The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #63 - Traditional Bingo

Chad falls down...lights fire to the building...causes the plague:

"Look could have been worse."

Cadre shrugs and says, "True".
Spider's age is half of Dave's age. Gerry is four years older than Dave. The sum of Spider, Dave, and Gerry's age is 54. How old is Dave?

The answer is your bingo call.
Well, at least this math is mathing correctly. 😉
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and now you're just making up stuff.
Nah, at least on that part, he is correct. His poor and ridiculous math problems have you distracted. You need to start thinking like a TSC bingo player and look for the hidden calls.
Korehanani no imi mo arimasen. isaka koee matalab nahin hai. Această propoziție nu are valoare. Undecim numerus quam quaeris est. Inget av värde här. Nada de valor aqui.
So is Chad ever going to explain his screwed up word problem for yesterday or we just all wait for the recap?
If we assume that the bakery started with "X" number of muffins (presumably left over from the day prior), then that morning they made a batch of muffins for their special event (in this case 28), then they sold 18 muffins throughout the day and had 5 left at the end.........

Then Gerry's math is correct, they started with an impossible -5 muffins.

Chad INCORRECTLY corrected his math problem from 23 to 28, when he should have changed it to 18, in order to get the starting number of 5, which I believe is what he intended.

(5 starting) + (18 new) - (8 sold) - (10 sold) = yields 5 remaining.
When I used the online math tool that I mentioned earlier , that was the final number that it came up with .. It said 5 also.... So if one of the tools kids use for school to get their homework answers says it then it must be right !! Right..
His age is the number of times I want to punch you in your throat.
But you're not a million years old and isn't that what Chad deserves for making us do all this stinking math !! I mean I already have 3 kids in school that need help Every stinking day with their math homework , isn't that enough !! Geez!! :mad:🙄 :p:)
it is indeed amazng that a recap is needed already, but actually a recap for just one call.... Good Job Chad, you have now entered the hallowed halls of Bingo Demonism, 2nd only of Jon Tabor. Glad you aim for the bottom
Spider's age is half of Dave's age. Gerry is four years older than Dave. The sum of Spider, Dave, and Gerry's age is 54. How old is Dave?

The answer is your bingo call.
Since I know the real answer to this and that you math is wrong there is more that one answer for this as Spider is not half my age so pFFFT that answer is G59 HA and whatever that crazy calculator you have in your head