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Corona Virus

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May 3rd we were at 4.1 % then the 4th we were at 9.2% then the 7th @ 5.2 % and the latest (yesterday) 6.7 %
@ all Dave’s, one thing I’m sure you’ve noticed Is how different the story is depending on where you look (and of course, who you ask, but that’s a different topic). Region by region the impact and approach has been vastly different. For example our local hospitals have all but stopped operating, if it doesn’t come in through labor and delivery urgent care/ER it isn’t/wasn’t being admitted and that kept the census quite low. Our local medical services and screening clinics are practically non-existent right now, you can’t even reach them by phone. On the other hand I know (first hand) larger facilities in the Los Angeles area are still plugging along with no delays...yet.
I have one friend I’ve known since I was a very young boy who started chemo for lung cancer just a few weeks ago (in a different state) so I know treatments are happening. Given the state of affairs the whole process is quite frightening and very lonely,
I have taken heart that Pennsylvania has been at a plateau for awhile now. I’m hoping that we can get on a steady decline soon, and that Philly’s cases drop to the level where we can start opening up safely.

I need a haircut so bad.
Our positive rate has held steady overall at 4.3% the last 10 days. Averaging 5000 tests per day.
Our state is ramping up testing. Yesterday they said anyone who's doctor wants a test can get it, even if no symptoms are present.
My number I keep watching is the hospitalized rate. I expect the positive rate to go up as more people are tested. For you medical people, what percent of the population has to have had it to have herd immunity?

The governor just released a plan to start opening the rural counties.
Our state is ramping up testing. Yesterday they said anyone who's doctor wants a test can get it, even if no symptoms are present.
My number I keep watching is the hospitalized rate. I expect the positive rate to go up as more people are tested. For you medical people, what percent of the population has to have had it to have herd immunity?

The governor just released a plan to start opening the rural counties.

I've read 60-70% but not sure
our number here are increasing still sitting around 10%, but we are also "blitz" testing now, and anyone can get tested as well although there are only 4 spots in a city of over 1.5 million inlcuding the suburbs, You can also get antibody, but have to make an appt, and only one place doing it. So essentially it is a non starter. Barbershops / Salons / Nails and limited retail opened up Friday ( with distancing ) of which no one is doing, Monday, retail and limited restaurant openings. so we will see
What is the end game? How does this end?

So is the goal of all this to:
1. stretch things out that the virus will eventually die out?
2. Stretch things until / hoping that we develop a vaccine?
3. Stretch things out to build a herd immunity without overwhelming the medical system.
4. Just hide.
What is the end game? How does this end?

So is the goal of all this to:
1. stretch things out that the virus will eventually die out?
2. Stretch things until / hoping that we develop a vaccine?
3. Stretch things out to build a herd immunity without overwhelming the medical system.
4. Just hide.
I think the hope is the vaccine answer. At first the goal was just not overwhelm the hospital. It’s not going to die out.
I think the hope is the vaccine answer. At first the goal was just not overwhelm the hospital. It’s not going to die out.
Since you are on the Front Lines, are you hearing anything that would lead to a possible timeline for a vac?
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