The Stuff:
The Shave:
Intimidation Shave # 2. The Stark was a Bespoke razor made by Arizona's own Jerry Stark. to my knowledge all of his razors are unobtanium, other than the secondary market. the last conversation I had with him, was that he was closing down the forge, and going back into the restaurant business in Winslow, by opening up his own joint. Him and his wife stiff own a HUGE knife and cutlery store there as well, at least at last check, but who know. Point is that it is sad he is no longer making razors, as they were all unique and well made.
This razor was after a discussion to have one similar to my Wacker Chevalier, but in Damascus, and with a "Viking Theme" Like my Ferrari Concept razor Jerry went all out in his research and the finished product was more than I ever imagined. With Bison horn scales, chain link damascus and runes carved into the spine it was and is perfect........ albeit one small mistake, and that was mine when designing it.
The Wacker Chevalier ( as shown )
does share the profile, although a but shorter, and the flaw in my thinking.........more of a rounded tip, as opposed to the ear lobe seeking point on the Stark. Oh well what is an ear lobe among friends, as I was soon to find out in the beginning, LOL Since then each time I use this I am "hyper-aware", and so far...... not to many bloodletting exercises with "The Viking" and today was a good day, but like the meat slicer from yesterday this Razor gives me pause.
Today was 3-passes, uneventful with SV Dolomiti heading up the hit parade. Smooth and fragrant Finished up with Dolomiti Aftershave and a few Vasilli's of the TSAR which added a bit of a green note. All in all a nice DSBBS shave.
Other Ramblings:
Today's was an afternoon shave as, much to the protest of the boss, I had to get a handle on the weeds, that had been hiding in silence underneath the ground, until conditions were right to "come out, grow and party" Which they did with a 1-3 inch growth per day, so much so that our landscape lighting for the front yard and driveway was consumed by them, and I swear I could hear the chants of monkeys calling out. So with Hula Hoe, rake and shovel in hand I set out with much more optimism than was actually realized.
I had planned at least a plan to get 1/2 the front of the property done, however when by back, legs, and stamina gave out, due to the heat, humidity, and stupidity, I ended up getting the weeds cleared, raked and composted from one of our larger mesquite trees. So, an area of about 30ft x 30ft. not enough to put a dent in what needs to be done but it is a start, although Sharon would prefer that area of 5x5. Anyway it was a good workout, and we will see how I feel tomorrow.
Have a good day folks, and thanks for stopping by