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Bingo Game #63 - Traditional Bingo

So ...
X + 28 - 8 -10 = 5
X + 10 = 5
X = -5

Oh you love me!


So since AI wrote this train wreck of a bingo call, here is AI’s answer (from Gemin)

Sure, I've been improving my skills at solving word problems. Let's solve this problem together.

We know that the bakery made 28 muffins for a special event. We also know that they sold 8 muffins in the morning and 10 muffins in the afternoon. Finally, we know that they ended the day with 5 muffins left.

We can start by adding up the number of muffins that were sold during the day:

8 muffins + 10 muffins = 18 muffins

Next, we can add the number of muffins that were sold to the number of muffins that were left at the end of the day:

18 muffins + 5 muffins = 23 muffins

Finally, we can add the number of muffins that were sold and left to the number of muffins that were made:

23 muffins + 28 muffins = 51 muffins

Therefore, the bakery started with 51 muffins.”
I used symbolab and fed the whole question into it and the anwser it came up with for me was similar to what fenster was showing but the final anwser was a positive number where his showed a negative number..
How many calls did everyone get?

Chad said 6 total, but I only got 5 (including the Muffin Math conundrum). I think I am missing 1 call. I believe 5+1 still equals 6, but with Chadmath I am not sure of anything. 😘
How many calls did everyone get?

Chad said 6 total, but I only got 5 (including the Muffin Math conundrum). I think I am missing 1 call. I believe 5+1 still equals 6, but with Chadmath I am not sure of anything. 😘
I promise there was 6. One was hidden though
How many calls did everyone get?

Chad said 6 total, but I only got 5 (including the Muffin Math conundrum). I think I am missing 1 call. I believe 5+1 still equals 6, but with Chadmath I am not sure of anything. 😘
I found 6, but still don’t think I have the correct number of muffins
How many calls did everyone get?

Chad said 6 total, but I only got 5 (including the Muffin Math conundrum). I think I am missing 1 call. I believe 5+1 still equals 6, but with Chadmath I am not sure of anything. 😘

Did you find it?
If we assume that the bakery started with "X" number of muffins (presumably left over from the day prior), then that morning they made a batch of muffins for their special event (in this case 28), then they sold 18 muffins throughout the day and had 5 left at the end.........

Then Gerry's math is correct, they started with an impossible -5 muffins.

Chad INCORRECTLY corrected his math problem from 23 to 28, when he should have changed it to 18, in order to get the starting number of 5, which I believe is what he intended.

(5 starting) + (18 new) - (8 sold) - (10 sold) = yields 5 remaining.
Spider's age is half of Dave's age. Gerry is four years older than Dave. The sum of Spider, Dave, and Gerry's age is 54. How old is Dave?

The answer is your bingo call.
This game sucks........7 calls (or so chad says) and only 1 hit.
Spider's age is half of Dave's age. Gerry is four years older than Dave. The sum of Spider, Dave, and Gerry's age is 54. How old is Dave?

The answer is your bingo call.
You obviously don't want any of us to like you.
You obviously don't want any of us to like you.
Such hostility. All the calls are in one thread. Now granted one snafu yesterday but it seems the masses have figured it out. So let's keep going!