The Shaving Cadre

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BarberDave's Shaveapalooza

02 August 2021

The Stuff:


The Shave:
Nice easy shave with the Elliot. This was the very 1st straight I had. Picked it up in Tombstone at an antique shop years back and it is also how I met @uacowboy . Back on the "other site" we started an Arizona group and found out Kyle was in Tucson, and thus began my Straight Razor journey, as he completely restore, scaled and honed. At the time I told him I would never hone a razor
" to much hassle, Not enough time"
"Plus I wont use it that much and really...who need more than one Straight Razor"........ Well we saw how that worked out, but the benefit is I met a good long time friend. Everything here today is an Aritsan-Retailer, or hobbyist here, including the Xenomorph also 3d printed by Kyle. The Hipster is a very nice scent,and of course performance is legendary from Stirling. Of course another nice brush from @Smattayu . Nice 3 -pass shave and finish.

Other Ramblings:
Afternoon, and evening #1 with the new pooch went really well. All the new smells and size of our little "Ranchito" let him stretch his wings,, and boy does he fly. Also he is a birder, and keeps those JAde green eyes, pealed to the sky. He tried to grad a dove mid flight, reminiscent of our loved Border Collie from years ago. He also found some Texas round tail squirrels to run after, and now does a Perimeter check in the fenced portion of the yard. He gave the ducks and chickens a lesson in herding, although on the other side of the fenced area, thank God for them. Now to the interior and the realm of the Feline Overlords captained by Ruger... Dun Dun Daaaa.

Through the patio screen the touched noses and of course sniffed their collective Encyclopedia Buttanica on each other to find out the compete story. Ruger is Alpha and had to genuinely become and make his tailed 1000 times bigger for show, and really ended up looking like a Siamese Marshmallow. Very uneventful, but a hiss and a chuff from Maui let him know the pecking order, however no claws, swats, or chasies from either party. In fact after the newness the cats just seemed to say "Great... another lower life form, like the humans.... let's go sleep"

Today, a new day and again no battles until it was the dogs misunderstanding, when popped, stunted and hissed at by the cat, that it was playtime, So butt up in the air, tail wagging, play barking, it was on! That lasted all of about 2-seconds when Ruger explained to him who was the boss. Again no hiss, no claws, no swats, but Ruger Chased Hunter and Hunter returned the favor, but had no idea what to do. After that they both retreated to nap time within a few feet. Nice to have a cat who was raised by dogs and a dog who has had cats in it's life. So all is good

Discovered another couple of hilarious thing about our new family member. When letting him out to do his business, he does the obligatory perimeter check, He is a Shepski afterall, he found a place to have his morning constitutional and when completed, and the very proper leg launches of sand to bury, he ran about 6 ft did a jump a 360 and got the zoomies for a bit... WOW never seen someone so happy to take a dump, LOL... I may try that:unsure::ROFLMAO:

The second was that he is OBSESSED with Coffee, I had two cups of a nice KONA blend today and it was like Catnip for him. There is a very personal connection to Kona for Sharon and I, so a re-naming may be in the cards, as we were married in Kona, Wanted to move there some day, and with the coffee connection, our love of the Big Island, his obsession with Coffee, not to mention his coloring this may be in the cards. We shall see. All indications are he is fitting in perfectly, and we are so happy to be back in "Dogs life again" We will probably be getting him a brother or sister dog as well.

So I present Hunter ( current name ) or KONA (possible name change)


Thanks for stopping by and have a good day
Last edited:
03 August 2021

The Stuff:


The Shave:
Very easy "no-brainer" shave today, using a soap and artisan I really should dig out more often @LNHC . the Black velvet is a beautiful soap and scent. 3 passes and good to go.

Other Ramblings:
Well it is official, the Monsoon has taken a break, and the excessive heat returns. Except this time it is with humidity, ugh! On other fronts have another appt with the neuro doc today to discuss why the strength and stability is not really improving much, and so I can get back to the shop, being off since May 25th is driving me crazy. In other news it is official our new pups name is now KONA, and he really seems to like it, and being as goofy as ever. Loving having a dog again.

Thanks for stopping by
Sorry to hear about the strength and stability not returning as quick as desired, hoping for some good news from the Dr. Love the name Kona!!
04 August 2021

The Stuff:


The Shave:
Continuing our appreciation week, with the wonder that is Mystic Water Jasmine. Such a wondrous scent profile. With all the other cast today a very nice 3 pass DSBBS shave, and with AZ being under an excessive heat warning again the Royall Yacht was perfect and refreshing.

Other Rambling:
In other news around the Ranch, KONA continues to amaze, we have him doing basic obedience by hand signals, as well as verbal now with Sut, Stay, and Shake, with "speak" and "down" coming along. Again "Kona" seems to be perfect as I caught him this morning up on the counter sniffing near the coffee press and then stealing a sip from my coffee mug on table in the den. He has a very discerning nose, and prefers a nice dark roast over the medium blend @AvocadoQueen had in her cup, LOL This pooch would make a great drug dog, as the coffee trick drug smugglers use would be lost on him, other than Kona giving them the Country, Roast and age of the coffee, LOL

On the personal front, I had what I though would be my last post-surgical visit with the Surgeon, however with some gait, strength, and stability issues, he has ordered an EMG/Nerve Condivity test to see if there is some Neuropathy issues, which he suspects, and some screening for Diabetes, Parkinson's, MS, and ALS ( due to some other outlying items that have been noticed since surgery). So time will tell as that test is not until September. Good news is I am going back to the shop next week to see how it goes. Can't lie, a bit concerned as those items above are pretty scary overall. We will just pray for the best

Thanks for stopping by
05 August 2021
Thursday's Shave

The Stuff:


The Shave:
Another one of my favorite scents. cucumber, lemongrass, spearmint, how could this be wrong. A tier 1 performance as well. The TSC Sorrentino delivered the goods, and the Tradere, scraped it all off. 3-passed and DSBBS via the wizamet. A splash of the Green fresh skin food and a couple of Vasilli's of the 1962 which is a perfectly matched EdP to the Ethos, and shares many of the fragrance notes.

Other Ramblings:
Things are nominal at the ranch, Kona is doing his job, and makes sure he does his perimeter checks a few times a day, plus the added benefit of chasing a few birds, ground squirrels, and rabbits. The ducks and chickens have finally made him bored, so he ignores them, and the Feline Overloads and him have reached an agreement to work together, to bribe and plan our demise. As long as he does not get the zoomies too bad, Ruger and Maui are ok. They just have not quite gotten used to a Kona Missile barrelling at them at full tilt yet. Although Ruger stood his ground during one of the afterburner sessions, and Kona did not have his airbraking, and flaps procedures down just yet,,, and "STRIKE" all pins down, with Ruger, Maui, along with some other items laid to waste. Ruger was NOT happy with that, and I think it will go in his report to his planet later this evening, when he continues his observations of us humans and the new alien species. It's a good day

Thanks for stopping by
Do the animals have much problems with the snake populations out there? That was one of my worries, bringing a CA trained dog to a different state (like when we were entertaining the idea of moving to MS).
Do the animals have much problems with the snake populations out there? That was one of my worries, bringing a CA trained dog to a different state (like when we were entertaining the idea of moving to MS).
They can if they are not "Snake aware" but we work on that stuff almost day one, especially out in the sticks where we are
Friday's Shave

The Stuff:


The Shave:
lemon, Lemon, Lavender, Lavender, Menthol, Menthol. Good Stuff all around. Fatboy did the job well, The Nacet blade is finally waning a bit, but on 7 still gave a nice shave. Not much to say about @Victory~Dale and his soaps other than fantastic and he will be missed, especially this scent!

Other Ramblings:
With the heat and humidity + our monsoon taking a break, the fam is going to spend the day at 10,000 ft, up in the mountains for The Boss's birthday, a picnic, letting the dog romp around will be a good relaxing time, plus a little shop on the top has the best fudge, LOL . If we get lucky and Sharon's Birthday wishes come true we may get to have a Thunderstorm on the top of the mountain, which is always a blast to experience, having the 4x4 allows us to go to some spots, most can't, which also happen to be some of the most beautiful spots on the mountain.

Have a Good Friday Cadre, and thanks for stopping by