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Bingo Game #47-- YOU'RE A WIZARD HARRY !!!!

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Ok, is it better that I binge watch all the Harry Potter movies real quick - or speed read all the books? Asking for a friend that has never participated in anything Harry Potter…..I told him IMDB and Google are his friends.

Also @Scuttlesoap. If "your friend" gets stuck you can ask for help for " him "....either myself or one of the other players or probably just about anyone on the planet should be able to give you the answers...;) :)
I did actually own the second book in the series for a very brief time……one of my co-workers was frustrated after staying in line hours about not getting the book. I just happened to be at Toys-R-Us to get a birthday present for one of my nephews and saw it in the discount bin - I went to the management and asked them about it (I knew it was a hot commodity and asked if they wanted to give it to the next person on the sign up sheet to buy (imagine a time when there was a waiting list for books instead of movies 😂))…..they still sold it to me at the discount price and I gave it to my co-worker for his kid. That is the extent to my experience - that and I mistook Voldemort for an orc when I was looking for a funny gif. ‘

But I still shall prevail in this game and then rub it in to all the nerds on this thread!

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0/3 Really?
So @Spider says I have to give you wizard AND Harry potter I had intended for the words to be Exact meaning words in all capital letters had to be All capital and words with added letters didnt count as another word but he says thats not the way it has Always been played so ..... I will let those 2 slide......

I guess I should NOT HAVE expected much more From OUR...........


SLYTHERIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay now there are 6 calls out....
3 on purpose and 2 due to trickery and 1 due to me just now realizing I posted it just a second ago !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... Boy this is gonna be a tricky game to call !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am gonna say ALL CALLS ARE OUT FOR THE DAY Anything Else posted during the rest of today is NOT a call Unless I say it is........
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