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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued

While the scent sounds like it would be good, I've written off the HeV soaps on performance. Through the Fire I haven't looked into yet. Sounds like it's worth a peruse through their website.
Sorry to hear about the edge on the razor, Chris. At least the soap was enjoyable, however! Maria Arman (I think) is the soap maker for TTFFC as well as The Blades Grimm and the Maggard soaps. She makes a good product.
that's a beautiful razor.

If you decide you no longer want to keep it around, I have a friend (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) that I'm sure would be able to dispose of it properly for you........
While the scent sounds like it would be good, I've written off the HeV soaps on performance. Through the Fire I haven't looked into yet. Sounds like it's worth a peruse through their website.

I hear ya; while I really enjoyed the pear scent, the lack of "elite" status in terms of performance makes it not "puck worthy" for me.

Shame on the razor as it's a sweet looking razor. Hope you get it figured out and usable.

Thanks, Dave. Maybe I'll get it back to shave worthy status.

Sorry to hear about the edge on the razor, Chris. At least the soap was enjoyable, however! Maria Arman (I think) is the soap maker for TTFFC as well as The Blades Grimm and the Maggard soaps. She makes a good product.

I didn't realize that she was the one did the Blades Grimm as well - interesting.
that's a beautiful razor.

If you decide you no longer want to keep it around, I have a friend (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) that I'm sure would be able to dispose of it properly for you........

Thanks, Randall. And if I can get the edge back to being shave worthy, I'd like to get in touch with your "friend".
TTFFC Soaps are interesting. There are some that are just adequate and there are other TTFFC soaps that run the gamut all the way up to near elite status. It is interesting that there are so many different formulations of their soaps.
TTFFC Soaps are interesting. There are some that are just adequate and there are other TTFFC soaps that run the gamut all the way up to near elite status. It is interesting that there are so many different formulations of their soaps.

Interesting indeed.
SR Shave #611:

Ah yes, an excellent straight razor rebound shave. I went with the Genco Easy Aces and I must say that this edge is dialed-in perfectly and firing on all cylinders. Did just two passes for a perfect DFS.

For soap, I went with another sample today: Storybook Soapworks "Shaken".

Scent: Here is the scent description from the site: ".... notes of gin, tobacco, carnation, gunpowder, paper money, sandalwood and musk...." This is an interesting scent, and rates high on the SoS scale at a solid 3/5, more like 4/5 actually. And it evolves/morphs from the time you open the lid of the container to the time you're done shaving. When I first opened the lid, and when I first started to lather, it reminded me somewhat of a toned down version of A&E Asian Plum. But once lathering was underway, the dominate note (to me) was carnation, no doubt about it, mixed with the sandalwood and musk. As I was almost done with the first pass, I started detecting some juniper and even a slight metallic note. I had forgotten what the scent description was until I began to post this entry, and it's obvious that it was the "gin" and "gunpowder". Ah yes, now I know why they named this one, "Shaken" - duh! Then, for the second pass, the smell of a martini was definitely there. Like I said, this is an interesting scent, and prior to 5 years ago, this would be "puck worthy" for me; but now, no way (although it is a good one).

Performance: Excellent. The Whipped Dog synthetic whipped up an outstanding lather - no complaints. This is now the 3rd Storybook Soapworks shaving soap that I've tried and this artisan makes some downright good stuff. I actually have their Hallward's Dream shaving soap AND aftershave en route as we speak.

Finished up with some Alpa Carnation + Fine Snake Bite and all is well.

I'll now be settling in with some coffee and World Cup action. Sweden vs. Switzerland starts in about 20 minutes. (BTW, a soccer ball is the only sport emoji that's missing - funny).

Thanks for trying that one out. I don't have that or Elysium from them. I'll go ahead and skip Shaken. Now I just need to find out how prominent the lavender is in Elysium. I don't care for lavender at all.
Interesting shave, to have the scent develop and shift so much throughout. Kinda cool!

Enjoy your World Cup game!
Nice shave. Another one to pass on that soap scent; I'm allergic to juniper, so it would be a no-go for me.
Great shave Chris! Thanks for the review. I like the couple Storybook Soaps I have. I guess I need to try some of the others.
Chris, I am ashamed to say, but I was WAY behind. That was a great picture with you and your daughter. You have had a lot of great samples lately. I was on Maggards the other day and didn't feel compelled to grab anything, but after reading these pages of enablement, I have changed my mind. I at least need to try some Storybooks.
Sounds like an interesting scent. Nice shave and pic!

Thanks for trying that one out. I don't have that or Elysium from them. I'll go ahead and skip Shaken. Now I just need to find out how prominent the lavender is in Elysium. I don't care for lavender at all.

Great review of "Shaken", Chris. Sounds like a scent I'll bypass.

Interesting shave, to have the scent develop and shift so much throughout. Kinda cool!

Enjoy your World Cup game!

Nice shave. Another one to pass on that soap scent; I'm allergic to juniper, so it would be a no-go for me.

Great shave Chris! Thanks for the review. I like the couple Storybook Soaps I have. I guess I need to try some of the others.

Thanks, Gents. It's really not a bad scent, just not for me.

Chris, I am ashamed to say, but I was WAY behind. That was a great picture with you and your daughter. You have had a lot of great samples lately. I was on Maggards the other day and didn't feel compelled to grab anything, but after reading these pages of enablement, I have changed my mind. I at least need to try some Storybooks.

No worries, Don. And thanks for photo comment; my wife really lucked out getting that spontaneous shot!
SR Shave #612:

First off......

I can't believe that I'm not at work and I'm going to actually be able to enjoy the holiday this year!

We're about to head to the pool, then up to my sister and brother-in-law's for their small town parade and fireworks. I'll be working on getting caught up with everyone later today and tomorrow. Meanwhile, this morning's shave.....

So, what to use for this American holiday? A set-up that utilizes mostly American stuff, right? OK, how 'bout this:

Razor: Genco. Good ole American steel.
Brush: Custom handle from a our good friend Eric.
Soap: Wild West Shaving Company "Sundance Kid" - the name says it all!
Post: Vintage Avon "Island Man" aftershave (I'll be honest, I'm not sure if this an American company or not, but I think so)

This set-up proved to be a winner!

The Genco (that CBL honed) is still going gangbusters, and 3 passes later, I was rewarded with an excellent BBS! Yepper, full on BBS.

The new brush from Eric whipped up an outstanding WWSC Sundance Kid lather, no complaints whatsoever. Here's a mini-review of Sundance Kid:

Scent: This is the scent description from the label: "Lavender, Lime, Coconut, Peppermint". This is actually a wonderful scent upon opening the lid of the container and rates about a 3/5 on the SOS scale. However, once lathered, the SOS diminished. How does that happen? Strange. Overall, I give this a 2/5 on the SOS scale, and that's being generous. I'm bummed that it's not a stronger scent, because I dig it. To me, it's lavender and peppermint all the way; I can't discern the lime or coconut as individual notes. It's a calming scent and quite pleasant, but needs to be stronger for me.

Performance: This is now the 11th WWSC soap that I've used, and even though I have one more WWSC still to go, I feel that I can now render an overall opinion of this soap brand. While some of the ones I've tried have been "elite" status, most have been high Tier 1 for me. So overall, I rate this brand, using Chad's scale, as Tier 1/Box 2. So far, the ONE that I dig the most, is the new Private Reserve No. 2, no doubt about it! But I have one more to go, "The Virginian", and I may use that one tomorrow.

Finished up some vintage Avon "Island Man" aftershave, the greatest lime aftershave that I've ever used! Awesome!

Now, it's off to enjoy holiday fun. Hope everyone has an enjoyable, and SAFE holiday!