The Shaving Cadre

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BarberDave's Shaveapalooza


Well after another long hibernation, needed to get the hobo off of me and figured I would try and open blade shave after DE/SE all week. Another late afternoonshave, a bit shakey and only 2-passes to day for DFS . You dont really realize how the "vid" saps your strength, and takes the fun out of things LOL. You think you are up to snuff, but not really LOL

Have a good day folks
08.27.2024 - Late afternoon Hobovidville shave.

Well I tried.... you have the vid, a 101 fever, cough and the like, be a hobo, not one will fault you... Your Sick for Christ's sake. For two whole days I went Hobovidville, but I could not stand it anymore I felt like a bum! Gross unshaven or showered, it is just not right man! Ok that might be the Nyquil talking, and I must be too much of a "Dandy" but I had to rectify this.

So a late afternoon shower and shave. Not to complicated or over the top, considering I might pass out half way through the shave. SO.... no straight razor. Something quick, easy and smells great so...

a Tech, T&H, A synth, and some aftershave. 3-passes and DSBBS, for what? not much just for sitting around the house...... again.... for another week. At least I have @Cvargo 's bingo game to liven the day

What Bingo hell am I living in..... ROFL

Have a nice evening folks
I'm entirely convinced the T&H 1805 is the greatest scent on the planet. It was also the first shave soap I ever used that wasn't Williams.
Well, Feeling a bit better today, and it being our Wedding anniversary, maybe I should climb our of Hobovidville for today. Although we are not going anywhere I thought I would get cleaned up, put on my best Shorts, and T-shirt to roam around the house, LOL.

I wanted a "pick me up" shave today so of course, how can anyone be unhappy when you have Coca-Cola.... Or at least a Shave soap and aftershave that pays homage. Not to mention the Awesome Sorrentino Cola Brush @Smattayu . Still a bit weak and shaky for a Straight Razor, so how about a nice aggressive DE. The Darwin got the call. Three nice passes for DSBBS some alum, Thayer's Lemon, and Even some talc today, as well as, the "Cold One" aftershave....used as an EDT as well today.

So feel great, well... at leas my face does, and all set for another exciting day of @Cvargo Bingo, and watching mindless TV, followed by some delivery food for our Anniversary Dinner. Could be worse, and thankfully we are both seeing the end to the vid.

Have a Nice..... Whatever this day is.... They start running together LOL
...anyway have a nice day
I still think that there needs to be a companion brush to the Cola brush........perhaps a beer version. And by companion, I mean that its a separated at birth twins thing......same but just in different deserts.
I still think that there needs to be a companion brush to the Cola brush........perhaps a beer version. And by companion, I mean that its a separated at birth twins thing......same but just in different deserts.
@heysi you mean like this?

They’re Fraternal 😂

Nice, easy retro style shave today, getting strength back, but sticking to a DE today, and a very mild one at that with the ASD2. Williams always performs, and what is a Williams Shave without Aqua Velva.

Have a nice day folks

Finally tested negative today for the Vid, So, a good way to start the month I guess. Still extremely tired and weak, but throwing caution to the wind, after a long sleep last night, time for a late afternoon shave. So instead of jumping right back into straight razors, a baby step, of sorts with the Tedalus. Also something easy to lather, organic, and a nice light scent with the Cella Bio and the Sorrentino. Too it slow and easy to get the muscle memory working again, and as homage to @GearNoir at 30+ minute shave ( Just kidding Chris)

A nice finish with some talc and the Aftershave splash, and yet another day of laps around the house, some reading ( listening to Auduble actually ) and maybe a bowl of something in the pipe, as I have not done so in quite awhile. I spend some time reading through the entire smoking lounge again. It was fun to read about all of us getting "back into it" @Fenster 's beginning pipe journey, as well as @GearNoir pipe smoking and our forgotten Pipe Master @Graybeard57 . Had forgotten alot of that. Was a nice and funny rememberance.. So glad to have the archival function here.

Anyway a nice Shave, and so glad to be over this bug.

Have a blessed Sunday and Labor Day weekend folks
Well, finally negative on the mend and back to the shop after two weeks. Did make me realize, however, that the legs are very weak and it’s gonna take some time to get my strength back.

Something quick and easy Proraso always makes it easy. Three passes out a little bit of SV 70th EDP and off to the races

Hope everybody has a great day
Purple was the theme for today’s shave and Seaforth Roman spice. Good to get back into a regular routine again although yesterday at the shop at the end of the day, my legs were like noodles building the strength back up.
Today was just perfect three passes DSBB and just a wonderful fragrance all the way around

Have a good day, everybody