The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

BarberDave's Shaveapalooza


The Stuff:


The Shave:
It's been awhile since the Bayolea has seen the light of day, and I had forgotten how lavender forward this is. Coined as a "modern take on a barbershop scent", it is exactly that. Lavender forward, but with all the hints of a true Barbershop Scents such as Rive Gauche, Mike's, Pinaud, and a host of other hints. As mentioned before Pen's had made this unobtaniun, like so many other good items, and shave soaps which have gone by way of the dodo. New generations, new ideas in marketing.... Oh Well.

Being typical of a British hard soap it does require some patience and exactly the right amount of water to prevent a foamy disappearing mess. Although if you nail the codex, it does provide a great surface for any razor you choose. This become especially important when using the "Swedes" , as they are not forgiving and this 31 seems to be in a competition with it's sister the 32 to get the right opportunity to give racing stripes. She was nice to me today. 3-passes for DSBBS. The follow up aftershave and Vasilli's of the Edt finished off a nice lazy Sunday morning shave and a nice cup of coffee.

Other Ramblings:

Looking forward to our Sunday Zoom call this afternoon, and enjoying the continued rain we will be having all day. Not a blow out monsoon, but a nice steady rain. As mentioned earlier, it is like we have switched our Lattitudes, and with the cool temps, our attitudes as well... Hint Hint, there is a song and artist reference in that statement ( @MarkB ) LOL extra points for those that the reference. Such a lazy day, I did not even make it to church, but with the fog, the rain, the cool temps and views of the Mountains, being on the "Zen Patio" proves that "Church is where your feet are

Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed Sunday

The Stuff:


The Shave:

Well, few razors give me any intimidation for shaving except for the CVH MK32, my Stark Kamisori, any DE bladed Shavette, and my Stark Viking. This razor however is a different animal. Every time I shave with, unlike some other "GEM" Style razors, all I can think of is a deli in New York with a Hobart Meat Slicer droning microscopically thin Corned beef or Pastrami, or a 250 yr old Mushasi Sushi knife making Salmon Nigiri. Indeed, this razor intimidates me more that any razor I have shaved with. Primarily because, IMHO you need to be exacting in technique, touch, speed, feel and angle of attack or.....

"Bloody Pastrami on Rye for Table 6"

or in the case of the Sushi Bar......


Ya, it scares the h377 out of me.

I did not check to see if the Manna Di Sicilia has any lidocaine properties, but here we go...... Traditionally I do not get my Grail DSBBS out of these types of razors, but a solid BBS can be the norm but usually a DFS, as I do not want Mr. Murphy visiting, and thankfully he do not today. Nice methodical 3-passes today for BBS. No Alum Sting and all post-shave items were spot on. Nothing like a "trembly shave" to start the week.

Other Ramblings:

Well, we went from 74 degrees as a high to a predicted 94 today, however now we have humidity which is still sitting in the 80's Blech! I feel for anyone whom lives in this regularly.... What is the point of a Shower? LOL. Also started PT today to see if I can get my strength and stability back, and it went ok, but this matched with what has been diagnosed as a sever case on Plantar Faciaitis has me busy at the doctors offices, for a bit. Ah the brain thinks you're a Youngster and the body says.... Ya its the mileage LOL

Thanks for stoppping by and have a great day - Video today as well.


The Stuff


The Shave:

Intimidation Shave # 2. The Stark was a Bespoke razor made by Arizona's own Jerry Stark. to my knowledge all of his razors are unobtanium, other than the secondary market. the last conversation I had with him, was that he was closing down the forge, and going back into the restaurant business in Winslow, by opening up his own joint. Him and his wife stiff own a HUGE knife and cutlery store there as well, at least at last check, but who know. Point is that it is sad he is no longer making razors, as they were all unique and well made.

This razor was after a discussion to have one similar to my Wacker Chevalier, but in Damascus, and with a "Viking Theme" Like my Ferrari Concept razor Jerry went all out in his research and the finished product was more than I ever imagined. With Bison horn scales, chain link damascus and runes carved into the spine it was and is perfect........ albeit one small mistake, and that was mine when designing it.
The Wacker Chevalier ( as shown )


does share the profile, although a but shorter, and the flaw in my thinking.........more of a rounded tip, as opposed to the ear lobe seeking point on the Stark. Oh well what is an ear lobe among friends, as I was soon to find out in the beginning, LOL Since then each time I use this I am "hyper-aware", and so far...... not to many bloodletting exercises with "The Viking" and today was a good day, but like the meat slicer from yesterday this Razor gives me pause.

Today was 3-passes, uneventful with SV Dolomiti heading up the hit parade. Smooth and fragrant Finished up with Dolomiti Aftershave and a few Vasilli's of the TSAR which added a bit of a green note. All in all a nice DSBBS shave.

Other Ramblings:

Today's was an afternoon shave as, much to the protest of the boss, I had to get a handle on the weeds, that had been hiding in silence underneath the ground, until conditions were right to "come out, grow and party" Which they did with a 1-3 inch growth per day, so much so that our landscape lighting for the front yard and driveway was consumed by them, and I swear I could hear the chants of monkeys calling out. So with Hula Hoe, rake and shovel in hand I set out with much more optimism than was actually realized.

I had planned at least a plan to get 1/2 the front of the property done, however when by back, legs, and stamina gave out, due to the heat, humidity, and stupidity, I ended up getting the weeds cleared, raked and composted from one of our larger mesquite trees. So, an area of about 30ft x 30ft. not enough to put a dent in what needs to be done but it is a start, although Sharon would prefer that area of 5x5. Anyway it was a good workout, and we will see how I feel tomorrow.

Have a good day folks, and thanks for stopping by
Wednesday 28 July 2021

The Stuff:


The Shave:

One of my favorite software set-ups, aside from whatever razor I am using. Perfect for a hot humid day, and a nice boozy Gin & Tonic scent. 3-passes with the Weber and DSBBS. The Juniper and cooling from the CC North Soap, was enhanced by a few splashes of the Pinaud and finished up with a more refined topper with the Juniper Sling. As a high citrus all around the fragrance is fleeting, but hints of the Pen's will show up from time to time today.

Other Ramblings:

No Yard work today, as with the recovery, and more importantly these old bones, not moving around so well today. A BIG thanks to all of you that have responded to both the "Fact Finding" mission for our 1st TSC CON, as well as the Artisan Retailer / Hobbyist appreciation week that will kick off 8/1. Below are the links for both in case you are interested

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day
Thursday's Shave

The Stuff:


The Shave:

A nice early morning shave today. Has not used the Paladin Soap in awhile, and it was nice to dig it out of the locker. To bad this is unavailable anymore as all the soaps were very nice, and Tier 1. Silk Road is a combo of Lavender, Vetiver and Anise and pairs very well with THB's Lavender Creeper, although it negates any of the vetiver and anise. It is a lavender bomb for sure. No-brainer 3 passes with the feather for BBS. As mild as this razor is, DSBBS is not quite attainable, but smooth none the less. A healthy couple of splashes of the Creeper and I was in Lavender heaven.

Other Ramblings:
After a down day for our Monsoon, it looks as if we will be back in the soup again today, and with the heating of the sun and the ample amount of moisture, it could be a bumpy night. Microbursts, or "rain bombs are always a concern when this happens, but to sit on the patio and watch and hear the storms come in it is so worth it , not to mention we NEED the rain, plus one of the "Fun Things" to do is Cjase Lightning..... Yes you read that right Growing up in the High Desert, you learn to make your own entertainment, such as watching the Bug Zapper create crunch treats for your ducks and chickens with the HUGE flying critters that stalk around the dark skies. OR, Chase lightning to its end to find Fulgarite, or "lightning glass" rare but a fun offroad, 4x4 time, and in the dark and in the desert Woohoo!

Below is and example of both a Microburst in Tucson, and the Fulgarite. Between .11 and .13 you will see the "rain bomb" winds when they hit the surface straight line winds can exceed 200 mph, leaving a disaster

Wet Microburst

Fulgarite ( Lightning Glass )

Fulgarite.jpg Fulgarite 2.jpg

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
30 July 2020
Friday's Shave

The Stuff:


The Shave:

Had not used most of this stuff in quite some time. The razor was a mod from the winner, from a contest years ago at "the other place" that I purchased from the member who did the mods. Had the Brush made to match from another artisan. The aftershave and Edt I dusted off, as well as the TSC Clown Puke. Another Auction item for some contest that @NurseDave was running. Hence, the reason for the Smorgasboard of different items to match the tons of different flavors in the clown puke. Hard to believe but you would think none of these would work well together, but they blend perfectly. Looks like @NurseDave may have "Mad Scientist" skills as a Clown Puke maker if the whole RN thing goes bust, LOL.

Anyway 3-passes and DSBBS and all the other mish-mashes worked well.

Other Ramblings:
Had another good monsoon last evening. Some new Whisky, and some Cigars and life is pretty good. Rehab is going slow but getting better day by day with PT.

Thanks for stopping by
31 July 2021
Saturday's Shave

The Stuff:


The Shave:
Pretty straightforward today with an old favorite, and so good for the skin. The Blackbird, although extremely aggressive for a DE works well with the Wizamet/PolSilver blades. 3-passes today for DSBBS a splash of the Speick, and matching EdT, and Saturday is off to a good start

Other Ramblings:

We had a another tremendous monsoon rain last night bringing our total monsoon rainfall ( since June 15th, Start of Monsoon ) to over 8.3 inches here at the Ranch. Very happy about that, however looking at the green on the mountains, I cannot help but have joy and worry. The joy is that our wildflower season ( a few photos below from a photo safari a few yrs ago ) will be, probably, the best in a decade next spring, but also, as a former fire fighter, fuel for when it gets dry again ( some photos from last year got within a mile of the ranch ) So a mixed blessing I guess. At least we have pseudo rivers for a few days, LOL

wf1.JPG wf3.jpg wf2.jpg

Fire 2.jpg Fire 1.jpg

Thanks for Stopping By, and have a great Saturday.
TSC Artisan/Retailer & Hobbyist week
Shave #1

The Stuff:


The Shave:
Early morning shave and all the way with Hammam spa. The SS clone was a blast to use, as I dont take it out much and all the other stuff was perfection in a shave. 3/p and DSBBS. An application of a few drops of oil, followed by the aftershave with a little zip of cooling menthol and good to go

Other Ramlings:
Going to meet some friends for Breakfast Burritos @sunnysanity and @uacowboy to spend some time and to meet, what hopefully will be a new addition to the family in the form of a Shepsky. If all works out we will bring him home today to meet Ruger and Maui, our Feline Ovelords. If it all works out, he will become part of the fam and we will be posting photos in a few days. We are hopeful! It has been quite a number of years since we had a pooch or pooches grace out home.

Monsoon is apparently taking a break for the beginning of August so back to hot temps, and hopefully lower humidity.

Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed Sunday