The Shaving Cadre

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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued

Holy smokes that’s a haul!

I’m glad the T&S West Indies works for you. It was like scent punch to the face for me (more intense than Sudsy Soapery Citrus and Bay), but the lather was very nice!
Roger all, Chris. I'll see how the West Indies works for me sometime this week.

Looking forward to your reviews. I have Hallward’s Dream waiting as soon as I can get to it as well.
Ah so - I'll be interested to see how we each think of the Hallward's Dream.

I physically laughed out loud when I read your descriptions of the first two T&S soaps. Flippin Great!

Looking forward to seeing how each one performs once lathered, though!

So much blue in that pic...I LOVE IT!
Thanks, Don. Much appreciated.

Getting caught up. Holy mail call batman!
I don't really think it was much of a mail call - just samples.

Just got caught up.

Envious of that Kropp razor. Gorgeous.

Enjoy your new soap samples.
Thanks, Randall. And if you ever see a decent looking Kropp available - grab it!
Tuesday's shave:

Today, I felt like using a DE, so I grabbed the trusted Merkur 34. I put a new "black ninja" blade in, and two passes later (plus some touch-ups), was rewarded with a fantastic BBS. Yepper, BBS. So my next statement will be somewhat controversial, but here goes: In terms of results, I get better consistent results with a DE and Injector than a traditional straight razor. There, I said it. Now moving on to the first soap sample from yesterday's mail call....

Today I chose to use the Story Book Soap Works "Visions and Revisions".

OK, bottom line up front: the scent alone makes this totally "puck worthy"! OMG, I most definitely dig it! Wholly smokes did they absolutely nail what a cup of tea smells like, and I mean that in the best possible way. Wonderful scent! Does is smell like Earl Grey? To me, it's more like an English Breakfast tea with lemon. Perhaps it's a "brighter" bergamot, but never-the-less, it's dynamite. On the SOS scale, I'd call it about a 2/5, maybe even 3/5. And it's quite present throughout the entire shave, and even lingers post shave. Very nice!

Performance-wise, this pleasantly surprised me. The consistency of the soap itself (at least this sample) was much softer than I had expected - it's almost like a heavy cream. In terms of lather "type", it's more the "meringue" style vice the "yogurty" style, according to the "Nate Special" w/Game Changer synthetic brush. But it's deceivingly slick, protective, and even more surprising, has very nice post shave moisturizing. My initial impression is "favorable". I don't want to give a complete review until I've used this more, but I liked it a lot. BTW, has anyone heard of this soap? I haven't. I just happened to see it on the samples section of Maggard's site and decided to try it - glad I did.

For post shave, I went with AoS Lemon aftershave balm - it paired perfectly with the soap. And then I went with Guerlain Homme L'Eau Boisee EdT. This is a repeat combo! A great start to the day.

I have to admit, Tallow and Steel makes (and made) some odd smelling stuff. I was able to sniff test the new scents while visiting the Groomatorium, I didn't like any I smelled. I understand the performance of the new soap base is pretty solid so at least you'll have that going for you.
Thanks for the story regarding the Williams blade Chris. I don't think that I would expect much from a honing session with that much of a smile if I were honing that razor. That is one thing that I have not mastered, the rolling X stroke. I only have one razor with a bit of a smile, and it is a full hollow W&B. I was able to hone it reasonably well, but it was not stellar. To me the key to getting it right is to rock and roll the same amount for each stroke. Now I can get a knife very sharp by free hand honing it, but I have yet to master the smiling razor to my satisfaction. And that Williams razor has a lot of smile. Actually, I had ordered one of these, and the amount of smile on it made me re-think my decision and cancel the order. That and I had more razors than I was proficient with at the time.
I have no doubt that you get consistently better shaves with a DE than a straight razor Chris. That is the challenge, right? Also remember that many of our cadre sport some sort of facial hair, and you are always trying to shave the hard parts as well, like the man that you are. Everybody's beard type is different, and what works well for me may only work marginally for you. I think the secret for you is getting the straight razor sharp and keen enough for your beard. I have no doubt that you will get there. Do you also get better results with the DE than you do with the Feather AC razors?
Have you tried B&M Cheshire? I like and use both soaps, but in terms of pure tea scent, Cheshire I think outshines Visions and Revisions.
I am completely clean shaven and have sensitive skin to boot. I too get better, more consistent results from a DE than a straight. I also tend to get more consistent results with SEs than DEs. I love using DEs, however. I also really enjoy learning straights. So, I will deal with poorer results until my technique improves. Eventually I hope to get stellar results regardless of shaving implement.
Great shave and great initial impressions of the Storybook Soapworks V&R soap...I've been looking at that and just wasn't sure about performance or scent...sounds like I may need to make another purchase!!
So the big question Story Book Soap Works "Visions and Revisions" vs Strop Shoppe Russian Tea............???? I'll be waiting. ?
So the big question Story Book Soap Works "Visions and Revisions" vs Strop Shoppe Russian Tea............???? I'll be waiting.
Come on now. There is Russian Tea, and then there is everything else. Mmmmm I can smell it now.
I have to admit, Tallow and Steel makes (and made) some odd smelling stuff. I was able to sniff test the new scents while visiting the Groomatorium, I didn't like any I smelled. I understand the performance of the new soap base is pretty solid so at least you'll have that going for you.
The performance from the Himalaya that I once had was solid, yes; but the scent did not appeal to me at all. I've heard that these other scents I just got, once lathered, morph into something nice - we'll see.

Thanks for the story regarding the Williams blade Chris. I don't think that I would expect much from a honing session with that much of a smile if I were honing that razor. That is one thing that I have not mastered, the rolling X stroke....

I have no doubt that you get consistently better shaves with a DE than a straight razor Chris. That is the challenge, right?....Everybody's beard type is different, and what works well for me may only work marginally for you. I think the secret for you is getting the straight razor sharp and keen enough for your beard. I have no doubt that you will get there. Do you also get better results with the DE than you do with the Feather AC razors?
Thanks, Walt. As to a rolling X stroke, I'm actually pretty good at that. And as to honing, I can nail an all synth edge, and it produces the sharpest edge for me, but I'm hard headed and continue to see what I can accomplish on natural stones. But I do readily admit that sharp is what I need.....As to which is better for me, a DE or the Feather AC? I never really used the Feather enough to become proficient, so it's not really fair of me to say; but my ole mug did like a heavier DE or the Injector over the Feather.

Have you tried B&M Cheshire? I like and use both soaps, but in terms of pure tea scent, Cheshire I think outshines Visions and Revisions.
I have used B&M Cheshire, and the scent is very enjoyable, no doubt. B&M used to be one of my favorite soaps, and I've used 26 of them. But I no longer have any nor intend to get anymore for two reasons. The new glissant base, to my nose, altered the scents to something funky. Secondly, and the main reason, is that I do not care for their marketing/labeling of one of their soap lines, and really don't care to support that level of decision making. But that's a personal choice, and I certainly don't hold any ill well towards anyone else that likes B&M soaps. Many of their scents are totally awesome.

I am completely clean shaven and have sensitive skin to boot. I too get better, more consistent results from a DE than a straight. I also tend to get more consistent results with SEs than DEs. I love using DEs, however. I also really enjoy learning straights. So, I will deal with poorer results until my technique improves. Eventually I hope to get stellar results regardless of shaving implement.
Roger that, Doug. And I like using straights for the enjoyment of it all. It's a challenge, and the "cool factor" rocks!

Great shave and great initial impressions of the Storybook Soapworks V&R soap...I've been looking at that and just wasn't sure about performance or scent...sounds like I may need to make another purchase!!
Initial impression is quite favorable, like I mentioned. Maybe order some samples first.

So the big question Story Book Soap Works "Visions and Revisions" vs Strop Shoppe Russian Tea............???? I'll be waiting.
Completely different scent profiles, so not really fair to make a judgement on which is "best". I like both.

Come on now. There is Russian Tea, and then there is everything else. Mmmmm I can smell it now.
The mail just arrived, and included with all the other junk, was a new-to-me soap; the Ariana & Evans "Asian Plum". Oh, does this one smell delightful from the tub. Yummy, yum, yum. I hope it's like this once lathered! Both my wife and daughter even gave their initial seal of approval on the scent. Needless to say, I'm going to be using this one for tomorrow's shave!!
The mail just arrived, and included with all the other junk, was a new-to-me soap; the Ariana & Evans "Asian Plum". Oh, does this one smell delightful from the tub. Yummy, yum, yum. I hope it's like this once lathered! Both my wife and daughter even gave their initial seal of approval on the scent. Needless to say, I'm going to be using this one for tomorrow's shave!!

I have to confess Chris, I have had a tub of Visions and Revisions for a couple of months now, and have yet to try it. You may have inspired me to try it tomorrow. I bought the V&R as well as Coffee Spoons, mostly because I am fan of the T.S. Elliot Poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock."

And indeed there will be time

For the yellow smoke that slides along the street,

Rubbing its back upon the window-panes;

There will be time, there will be time

To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;

There will be time to murder and create,

And time for all the works and days of hands

That lift and drop a question on your plate;

Time for you and time for me,

And time yet for a hundred indecisions,

And for a hundred visions and revisions,

Before the taking of a toast and tea.

And again...

For I have known them all already, known them all:

Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,

I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;

I know the voices dying with a dying fall

Beneath the music from a farther room.

So how should I presume?

Maybe I shouldn't buy soaps and after shaves because it shares a name or verse with 20th Century American Poetry.

Since I have an unused tub of Visons & Revisions and Coffee Spoons...if someone wants a sample...let me know and I will get one out to you. Just send me a PM.
Nice shave and review, Chris. I saw Story Book Soap Works on Maggards site as well, and was pretty close to going sample crazy that day, but managed to hold off.
Enjoy the new arrivals Chris.



I have to confess Chris, I have had a tub of Visions and Revisions for a couple of months now, and have yet to try it. You may have inspired me to try it tomorrow. I bought the V&R as well as Coffee Spoons, mostly because I am fan of the T.S. Elliot Poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock...."
Roger that, Don. Give that soap a go - I'm curious as to what you think of it.
Wednesday's shave:

I decided to go with another DE today, so I opted for the British Aristocrat #16. I also chose to use one of the new soaps I recently obtained - the A&E Asian Plum.

The scent of this soap is unlike any that I have ever tried before, and I mean that in a good way. It's quite interesting and enjoyable; as a matter of fact, I dig it! I don't think that I could 3017 this, because it's a scent that I wouldn't want to experience everyday. It's not what I would call a masculine scent, but that shouldn't dissuade one from using it. It's a complex scent to me, in that it's fruit forward and floral, but it also has a powery, spicey, incense vibe going on as well. Not an incense profile that would be used in Divine Liturgy or any church service, but something secular. As a matter of fact, my daughter said, "it smells like when you first walk in the dojo". And it wouldn't surprise me one bit if CBL would give it the "Fruit Loops" label. But I like it so much that I went ahead and ordered the aftershave to go with it.

Performance-wise, the Rudy Vey Manchurian whipped up an excellent lather, and I had high hopes for an "elite" experience. But I was somewhat let down with the fact that I didn't experience much residual slickness at all, thus making blade buffing an unwise choice. It's slick enough, but I need to experiment more to see if I can coax better from it. It was also lacking in protection somewhat, in that only 2 passes with the British Aristocrat #16, made the aftershave splash quite noticeable (witch hazel + Fine Snake Bite). I'm going to reserve judgement on the overall performance until I've used it more, but from a scent perspective, it's most excellent!

Most excellent that the scent is right up your alley, Chris! I'd have to agree with you that it's not one that I could use everyday, but would thoroughly enjoy using when I did. Sorry to hear that the performance didn't match up to your expectations...hopefully you'll be able to find the sweet spot on subsequent uses!