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Bingo Game #63 - Traditional Bingo

it is indeed amazng that a recap is needed already, but actually a recap for just one call.... Good Job Chad, you have now entered the hallowed halls of Bingo Demonism, 2nd only of Jon Tabor. Glad you aim for the bottom
Yep !!

And who can forget !!

Since I know the real answer to this and that you math is wrong there is more that one answer for this as Spider is not half my age so pFFFT that answer is 59 HA and whatever that crazy calculator you have in your head
Maybe he meant the "other" Dave , since we know he's sooooooo old !!
But you're not a million years old and isn't that what Chad deserves for making us do all this stinking math !! I mean I already have 3 kids in school that need help Every stinking day with their math homework , isn't that enough !! Geez!! :mad:🙄 :p:)
But Iam not a million years old and now I am going to punch you in the throat a million times for getting my age wrong!
Well my lovely bingo players that brings today's calls to a close. It's Megan's birthday today and I don't plan on posting any more calls. 6 total calls today. Happy hunting!
Well my lovely bingo players that brings today's calls to a close. It's Megan's birthday today and I don't plan on posting any more calls. 6 total calls today. Happy hunting!
Please wish her a very happy birthday from Us to her please... We also wish her many , many more in the future.....
Gospel according to me: You can either have a game with a pattern to win, which means that if you miss one single call you might have no chance of winning. OR You can make tricky calls for the challenge. If you have a game with both, the threshold for feeling the game has passed you by is much lower.
Na ja, so viel Mathe tut mir im Kopf weh!! Das war bisher ein interessantes und unterhaltsames Spiel, aber ich denke, ich werde es morgen versuchen und sehen, ob ich den Rest finde, weil ich heute zu frustriert bin, um weiterzuschauen!!
If you listen closely, you can hear the crowd chanting......

So much complaining for arguably the easiest game. All the calls are right in this thread. Haven't done any magic eye even.