The Shaving Cadre

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BarberDave's Shaveapalooza

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What a difference a day makes. Yesterday’s train wreck of a shave was very quickly replaced by today shave.

Mitchell’s Wolf fat as usual is just a perfect soap coupled with a Sorrentino brush, the Tedalus, and of course, a wonderful finish with GOAT of Barbershop fragrances
Rice gauche pour homme!

A nice cup of hot coffee before leaving the house today is gonna be a much better day even though we may reach 110°

Have a good day folks
The fat for the win! Hi Dave!
I started wet Shaving in 2003 ( yes, I remember the year) a. Cheap Vulfix brush,and Merkur 34 c and a puck of colonel conk .. I’ve tried a lot of products, but Mitchellswoolfatsoap is my all time favorite..cushion,glide,the scent, and it does wonders for my dry old face ..

08 03 2020 - SOTD and Definitive Guide to Mitchell's Wool Fat . Just Kidding. My way that works LOL​

After watching this video by Dave, it’s even better.. You should watch it
A very nice Asian inspired shave today. With the Stark Kamisori, as well as cherry bamboo from the holy black.

On application duty was the Sorrentino Barzini. A bowl lathering today provided a very nice slickness, and a three pass shave was DSBBS

Last day of the week here in the shop and it’s pretty much all shaves today which is a lot of fun.

Hope everybody’s enjoying the first day of their weekend and have a nice day
Missed a couple of days , but here’s the most recent
In my honest opinion, this set up is the best, the absolute best and a summertime shave… Change my mind

Anyway, using the best of all time, SE razor, the Blackland vector in stainless steel. Paired with a very nice Feather pro guard blade. The Paladin PK 47 in jade did a wonderful job in spreading the wondrous lather.

The shave itself was three passes of pure bliss. Swimming in the wonderful fragrance that is Panna Crema Nuavia Verde. Finished up with the aftershave of the same name some talc and then the only EDT that I have found that matches the soap perfectly, Acqua di Gio

Can’t think of a better way to start Barber errand day then with this shave just perfection

Hope everybody’s having a wonderful Monday!
Yesterday's Conundrum.........was a success!!!!

If the soap made you think of a baseball field.......than that counts 100%. I loved the razor. It looked like a baseball bat. And you can't go wrong with that history. I loved the vintage Aqua Velva bottle and the "rosin bag"...very well done. So were in no way stumped. (I never had any doubt).

So far you're 2 for 2.
A truly wonderful mashup shave today. Still cannot recall where I got the French soap that I used, however, it paired very well with the Proraso and the Gents Gin.

The Thiers-Issard, per usual did a fantastic job of whisker removal.

Homefront: Under a heat warning today with temps in the Valley of 108-115. Up here north of the Valley we should be around 102-103. I really love how the media goes nuts for a crisis

It’s just June LOL. Not much on the agenda for my Sunday, other than adding some market lights to the coach, getting a haircut, and show prep for tonight’s Drinks and Dave’s show!

Have a great day
(video posted)
Homefront: Under a heat warning today with temps in the Valley of 108-115. Up here north of the Valley we should be around 102-103. I really love how the media goes nuts for a crisis
Spotted lurking in the area..

Define "market lights", please.
That was supposed to say Marker Lights... I have fingers that decide on their own, Similar to my Drunk Siri

Like This..... Have to get it ready for SnowMan, before the "Yeungling Chocolate Porter Run" Have to go out to Bougieland to pick up Fred as well

Chicken Lights.jpg

Well, back to the shop today, for my Monday. Looks to be a fairly busy day with a mixture of haircuts, fades and shaves, and actually a perm and hair coloring in there. Some guys are just so vain.

A quick shave with Paso and everything today except for the feather ASD2. Passo Green is the perfect summertime shade.

Finished it off with Ferrari radiant Bergamot, and off to the races

On the homefront finish putting all my marker lights on so we’re ready to hit the road for a camping trip over the Fourth of July weekend we hope. Today we continue our exploration of the surface of the sun as we have temps. That will be 110 to 115 in the valley.

Hope everybody has a wonderful wonderful day and a good remainder of the week
What a great shave. The one that started it all puck and container #001. When I first opened up my barbershop, I wanted to ensure that it was an old-time traditional barbershop that would’ve been at home in the 1800s as it is today.

When talking to my partner Chris Lindsay of CBL soaps we wanted to come up with the perfect tombstone era, shave soap, and aftershave that would give the user the feeling of being back in the old West. With sent notes of:

fresh citrus, cool cucumber and sharp and floral jalapeño, leather, suede and spent gunpowder . notes of tumbleweed ( Russian thisle ) and sun baked terra-cotta clay

CBL did a masterful combination to really capture the old Westfield of a traditional barbershop with Hombres Barbershop. This was the original so it has a real big place in my heart and of course it was followed by the ever popular spaghetti western.

Today’s shave was done with a Gillette DE razor that I picked up somewhere. Don’t even remember where I picked it up somewhere.

Threw a brand new persona blade and went to town. Since this is my barbershop signature sent of course I’m bias, but it provided a wonderful three pass shave. The applicator was the gray dog Tucson cholla cactus brush.

Three passes wonderfully DSBB, some talc, and of course, the Hombres aftershave to finish everything off

Have a great day everybody
Purple purple purple was the theme of the day. Roman spice is definitely the swan song of spearhead shaving
Three passes with the vector today, and a perfect DSBBS shave

We’re getting a reprieve today and we’re only supposed to be. I think 105 to 106. I may head over to where gear is at because at least in the 90s I can wear a jacket.😅

Anyway, I hope everybody has a wonderful wonderful day and thanks for being a part of The Cadre
So here we are........June 14th....Flag Day.....


....but this sunday is also Father's Day.

So lets combine those two for this weeks challenge............The father of our country, George Washington..


George was a dapper fellow. Always neat and tidy....never had a beard. And always kept up appearances. (just like our Dave)

So....will Dave wear a powdered wig? Will Dave cross the Delaware to find a matchy-matchy aftershave? Will Dave use a hogshead of tallow to make his soap? What about the cherry tree? Will Dave chop one down to hand carve the scales of his razor? Or will he just use his trusty rapier to perform the whole shave?

Let's see what our Commander-in-chief has in store for this most patriotic challenge.
“I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man”

“ I therefore, sir, accept your challenge!”
Ahhh, it is finally my Friday. Looking forward to my upcoming weekend and staying in a dark shady cool place as we are looking at temperatures in the 108 to 110 region.

Another perfect hot weather shave today with the PCN Nero. Very light, and not quite the status of Verde, but very nice just the same.

Extremely easy to lather and just a wonderful, wonderful slick shave. On whisker duty was the BL Blackbird Titanium. Finished off with the Nero aftershave, some talc, and Goodfellows cedar and Geranium EdC

Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
06.16.2024 - HOBOVILLE / Car Maintenance / Laziness Day

06.17.2024 - Crosby Conundrum Ep 3 GEORGE WASHINGTON


Well, this was supposed to be Yesterday's shave but Life got in the way. So welcome to EP 3 of the "Crosby Conundrum" See the Video for complete immersion. @heysi

Razor Easy Aces from Bradford, PA, about 3 hours from Valley Forge, PA the Estate of George Washington
Brush: Cherry Wood..... Well ok it is olive, but since we are pretending it is CHERRY and I am sticking to it
Soap: Flak Bait.... Cannon ball hitting a cannon ( Flak ), Black Cherry ( Chopped down Cherry Tree.... Which actually did not happen ) Rum (Grog) drank in 1700's, Smoke ( was tobacco of which he was a farmer )
Aftershave: Tabac.... (Since George was a tobacco farmer, and probably smells like Betsy Ross's Bloomers
Edt: Elixir: OK this is a stretch, but GW was a Mason,.... Masons work with Concrete, and this frag is gothic and does smell like the National Cathedral in Washinton

Was a great shave and the vid does show was GW used for his shaving gear

Have a nice day folks.