The Shaving Cadre

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BINGO GAME #56 A Christmas Snowflake Miracle

I'm definitely in the "It is a Christmas Movie" Camp.
Let you voice be heard in the Poll! for the final World Wide Decision!
Good Morning my Christmas Snowflakes!
let's see what will trigger you today, and so close to Christmas!

To get you in the mood for a very "Magic" day.......
Enjoy this:

....and away we go! Today's Calls are dedicated to my partner, our Squatch and our Bourbon laden Laddie. That's right.... Say it with me.... @CVargo

We know he LOVES "Magic Eyes" and to give him his Christmas Wish...... Here we Go. But 1st, after today, he may be singing this without his beloved Bingo:

Let's start him off easy shall we?
With these Very Magic Eyes

Based on his Emoji my 1st snowflake is triggered YAY, and Merry Christmas Everyone!. This one is a bit of a twist, and can you recognize who these Magic Eyes belong too?
You may have to "zoom in"
