high, and uncertainties running rampant, but the TSC and ALL of it's threads are an oasis to all of us. As well as we know each other we DO NOT know the unique situations each one of our members is in, That in truth is the onus of this thread.

Please be cognizant of this and the philosophy of "Self Moderation and Policing" that the TSC is known for. We worked very hard to make what skeptics said could never happen, happen. I do not like heavy moderation, I do not like issuing warnings, and worst I do not like editing posts nor closing threads. However every once in awhile the ship needs to be brought back on course as is the case here. Let's not have the engines shut down.

Nuff said and Thank you in Advance
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