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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued

SR Shave #580:

I decided to give one of the newly arrived Stirling samples a go this morning. I chose the "Satsuma". And I also decided to use the Torrey 1/4 hollow with Eric's new custom scales.

First off, the scent of this soap is delightful. To me, it's not complex at all, simply straight ahead satsuma. I'm familiar with the satsuma fruit, to some degree, as they grow down in lower Alabama where my dad's side of the family hails, and have enjoyed snacking on them for years. This scent of this soap is very reminiscent of a just peeled satsuma - love it. I detect no spice element, and definitely no shared characteristic with TdH (which, BTW, to me, is mostly cedar anyway). My only quibble is that the SOS is not strong enough, given how much I dig this one. I give this a 3/5 on the SOS scale, but that's being generous (it's more likely a 2/5); but it is a sample only, so there's that. I truly wish that this could be amped up to a 5/5. If this were a 5/5, I'd be ordering a full puck forthwith; but alas, it isn't. Performance-wise? Typical Stirling excellence. The Rudy Vey Manchurian brush whipped up an outstanding lather with uber slickness.

So what aftershave did I choose to go with this soap? Well, at first, I thought the Chiseled Face Santa Paula would be a no-brainer. But oh no - a clash of oranges, so to speak. Ah ha! DRH Arlington! Yes, yes, and yes! Perfect! Wonderful combo!

Oh, and the shave was excellent. Did just two passes for a perfectly enjoyable DFS(+). No complaints whatsoever.

Great shave. I love the scales on your Torrey.

I wonder if the satsuma experience would have improved with the addition of the matching AS?
Wonderful shave Chris...I was surprised at the lower than usual SoS on the Satsuma, as Stirling is usually pretty strong.
Bummer about the lack of scent strength Chris.
Great shave and picture though!

I'll admit I did have to google Satsuma.
Stirling is such good stuff. One of the great things about Stirling (other than its performance) is the wide variety of scents available and how good they smell.
Just catching up, Chris. Some great shaves and awesome pics. I, too, love the scales on the Torrey. Can't decide if I like that better or the blue marbled scales on your Aust. Both amazing in their own way.

Congrats, also, on the sobriety anniversary. Since I'm a Mormon, I've never had an adult beverage. One good thing about that, I guess, is that it's hard to become addicted to something that one never tries!

The other thing I've learned from your journal is that I'm really glad that I'm sending my straight razors out for others to hone, LOL.

(Oh, and I used the Sudsy Soapery sample you sent me again this morning. This soap is really growing on me. I mean, the lather was wonderful from the get-go, but the scent is definitely growing on me. Thanks again.)
dkeester said:
Great shave. I love the scales on your Torrey.

I wonder if the satsuma experience would have improved with the addition of the matching AS?

Thanks, Doug. Eric made the scales - he's got skill, no doubt.....And the satsuma was nice, maybe the matching a/s would have made it even better.

Dagwoodz said:
Wonderful shave Chris...I was surprised at the lower than usual SoS on the Satsuma, as Stirling is usually pretty strong.

Thanks, Josh. Stirling seems to have an SOS "range". The Satsuma was still very nice.

clyde72 said:
Bummer about the lack of scent strength Chris.
Great shave and picture though!

I'll admit I did have to google Satsuma.

Thanks, Craig. But it wasn't too bad.

CBLindsay said:
Stirling is such good stuff. One of the great things about Stirling (other than its performance) is the wide variety of scents available and how good they smell.

Roger that, CBL. As you and the entire cadre knows, I'm a Stirling fan. As a matter of fact, today, I just used my 45th Stirling soap.

kingfisher said:
Just catching up, Chris. Some great shaves and awesome pics. I, too, love the scales on the Torrey. Can't decide if I like that better or the blue marbled scales on your Aust. Both amazing in their own way.

Congrats, also, on the sobriety anniversary. Since I'm a Mormon, I've never had an adult beverage. One good thing about that, I guess, is that it's hard to become addicted to something that one never tries!

The other thing I've learned from your journal is that I'm really glad that I'm sending my straight razors out for others to hone, LOL.

(Oh, and I used the Sudsy Soapery sample you sent me again this morning. This soap is really growing on me. I mean, the lather was wonderful from the get-go, but the scent is definitely growing on me. Thanks again.)

Thanks, Randall. And roger all. And I'll get the natural stones honing of these days - LOL!

Xenostr8shaver said:
Very nice Stuff Chris, love the scales

Thanks, Dave. Or better yet, thanks to Eric.
Tuesday's Shave:

I decided on a change of pace this morning, and opted to use my black handled super speed (w/Astra blade). I also decided to use another Stirling sample. Today it was, "Weekend in Malibu".

Well, this sample marks the 45th Stirling shaving soap that I've used thus far. What can I say? I totally dig Stirling soaps. And yes, Stirling is my favorite retail shaving soap, as everyone knows.

So how was this "Weekend in Malibu"? Here's the scent description from the Stirling site: "...a wonderful mixture of citrus, vanilla, sandalwood, and lily of the valley, this scent is a great balance of freshness and musk." Well, I'm no good at describing scents, as everyone also knows, but I will state that I rather like it. As a matter of fact, to me, it's quite complex. First off, there's not the ubiquitous suntain lotion scent in this one - no coco butter, ala Copper Tone, etc. This has floral notes, fruit/citrus notes, and some other "stuff" blending it all together. The SOS on this sample was about 2/5, maybe 3/5, but it's just right for this scent profile. I dig it! Performance wise, typical Stirling awesomeness! The Vie-Long horse whipped up a stellar lather. BTW, I think everyone who likes brush variety should have a horse brush. They really turn out awesome lathers.

Did two passes with the super speed, with some clean up, for a fantastic BBS(-).

Finished up with Swiss Pitralon aftershave, then one of my favorite frags, the LIDG EdT. A great start to the day!

I'm hoping to get caught up with everyone by today's end. Hope all is well.

Nice read Chris. I really enjoyed the sample of Weekend in Malibu I had. But have yet to buy a full tub.
Great shave.

As I was shaving this morning I was thinking I need to give my Sorrentino tuxedo brush a break starting tomorrow, but I wasn't sure what to call up from the bullpen. You have convinced me to pull out my Vie-Long. I haven't used it is several months.
Great shave and set up Chris! I love LIDG, though I miss having a bottle in that shape. The one I have is the same shape Guerlain uses for their vetiver.
Great shave Chris...Stirling is one of the best, for sure, even more so when you take in to account value!
Great shave, read, and picture Chris!

Yeah the only thing I can knock Stirling for is if I get the water too hot in my scuttle it affects the lather.
kingfisher said:
Nice! I love Stirling soaps, too. One of my favorites, for sure.

Cvargo said:
Nice read Chris. I really enjoyed the sample of Weekend in Malibu I had. But have yet to buy a full tub.

dkeester said:
Great shave.

As I was shaving this morning I was thinking I need to give my Sorrentino tuxedo brush a break starting tomorrow, but I wasn't sure what to call up from the bullpen. You have convinced me to pull out my Vie-Long. I haven't used it is several months.

Smattayu said:
Great shave and set up Chris! I love LIDG, though I miss having a bottle in that shape. The one I have is the same shape Guerlain uses for their vetiver.

Dagwoodz said:
Great shave Chris...Stirling is one of the best, for sure, even more so when you take in to account value!

Xenostr8shaver said:
Very nice read and photo Chris

Thanks, Gents!
SR Shave #581:

Today, I chose to use the Brian Brown razor. I gave this a refresh last night on the La Veinette coti, WATER ONLY laps. The reason for the highlight is that I do believe that this stone is best used without slurry. It's been a real mystery rock for me in terms of how to use this. I've failed many times with it (using slurry progressions), but based on CBL's recommendation, I decided to just use water. Bingo!

Result: Grade A

This is one of my few natural stone honing successes. I love this razor, blade, and coti edge. Did 3 passes for an ultra smooth BBS(-). I have no complaints right now.

I also opted for another Stirling sample, this one......

The scent, to me, is straight forward Eucalyptus; I detect no mint of any kind. SOS is about 4/5. I'm not a huge fan of this scent, although I do like eucalypus; but I prefer it blended with some other stuff. This one is just not in my wheelhouse. HOWEVER, it is very refreshing! For those that don't like menthol, but still want a cooling experience, this might be just for you. I did like the lather, performance, and cooling experience with this soap.

Finished off with, what else? Proraso aftershave, of course.

Now it's off to the dentist for my semi-annual check and cleaning.....
Great job on the touch up, Chris! Love the ghost jade scales on that of my favorites of yours!