The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

BarberDave's Shaveapalooza


Boellis Panama Shave soap / Aftershave / EdT
Thayers Lemon


The Deets of the 1500 Subscriber Giveaway is a "Hombres Barbershop product Experience" Check it our over there. Todays shave was simple yet an Italian focused shave, and lemony goodness. The meat slicer was the choice of razor provided a wonderful yet "Cautious" shave. in the end DSBBS as hoped for wtih finishing of Italian goodness.

HomeFront: A couple of errands today, finishing reparing a small tear on the driver's seat of "Clarice", and our return to the Drinks N Daves Show tonight. in other news, we received great news on the Kona front. Turns out his tummy issues are all resolved and if it is indeed IBS, we will monitor as we lower, and hopefully ween him off the prednisone. He is back to his insane self causing ruckus, buidling ACME destroying items and harrassing the cat, so all is well at the Ranch

( Video posting soon)

Have a Nice Tuesday Folks
Well, it’s my Monday, busy day at the shop so why not start the morning with a wonderful wonderful soap. Logbook Nods to Creed Aventus, but is definitely its own sent. Wonderfully thick and slick leather provided a nice base for the Osprey to fly around.

Three passes, DSBBS followed by all the fun stuff, including a couple of spritzes of logbook fragrance

Hope everybody has a great Wednesday
Blackland Tradere
Cella Synth
Cella Bio Shave Soap
Cella Bio aftershave
Mary Kay for Men Tribute EdP

CELLA haters listen up. For those of you that dislike the smell of the original which has been talked to about Cherry, Cherry Coke, Dr Pepper almond you need to try bio

In the same vein as Proraso this is a very simple but wonderfully nice soap and in contrast to the regular as a wonderful citrus lime, lemon Bergamont organic and very refreshing

Three passes today with the black land and a very nice DSBBS shave

A few spritzes of the MK tribute and off to the shop

Hope everybody enjoys their Tuesday
Yea, take that Bruce @Graybeard57 ! looks like we may have a rumble brewing.

On this side.......the scentless, odorless, clean smelling wonder of the universe.......Bruce, the man who is always down wind.

And in this corner......The wafting, wonder of Santa Barbara, the man so lushishly aromatic....he has his own weather forecast.......Chris, the man that announces his entrance to any building before he gets out of the car.

Let the battle begin......and my the stinkiest......or least stinkiest win!!!
You rang?

Cripe, you too?

OK, I was going to ignore this, but The People are demanding answers. Original Cella smells like you chugged and vomited a quart of cheap wine. That’s how I feel about it. YMMV (though I question your taste if it does). 😇
Who is talking about original Cella. Cella bio is wonderfull

…and @GearNoir shhhhhh I think @Graybeard57 is damaged shhhhh
16 Aug 2024
6000th straight razor shave

Well, I finally made it pretty uneventful but 6000 straight razor shaves to me. It’s just just another thousand under the belt. Sadly, I was in a big hurry today, so I’ll have to do a video this weekend to celebrate.

Proraso got the call today, along with the Paladin Neptune, Cleo. However, for the special occasion, I didn’t want to pull out a very nice probably my favorite fragrance or at least in the top two

Nothing else needs to be said it’s that good

Of course, the normal alum, WH, and talc

Not bad as I head into the shop for my Thursday

Hope everybody has a nice Friday

Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday morning today is my Friday, and very much looking forward to the weekend including a zoom call on Sunday.
Today was an all SV shave with Dolomiti, as well as the SV tortoise brush. The Osprey did quick work for three passes then of course Alum, CBL Litsea Cubebe witch hazel.

Followed by the Royall Muske Cologne and of course some talc

Have a great day everyone!

Lemongrass,cucumber,spearmint etc,etc. does not get much better than that. Oh wait… it does… add Floris 1964 EdP with all those glorious fragrance notes. That makes for a darn near perfect shave

(Video posted)

Have a great day folks!
08.24.2024 - To shave or not to shave

DeRuiter Carbon F1 / Amack
Cremo Original Shave Stick
Speick aftershave
Cremo Cedar & Cyprus EdT

Quick easy shave today...

The Deets:

Well having gotten the Covid, and not shaving since Tuesday, one day of Hoboville was expected. However the thought process was, since I had to close the shop till next week I would hobo it the whole time, and just rest.. My bride is now sick as well so we wave at each other from across the house. This has Kona in a conundrum as to where to spend his time. He has been fairlly good between us both, but has yet to fix us food or brings us water.

woke up today, had a cup of @CVargo Chads Coffee (Peruvian) and checked on the Avocado, took some meds, and went back to bed. Awoke felt the face and at that point decided Covid Hoboville sucks. So a shower, and a decision to make.

What is a quick no brainer shave that works and this was it. 3-passes and DSBBS. Would love to say I was ready for the day, but alas it really tired me out, and back to the couch for some TV and maybe a book or two...... After spending most of yesterday and speaking with clients not to mention having to cancel over 100 appointments for the week, not only the health ramifications, but the financial as well bring COVID to the forefront. I should consider myself lucky, as this is the 1st time getting it, and seems to be mild so far, but still sucks

But, I did get in a good shave... Now for more boredom, LOL

Have a Good Day Folks
Sorry to hear you got this. Good that it is mild so far - hopefully that’s a good sign. Rest up, binge a show or two, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Hope you and AQ both feel better soon.
08.24.2024 -Sick Shave #3

Blackland Osprey
SV Tortoise / HMMW
SV 70th Soap, AS, EDP


It is amazing how much you appreciate the little things, when you are under self quarantine. the Photo of a Cigar, chickens on a grill, and waving at your spouse from across the expanse of the house. Here we are day 4 and feeling much better, but also feeling really run down. I did venture to the mailbox yesterday , about 800 ft round trip, and it was as if I ran a marathon, and got hit with a Mack Truck, then smahed with a sledge hammer LOL. Symtoms have been mild for the most part, but the incredible boredom seem worse.

Only so many movies, series to binge, and books to read. Too hot to be out on the patio, nothing looks good to eat, so the endless laps from the kitchen to the dining room, through the living room, wave at the Den ( the other sickie is in there ) and back to the bedroom for another nap. I am definitely a Type A.... oh and not to mention playing TSC Bingo with an Evil Math Nerd as a Caller. Which makes Covid seem like Child's Play Thanks @CVargo.

The only solace, a nice leisurely with a set that makes you feel alive SV 70th. Well it was afternoon, So a nice hot shower, a no hurry shave, and 70th EdP, for no other reason that It makes on feel human for at least a little while, LOL and of course DSBBS

Times like this make you appreciate the Mundane as well LOL

Have a Great Saturday