The Shaving Cadre

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BarberDave's Shaveapalooza

Date: Wednesday-Sunday 12.02.2020 through 12.06.2020 Straight Razor Shaves #1823 - #1827
Razor: Wosty 8/8 FBU Wedge / Ern ATOR 7/8 , Boker 5/8 BN , JP Alcamisi 6/8 , Thiers Issard 6/8 la legende
Brush: Various
Shave Soap: A bunch of them
Aftershave: A Variety of Goodness
Alum: Proraso
Talc: A few different choices
Fragrance: All Good Smelling Juices

Got way behind this week. Needless to say it was a weeks of SR shaves and they were all very nice with a compliment of different Accoutrements. Back to 3-pass shaves, just works better for me. Also it extends the shave experience each and every day. Thanks for reading and looking.











Have a Nice Sunday
Date: Monday 12.07.2020 Straight Razor Shaves #1827 SE Shave Today
Razor: 1924 Ever Ready Shovelhead / Gem PTFE
Brush: @Graydog Tucson Cholla / Maggards SHD Badger
Shave Soap: CBL Hombres Barbershop
Aftershave: CBL Hombres Barbershop
Alum: Proraso
Talc: Mennen
Fragrance: CFG Ghost Town Barber EdP

A break from the straights today, to a far more imposing razor IMHO, that requires much more concentration, as the blade exposure is at least as much as a straight, but shaving Angle of Attack is much more crucial to not filet the face. Today used my shop's namesake soap crafted so artfully by @CBLindsay of . A definite trip through Tombstone, AZ of the 1880's after a Monsoon storm in July. The top notes of Blood Orange, Desert Lime, Cucumber, Jalapeno, and Cilantro give that wet green feeling and smell of the rainbush and Monsoon cooled air. As you continue your walk into town the mid-level notes of Gunsmoke, Leather, Barber Chair, Suede, Russian Thistle ( Tumbleweed ), prickly pear, and jasmine. Give that feeling of walking the boardwalk near "Big Nose Kates, or right past the OK Corral. Finally as the day gets warmer Sun baked Terra Cotta Clay , Cedar,, Patchouli and Amber give way to remind you its summer in the Southwest. Truly a journey and something I am very proud to put my name on and the wonderful artistry of Chris.

3-passes today and a nice BBS shave. I think the blade is going off a bit, plus angles are angles, LOL. finished off with the AS, and as a booster the Ghost Town Barber, which is a bit sweeter, but shares many of the notes, and was the inspiration of Hombres Barbershop Soap and AS. A good day when matched with a Cholla Cactus brush to go along with it.



Have a nice Evening
Date: Tuesday12.08.2020 Straight Razor Shaves #1828
Razor: CV Heljestrand MK*33
Brush: Shavemac Colonia no 1 / 2-band Silvertip
Shave Soap: Speick
Aftershave: Speick
Alum: Proraso
Talc: Penhaligon's English Fern
Fragrance: Speick EdT

Nice shave today with a Rare bird that I don't use, but maybe once a year or so. This razor was destined for the "shadow box" when before I began honing regularly a very well known honemeister, by virtue of Microscopic photos indicated that there was major damage at the bevel with windows and holes, and major "dalmationing", and he felt it would be a lost cause and did not want to destroy it further, or take a chance on placing a bad edge. I completely understood, and after some consultation with @Polarbeard, aka Arne, he sent me a photo of the Heljestrand factory, and this was to be the backdrop of the shadowbox and the MK*33 would forever grace the walls of the shave den.

Being who I am, and believing and having faith in 2nd chances, and the "no win scenario" ( yes I am a Star Trek Geek ), I decided to give it a shot on the Shaptons, and later the Coti / Ark progression. Took a day or two to set the bevel, hoping the edge would not blow out and to my surprise it took a great bevel....At least to the naked eye, under a scope it was indeed a bit sketchy, but after some finishing and stropping, I thought it was a usable edge, and to date it has been almost as good as my 31's and 32. How long before the edge goes, who knows, but as long as she gives me some BBS or DSBBS shaves, and is still smooth I will continue to use the MK*33 till one day, I am sure, the edge will start to give way and sushi my face, then she will live the remaining years in the world of frame art, LOL

3- passes today DSBBS all the way, the razor did well and will shave another day. I am sure the healing properties of the Speick did not hurt and with the Aftershave splash, and the Vasilli's of the EDT, it was a nice feeling fresh shave to string Part 1 of the Outside Christmas Lights.

Thanks for reading


Hello Dave,
It's been a while, I've truly missed you. The 33 is an unobtainium. I tried to find one for many years before finally giving up the hunt. I did come across a couple of good ones but they were priced in a way that only made them available for people to whom money never will be an issue. Even though I have direct access to the domestic market for Swedish razors most Swedish razors were made in 4/8 or 5/8 and the larger ones were mostly exported so any Swedish made razor larger than 6/8 is a rarity.

The No.12 was a bit simplified version of the 33 aimed at the domestic market. Very few of them were made, but it was a truly happy day for me when I managed to get a NOS one from the heir of what's left of Heljestrand since the bankruptcy in 1979. You inspired me to make it my shaver of the week. I've found out that using the same razor for a week at the time enhances my shaving experience.

Hello Dave,
It's been a while, I've truly missed you. The 33 is an unobtainium. I tried to find one for many years before finally giving up the hunt. I did come across a couple of good ones but they were priced in a way that only made them available for people to whom money never will be an issue. Even though I have direct access to the domestic market for Swedish razors most Swedish razors were made in 4/8 or 5/8 and the larger ones were mostly exported so any Swedish made razor larger than 6/8 is a rarity.

The No.12 was a bit simplified version of the 33 aimed at the domestic market. Very few of them were made, but it was a truly happy day for me when I managed to get a NOS one from the heir of what's left of Heljestrand since the bankruptcy in 1979. You inspired me to make it my shaver of the week. I've found out that using the same razor for a week at the time enhances my shaving experience.

View attachment 42946
So glad to hear from you my freind, I hope things are well and we hope to see you around these parts more often. I wish you the happiest of Holiday and look forward to catching up on our life events with you very soon,
2021 Shaves: SE: / DE: / SR:1 / Total Shave Count for the year: 1

Date: Friday 01.01.2021 Straight Razor Shave #1837
Razor: CV Heljestrand MK*32
Brush: Morris & Forndran Apolina /2-band Sabini Super Badger
Shave Soap: Speick
Aftershave: Speick
Alum: Proraso
Talc: Borotalco
Fragrance: Speick EdT

Trying to keep a better journal and better shave record keeping for the year. Wanted to start the year off fresh, so how better than Speick and CV Heljestrand. A good 3-pass shave DSBBS (g)


Video posted
021 Shaves: SE: / DE: 1 / SR:1 / Total Shave Count for the year: 2

Date: Saturday 01.02.2021 Straight Razor Shave #1837 DE Shave today
Razor: Blackland Blackbird Ti. / Bolazano SuperInox
Brush: Blackland Blackbird / Black Synth
Shave Soap: Victory Shaving Company "Ombres"
Aftershave: Avon Wild Country
Alum: Proraso
Talc: Borotalco
Fragrance: Duke Cannon Randolph Proper Cologne

Today we spotlighted VCS ( @Victory~Dale ) and the TSC collaboration benefitting the Fischer House. This wonderful mix of Black Cedar, Lime, Fig leaf & Jumiper, made for a great night-time shave. Spent most of the day taking down decorations, so shaving in the Nye was the plan. Blozano blade are fast becoming a favorite as they are really smooth right out of the gate. 3 passes and out for a nice DSBBS shave. The Avon Wild Country was a perfect match as was the few vasilli's of Randolph to finish.



Video posted as well
Have a Great Evening Cadre
Read about them Balzano’s a while back Dave. They do sound skippy. Victory soap I know for a fact is skippy. And I am growing to like the Duke Cannon products. They are skippy.
Great shave you composed there.
Read about them Balzano’s a while back Dave. They do sound skippy. Victory soap I know for a fact is skippy. And I am growing to like the Duke Cannon products. They are skippy.
Great shave you composed there.
Thanks Ken!
2021 Shaves: SE: / DE: 1 / SR:2 / Total Shave Count for the year: 3

Date: Saturday 01.03.2021 Straight Razor Shave #1838
Razor: Ed Wustof Tridente 6/8 Full Hollow
Brush: Paladin PK-47 in Jade / Select Badger
Shave Soap: Mystic Water Coconut Lime Verbena
Aftershave: Royall Lyme Bermuda
Alum: Proraso
Talc: Borotalco
Fragrance: Proraso Azur Lime Cologne

Continuing the TSC Vendor Spot light videos with a shave with a favorite always Mystic Water. Michelle just makes a good product with interesting profiles and a fantastic later. 3 passes today with the Tridente, and DSBBS, a few splashes of the Royall Lyme, along with a Vasilli or Two, or 7 of the Azur Lime and a Sunday of getting started on a new fence, a new Auto-closing gate on the property as well as a new patio all begin the prep-stages today..... maybe, LOL

All in all a great shave!


Video Posted

Thanks for reading and have a good day
2021 Shaves: SE: / DE: 2 / SR:2 / Total Shave Count for the year: 4

Date: Monday 01.04.2021 Straight Razor Shave #1838 ( DE Shave today )
Razor: Blackland Tradere / Bolzano SuperInox
Brush:Sorrentino Barzini / Tuxedo Synth
Shave Soap: LNHC Cedar & Saffron
Aftershave: Reuzel
Alum: Proraso
Talc: Borotalco
Fragrance: Cremo Blue Cedar & Cypress EDT

OC Tradere today and added the Bolzano. After sampling all the blade recently I have to admit these are fast becoming the smoothest DE I have ever tried. Since I am shaving a bit more with DE's lately it is nice to have some variety. Currently I would rate as follows for overall performance, not counting longevity, as I , with normally using straights and SE's can make a DE blade go along way

1. Bolzano
2. Nacet
3. Wizamet / Polsilver
4. Voskohod
5. Astra
6. Personna

A nice smooth shave and the Cedar and Saffron is just a beautifully mastered soap and lather. a good 3-pass shave. Would have been DSBBS, but I keep catching a small area where I nailed it a few days ago, so a bit of strawberry lather, but nothing Alum did not fix. Post shave with the Reuzel, and some Vasilli's of the Cremo and another good shave in the books



Video Posted - Vendor Spotlight LNHC